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 Sep 2014 masey
Please came home
I miss you so mach
But your so happy were you are
So stay but call every day
 Sep 2014 masey
We where best friend why did we grow so far apart
from each other we used to be best friends
but now we are far apart to far
apart can we come closer?
Tell Me Can We Come Closer
 Sep 2014 masey
Masey is my friend
Masey is sporte
Masey is fantastic
Masey is colourful
Masey is MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Sep 2014 masey
 Sep 2014 masey
I *** no my coat
And boots on my feet
I *** on my hat
And stroll down the street
The rain falls from the clouds
I love rainy days cos you can stay in side by the fire
 Sep 2014 masey
Nikita Austin
In my memories is see good bad every thing
The good
you tucked me in every night
you looked after me a lot
you made me eat my vegetables before every think else
The bad
you smoked it gave you cancer
you got skinnier and skinnier
weaker and weaker
until you past on
ever since my life has got turned upside down and i miss you every day.
 Sep 2014 masey
Nikita Austin
You think your better then me
Really your just a bully
I am a human as well
But you don't see that
You call me names
Take my food and
Kick me
So you should be punished for that
But if I did punish you
That would mean
I am no better then you!
 Sep 2014 masey
You are never lonely remember
you always have a friend
there for you

— The End —