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5.5k · Jan 2013
A Job Well Done
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
A job well done. Unashamed to sign your name to whatever work you do,knowing that even the smallest chore is an offering to God.
This is what I believe.
A song well sung
A verse well written.
These are pleasures to my soul.
A sunset so awesome that you have to stop what you are doing..and stare as you say thank you Lord for letting me be a witness.
A storm with all its glory..soaking the Earth.
A moon so clear and full that it illuminates the darkness.
These are reminders from God that I am not alone.
4.3k · Jan 2013
For Mother.
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
My Father gave me wisdom
and scriptures for my heart.
My Mother put in practice
the love that God imparts.

By watching how she lives her love
and How Gods light so shines,
and seeing the peace within her heart,
I wanted that for mine.

Never boastful nor judgemental
I have never heard her yell
She will quote a verse to ease your pain,
She knows them all so well.

No problem overtakes her
His promises she trusts
She lives to do his will because
she loves Him oh so much

She's a quiet overcomer
An example for us all
When I need an inspiration,
I know just who to call.

My Mother may not ever know
The seeds of faith she sows
How many souls she wins for God
as through her life she goes

She's a living testimony
And when her time on Earth is gone
I, for one, will be there
To hear God say "Well Done"

2/19/95  mln
My Father gave me wisdom
and scriptures for my heart.
My Mother put in practice
the love that God imparts.

By watching how she lives her love
and How Gods light so shines,
and seeing the peace within her heart,
I wanted that for mine.

Never boastful nor judgemental
I have never heard her yell
She will quote a verse to ease your pain,
She knows them all so well.

No problem overtakes her
His promises she trusts
She lives to do his will because
she loves Him oh so much

She's a quiet overcomer
An example for us all
When I need an inspiration,
I know just who to call.

My Mother may not ever know
The seeds of faith she sows
How many souls she wins for God
as through her life she goes

She's a living testimony
And when her time on Earth is gone
I, for one, will be there
To hear God say "Well Done"

2/19/95  mln
My Father gave me wisdom
and scriptures for my heart.
My Mother put in practice
the love that God imparts.

By watching how she lives her love
and How Gods light so shines,
and seeing the peace within her heart,
I wanted that for mine.

Never boastful nor judgemental
I have never heard her yell
She will quote a verse to ease your pain,
She knows them all so well.

No problem overtakes her
His promises she trusts
She lives to do his will because
she loves Him oh so much

She's a quiet overcomer
An example for us all
When I need an inspiration,
I know just who to call.

My Mother may not ever know
The seeds of faith she sows
How many souls she wins for God
as through her life she goes

She's a living testimony
And when her time on Earth is gone
I, for one, will be there
To hear God say "Well Done"

2/19/95  mln
My Father gave me wisdom
and scriptures for my heart.
My Mother put in practice
the love that God imparts.

By watching how she lives her love
and How Gods light so shines,
and seeing the peace within her heart,
I wanted that for mine.

Never boastful nor judgemental
I have never heard her yell
She will quote a verse to ease your pain,
She knows them all so well.

No problem overtakes her
His promises she trusts
She lives to do his will because
she loves Him oh so much

She's a quiet overcomer
An example for us all
When I need an inspiration,
I know just who to call.

My Mother may not ever know
The seeds of faith she sows
How many souls she wins for God
as through her life she goes

She's a living testimony
And when her time on Earth is gone
I, for one, will be there
To hear God say "Well Done"
1.1k · Jan 2013
My Guardian Angel
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
My guardian Angel is crying
She knows what's in my heart.
The man to whom I gave my love
told me we have to part.

Her tears now fall as raindrops
Sad teardrops from the sky
They fall onto a sullen earth
On which my body lies.
905 · Jan 2013
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
There's a snapshot of you in my heart.
It never grows old or goes gray.
It sees you the way you're remembered
Forever a child at play

I know you have had your trials.
I know you have had your pain
But my heart wants to keep you protected
So you, a small child remain.

And now I finally understand
My Saviors love for me
For nwhenever I feel downhearted
I picture me on His knee

He wraps His arms around me
And protects me from my pain
A child of God forever
I always will remain

I had to share this thought with you
in hopes that you will see
When lifes road gives you hardship
seek God's love..Then seek me.
787 · Jan 2013
The Sea
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
The sea calls my name and I obey.
As I walk the deck feeling the wooden planks beneath my feet,
I am at peace.

The rigging hangs from above,
The sails billow in the wind.
Far above my head, I see the look out,
Perched in the crows nest,
Ready to give the alarm
of another ship, or storm, or land
on the horizon,
I am home.

Though shipmates scurry around me
I am alone
Alone with my love;
The waves beating against the hull,
The smell of the salt air,
The gentle sway of the ship,
The songs of gulls flying nearby.
This is our dance
Our Song
I am home.
785 · Jan 2013
The Clay
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
My hands are strong.
I knead the clay, making sure there are no trapped pockets of air that could ruin my creation.
As I  work, the clay takes on its own life and I become the pawn..
Pushing here pulling there..scraping and forming what the clay wants to be.
I know now how man came to be.
With a creator that allowed the creation to become what it wanted to be.
I am here to continue the process
I became..To be the sculptor
With the sculpture speaking through me.
The circle becomes complete.
729 · Jan 2013
Pat on the Cheek
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
My baby daughter pats my face
and the joy within me flows

Unafraid to show her love
At least until she grows.

Why do cease to demonstrate
our love for one another?

The pureness of a childs love..
A pat on the cheek for Mother.
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
I peer over the top of my book. trying not to let her see me watching her.
She sits on the bench everyday with a small bag of seed for the birds.
Her hands are gnarled with age.A trophy of years of labor and caregiving.
It's a chore now to open the bag with fingers that used to be nimble.
Time has deformed them.
I am fascinated by her ability to adjust to the changes in her body.
Afraid that I won't be able to grow old as gracefully as she has.
I admire her tenacity as she shells a peanut for the squirrels.
I see her as beautiful, and hope that I can learn from her the beauty that age can bring.
666 · Jan 2013
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
You're having a birthday
but the numbers are wrong
Something doesn't add up

wasn't it yesterday
we were singing a song
pretending to be grown-up

wasn't it yesterday
we ran through the woods
to the clearing and the big oak tree?

wasn't it yesterday
when  "ring ring missus"
was your telephone call to me?

wasn't it yesterday upon the swings
that we could play all day?

wasn't it yesterday
that we would play?
wasn't it yesteday?
596 · Jan 2013
The Storm
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
In the distance I can hear the rumbling of thunder from the impending storm.
The leaves on the trees have all turned to face the sky in hopes of a much needed drink.
Wind blows around me and I want to dance.
Arms outstretched, I twirl... The wind is my dance partner.
The thunder gets closer
Lightning streaks through the sky.
The dark clouds overhead now... Begin to pelt the earth with their being.
Giving of themselves, for the betterment of the Earth.

I dance.
566 · Jan 2013
Do I?
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
Your face makes me smile.
Even the memory of looking at you gladdens my heart.
I love the way you walk and dance.
I love the way you make me laugh.
Is there anything better than to have the memory of you tickle me?
Do I love you?
When I think of not having you in my life, of not seeing you again,
all the joy slips away from my being.
Do I love you?
If I could no longer think of you as part of me,I would feel incomplete.
Do I love you?
If I knew that you would never hold me again
the aching in my heart and my arms would become unbearable.
Do I love you?...I hope not.
505 · Jan 2013
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
Using words you can paint a picture that will touch the soul.
Using words you can destroy the confidance of another human being.
using words,you canchange the perspective of a given situation to benefit many,or to provoke a crowd to anger.
using words you can scar a child for the rest of his life or instill in him a pride that leads to success.
Words..The double edged sword.
472 · Jan 2013
God smiled
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
God smiled at me,and gave me a gift..
the day that I met you.
He saw that my spirit needed a lift
and showed nme what love can do.

When my happiness was everything
I ever dreamed it could be..
God smiled at me,gave me a gift..
I carried within..your baby.

Now my life is filled with happiness
and joy I never knew.
God smiled at me.Gave me a gift..
another day with you.
456 · Jan 2013
Our Dance
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
Here we are ..The two of us.
Blocking out the world.
All I see is you..All you see is me.
The world has no place here.
With all its strife and turmoil.
We give peace to each other..
rest and desperately needed Tranquility.
I explore your eyes.An endless sea of comfort.
Time passes too quickly.We try to shut it out.
To cling to moments shared
Where there is no such thing as Time
Soon  the music will stop
our dance will be over
but for this instant,we live apart from everything
but our love.
402 · Jan 2013
A True Gift
Marylou Narducci Jan 2013
It lived within my Grandmother.
A woman who walked with God.
She passed it to my Mother
Her feet with peace were shod.

My mother gave it willingly
to me and many others
And I will pass it lovingly
along to both  my daughters.

If all goes as God planned
They will pass it too
The gift of knowing Gods tender love
and what He has done for you.

As a child I watched and listened
She taught me from the start
That life is well worth living
with Jesus in your heart.

And now I watch my babies grow
as maybe you do too
Another gift can start right now..
If you let it begin with you.

— The End —