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10.6k · Apr 2015
Loyalty is something that is earned. Loyalty is built on trust.
We each must be loyal to our own beliefs and our own selves,
   before we can be loyal to someone else.
To be loyal to someone means that they have not violated your personal values
They must earn support by being there when needed.
Loyalty cannot violate a person’s choice between right & wrong.
Asking me to lie violates my ethics; do not put me in this position.
If someone is doing drugs, I am being a loyal friend when getting you help.
A loyal friend does what is right, even when others feel it is disloyal.
If I meet you today I cannot be loyal because I do not know you.
If I have known you all of your life, I may not be loyal to you because of past interactions.
Overall a combination of time and actions affect loyalty
To separate these two does not work, for true loyalty resides in a combination of both.
Our government wrote a constitution to prevent violation of individual rights
Separation of church and state was included in the constitutional rights
We must look at why this was so important to the founders of this nation
In England the King wanted a divorce, the Pope refused to grant this
The King then took over the Religion for the country appointing himself leader
Our forefathers did not want the same type of control to happen in this country
At the time our schools had few books.  Everybody had a bible though
So the primary reader for our early school system was the bible
The Judicial System has done the very thing that the founders tried to prevent.
We cannot teach our children the most basic rules of life, the Ten Commandments
Perhaps if we taught from the bible, we would have fewer problems in this country.
2.5k · Apr 2015
Pumpkin Fun
My little pumpkin
Are you my pumpkin?
My little pumpkin pie

My little pumpkin
Come out and play
Or are you going to stay?

Are you a Jack o’ Lantern?
With a Candle light
To light the night?

Waiting for the night
To shine your light
My Jack o’ Lantern bright!
1.0k · May 2015
In the Past
We were exposed to the fresh air,
No air conditioning or filtered air,
Fewer allergies, less asthma, better health

We played outside, in the dirt and mud,
No television, computers or video games,
More resistance to common illness,

We did not eat processed foods,
No artificial chemicals, food additives
Mom had to bake bread, cook from scratch

Mom raised the children and was at home,
Mom, swatted us when we needed discipline,
Most of all Mom was there to Love us

Life was slower then, more predictable
We waited for Dad to get home,
Then we sat at a table, to eat supper, as a family
1.0k · May 2015
Each of us has an option of paths in front of us
Some choose easier paths others harder paths
Each path we choose leads to another path
Some paths lead to failure, some to success
As we travel the path of life, we will find more paths
If we despair and stop taking paths we achieve failure
If we look for the next path, we continue on the path
We each must choose our own path in life
Our struggles along the paths lead to wisdom
For as we learn from our mistakes, we gain wisdom.
855 · May 2015
Illegal? Immigration
We see millions of people coming over our southern border
Millions of people are here illegally some through no fault of their own
When your parents bring you here as a child you have no say
When you are born in this nation from illegal parents it is not your fault
Our government works on the principle that we need to return them
They want to build a fence to stop them
Some want to legalize the ones here and start over
Reagan tried this and it proved to be a failure
We need to look at why they are coming to our country
We need to help their country to become economically sound
We need to enrich our southern neighbor instead of China
We need to embrace Mexico and choose to help our neighbor
Nobody wants to leave their home, go to a foreign country
To find a job, to be secure or to face the depravation of family
We will never see an end to border crossings as long as the economy
Of one nation exceeds the economy of the other.
We can help them there within their border or we can help them here
Immigration needs to be fixed-  Root cause is simple, no jobs in Mexico.  Let's form a working relationship to help develop this nation.  Why import everything from China, India.  Let's look at our back door and work to improve it.  If there are jobs, available in Mexico, health clinics and security then why would there be a need for illegal aliens to invade our areas?  Use the issue of providing the assistance directly where it is needed.  We see a problem at our southern border because of the poor conditions.  Boarder fence, deporting is a vicious cycle that is not working.
841 · May 2015
I’m bored, I don’t have anything to do
This is boring, I don’t want to do it
I challenge these statements with this,
There is nothing boring, only boring people
People that cannot find something to do are boring
People that complain that the job is boring are boring
There are more ways to entertain than any time in life
You can read a book, go for a run, take an internet course
People that are bored, are too lazy to figure out what to do
They want someone to think for them, to entertain them
So the answer is don’t say you are bored, say you are boring.
716 · Apr 2015
Let’s go to the zoo
There’s so much to do
We’ll see animals two by two
And I want to go with you

The Arctic Fox looks like my dog
The turtles are sunning on a log
The snakes give us a scare
We all laugh at the silly bear

Going to the zoo is never a bore
You can listen to the lions roar
We can stop and feed the ducks
And see their baby’s if we have some luck

We will say the monkey’s look like you
And that you act like one too
We have so much fun at the zoo
There’s always so much to do
629 · Apr 2015
Children do not know hate unless they are taught hate
Each child is born innocent, pure, a clean slate
A parent’s love can teach care, love and intelligence
A parent’s hate can teach hate, racism and brutality
Place two children in a room and they play together
They do not notice if one is black or white
Place two adults in a room they separate
Black on one side, white on the other
Is it possible to learn from our children?
Is it possible to learn the innocence we were born with?
626 · Apr 2015
****** is such an ugly word and yet the black community keeps this word going.
Black comedians use it; people call each other this, almost like a badge of honor.
Yet when a white person uses it becomes the vilest insult.
Make the word go away, along with *****, **, and other derogatory terms.
The black race needs to treat each other with respect if they want everyone else to do the same.
A white teenager hears this and thinks that this is the way to talk to blacks.
They hear the Rap songs referring to blacks this way, then why should they not use the same terms?
How many times do you see white people calling each other names?
How can we learn to call each other friend, neighbor or fellow American’s if we put each other down?
This country needs to learn not only to respect other races but their own race too
A white man using this word.  Yes I am white, in my discussions with my black friends we openly discuss world issues.  This arose in a discussion with a friend of mine Cleveland Darling.  I love this person for who he is.  He asks me about this type of issue and you see my response in this poem.  PS he liked my response.
564 · May 2015
Pets & People
So many times I see people, who treat pets as humans,
Then I see people who treat people worse than animals
How is it that we humans can have so much love for animals?
And have so little compassion or love for Humans?
We see cats & dogs of all sizes and shapes
We see people with reptiles, turtles, snakes, lizards
We see people with fish, birds, tarantulas and mice
Yet some of these people are hateful when it comes to work
Some of these people are racist and hate other humans
Yet these people have been bitten by dogs and cats
While people just try to be friends and work with them
I sometimes believe that we need to learn to treat people right
Before looking for a pet…
561 · May 2015
Mom's Day
Have you ever made a loaf of bread?
It is a labor intensive, time consuming endeavor
First you must mix the ingredients,
You have to work the dough,
You must let the bread rise,
Then you must bake it until done
Now this bread must be used within a day
Because it does not preservatives
Why do we toast bread for Breakfast?
The bread made the night before was dry
Mom spent time at home making bread
While she was doing this she cleaned
She collected the eggs for breakfast
She milked the cow, goats
She weeded the garden, selected supper
She did the laundry by hand
Hanging the clothes to dry in the sun
Meanwhile she watched and taught the children
Then it was time for supper
She would collect the fall harvest
Canning the harvest to last through the winter
In the winter she would get up early to start the fire
Making breakfast and lunch for the kids
Sewing and mending clothes, blankets
519 · Apr 2017
Cupcakes Song
She’s a wiggly giggly worm,
She loves to twist and squirm,
She’s a giggly, wiggly,
Wiggly giggly,
Giggly, wiggly worm

She’s cute as a wiggly bug,
Loves to hide on the rug,
She’s a wiggly, giggly,
Giggly, wiggly,
Wiggly giggly bug

She’s cute as a baby Kitten,
Her daddy is quite smitten,
She snuggles and she cuddles,
Cuddles and snuggles
Snuggly, cuddly Kitten
My daughter nicknamed our grand daughter Cupcake.  This is kind of a song I would sing to her when I rocked her.
510 · Apr 2015
Planting a Seed
Each child is like a fertile little flower ***.  
This pure soil is perfect for growing.
Unfortunately in some cases people plant seeds of hate and prejudice in some children.
It is those that support the child the most that plant the seed of love and caring.  
Care must be given to **** these pots when exposed to hate so that the love will continue to grow.
477 · Apr 2015
Touch Her Softly
Touch her softly,
Feel her silken hair,
Touch her softly,
Feel her smooth cheeks,
Touch her softly,
Feel her gentle kiss,
Touch her softly,
Feel the soft curve of her breast,
Touch her softly,
Feel the soft skin of her belly,
Touch her softly,
Feel the gentle curve of her hips,
Touch her softly,
Feel the smoothness of her legs,
Touch her softly,
Feel the Love in her heart,
Touch her softly.
443 · Apr 2015
The Blessing of Birth
I have watched in awe the birth of my children
To see this new life which I helped to create
To hold this tiny new life and know love
Now as I age I see friends with new babies
These are the same age my children are
Now they have beautiful children
I thank God that they share these blessings
For now that I no longer have to work
I can now truly enjoy these children
Making up some for the time I could not share
With my children when they were growing up.
Thank you, Justin and Michelle for allowing us to help raise your beautiful children.  We could not love them more if they were our own.
442 · Apr 2015
Bonker Boys
I know twin Bonker Boys
Who like to play with toys
You know what they said
When they Bonked their heads!
When they got in the tub
To get all clean rub a dub
You know what they said
When they Bonked their heads!
At the end of the day
When they bounce on the bed and play
You know what they said
When they Bonked their heads!
442 · Apr 2015
Phonics Phun!
Ha ha I’m your pa
He he you and me
** ** here we go
Hu hu I love you
Hi hi I’m your guy
Hey hey lets play
Phonics using rhymes and sing/song to help a child learn.  I sang this to my granddaughter and she reacted to me every time.  I'm Pa and my wife is Gra.  This even worked over the phone, she would react to it when I sang it to her.
422 · May 2015
I try to express myself with my words
I try to put my thoughts into my words
I try to inspire with my words
I try to help with my words
I try to educate with my words
I try to pass along wisdom with my words
I try to solve problems with my words
I try to show different viewpoints with my words
I try to show love with my words
400 · Apr 2015
The Magic of a Child
The Magic of a Child

The eyes and heart of a child are magical.
Look at a child’s fascination with all of the bright lights and colors of the holiday season.
Santa Claus the magic that they can believe in for in truth Santa is in all of our hearts.
The newness of the world that we take for granted seems so wonderful to those little eyes and hands.
Why does a child always want to pick up objects?
It is simple they want to explore their world.
Do not stifle the joy in a child’s heart but help to open up their world by reading and being a part of their lives.
Yes magic exists, in the innocence of a child’s heart and love.
398 · May 2015
Oh to go back
To the time of innocence
When we did not know
Pain, abuse, and hate
No worries
Looking forward
To a life filled with wonder
391 · Apr 2015
Whose Old Hands are These?
The other day I looked down
and saw an old man’s hand,
I thought how can this be?
It was not that long ago
that I saw a strong young hand.
What has happened?
I don’t remember growing old,
Each day I see more grey,
Each day a different ache,
When did I grow so old?
I question decisions of past
and wonder what if?
There will always be time to change,
now is there enough time?
I continue to grow older,
each day I hope a little wiser.
How did I get old so fast?
I remember my son as an infant,
holding him in my arms.
Now he approaches his 18th year.
I see a young man,
No longer an infant.
A man wanting to get on with his life.
A man wanting to start his own family,
Time lost that should have been.
Now as I pause and look back,
I wish that I could change the mistakes.
I know that those mistakes make me
what I am today, a little wiser,
a little more patient, a little more tolerant.
I try to tell my son but realize
each must make his own mistakes to grow.

By Scott McDonald
358 · Apr 2015
The Phone Rings
The phone rings
I race to the Hospital
Too late he has passed
I notify family

Friends bring food
Plans to be made
Visitation with friends
Hugs and tears

A final farewell
His story we tell
A final kiss
We close the lid

The pall bearer friends
The final site
I give to God
My only son
I lost my son 10 years ago this year in an accident while working for KDOT.  He was 24 years old and I miss him as much today as then.
342 · Apr 2017
The Eyes
The eyes are the window to your soul
Looking into the eyes of a person
You see the beauty within that person
When you look into the eyes of that special person
It feels like they are drawing your soul
Like an incubus who draws the life from their victim
You cannot look away from beautiful eyes
Their body does not matter because the eyes capture you
338 · Apr 2015
My Woman My Wife
I married a strong woman not to take from me but to enhance me.
I married an intelligent woman not to challenge me but to encourage me.
I married a woman to have children with not to just have *** and run away.
I have been married for 36 years this year, sometimes life has been hard, but having the love of a good woman has pull me through the tough times.
God blessed man with woman to be his equal, his mate and his lifelong love.
My wife has been a blessing to me and continues to be an important part of my life.

— The End —