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Marty Funkhouser Feb 2010
There once was a boy from Nantucket,
who would rob and steal for them duckettes.

One day while ganking a purse,
he ended up on his back in a hearse.

Now Mama crys and wails at church,
while his boys pour 40's from where they perch.
Marty Funkhouser Jan 2010
Your reaction is slow,
eyes are without glow,
mind in a constant row.

No need to wallow,
that the hopes you follow,
are full of holes and hallow.

Some knowledge I'll bequeath,
so sigh some relief,
know that existence is brief.
Marty Funkhouser Jan 2010
To you I bequeath
a sigh of relief.
So take a seat,
cause I'm about to *****.
Marty Funkhouser Jan 2010
The vile gas in my ***,
would create a concussive blast.
Similar to the cast,
"Go Squirtle, Hydro Blast!"
Marty Funkhouser Jan 2010
Nature gives less a
**** plus
Natures got the nuts
and doesnt care to lust
while you hussle and fuss.
Marty Funkhouser Jan 2010
Imagine a condition,
labeled a tradition.
Men on a mission,
to slay those who dissin'.
Marty Funkhouser Jan 2010
Follow the formula right here in this old book,
you you might just be mistook,
for a fool with a mane
and a tongue with no old sayin'

— The End —