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2.5k · Oct 2015
Till I See You Again
Martina Ngose Oct 2015
Love's like a hurricane
and all of a sudden i realize just how-
beautiful you are to me.
you are a poem to me
and i just keep writing
a book of you and me;
i can't put it down
cos it's a story that's never ending
the story of you and me
a page that i cannot turn over
time stands still till i see you again
1.6k · Apr 2016
The Garri Creed
Martina Ngose Apr 2016
I believe in Garri
The holy son of Africa
Who was conceived by our toils
Born of the ****** Cassava
Suffered under the grater
Was suffocated in bags, died and buried
He descended into hell
On the third day he arose
And is now seated on the Centre of the frying ***

I belive in Garri
The savior of the lives
The defender of the weak
And the universal mother of all
African poetry. Boarding school. Cassava flakes. Garri.  Snack. Life saver.
1.1k · Jan 2015
I am Marhteena
Martina Ngose Jan 2015
I am Marhteena
I come from a small village in southern Cameroon where people use kerosene lamps at night and store drinking water in large aluminium pots.
where neighbors share kitchen utensils on a daily basis and eat from the same bowls of soup with one another.
where children go to the streams in the morning to fetch some water for cooking and rake the woods for some firewood.
where women go to their farms to plant corn, yams and vegetables while the men tap fresh palm wine and tend the goats and pigs.
where children play under the scorching sun and eat roasted grasshoppers for lunch.
where children make their own toys from rafiagrass and abandoned wires
where children climb trees and hunt birds with their catapults
where children go fishing with small bowls and learn how to swim by themselves
where children sat around fireplaces at night to tell folktales and ancient stories
I am Marhteena, i come from a very small clan but these experiences have shaped me into who i am today
769 · Oct 2015
Letters from Mimi
Martina Ngose Oct 2015
Dear World,
Ooh how you treat me like a Robot
I'm forced to act and work like a machine almost
every other day
When will all these pressures end?

Dear Africa,
Ooh how you make me feel like Clown
I'm forced to smile at the things i don't want to
almost every other day
When will all these pressures end?

Dear School,
Ooh how you treat me like a modern slave
I'm forced to memorize lots of dates and words
almost every other day
When will all these pressures end?

Dear Work,
Ooh how you treat me like your "errand girl"
I'm forced to show up in snow or rain or sunshine
almost every other day
When will all these pressures end?

Dear Parents,
Ooh how you treat me like a prisoner
I'm forced to tell you wherever i'm going to
almost every other day
When will all these pressures end?

Dear Mimi...
We got all your letters
World, Africa, School, Work and Parents!
Thoughts, growing up, Challenges, Children, Pressures, Life, World, School, Work, Parents, Letters, Writing, Thinking out Loud
632 · Mar 2017
Just a Regular girl
Martina Ngose Mar 2017
And you were hoping
to find her -
In Louboutins and Chanel bag,
but she came looking
Like a beautiful chaos.
That wasn't what you expected...
She was just a regular girl
With a little bit of -
Salt and pepper.
Baddassy, Classy, Sassy....
573 · Mar 2016
Martina Ngose Mar 2016
And when you think your heart is breaking,
Honey don't doubt the inner seamstress in you -
Let her stitch your broken pieces
And mould you into a fine piece of fabric -
Beautiful to be loved, appreciated and adored
By other men who have been stitched by a
Different seamstress.
555 · Nov 2015
The Unwinnable Girl
Martina Ngose Nov 2015
A lovestruck boy went in for an adventure -
To win the heart of the most beautiful girl
in his neighbourhood.
She would smile at him and stroke his hair
with her fingers.
Just when he thought he got her heart
She walked away like smoke from flames
leaving him to burn to ashes
lovestruck, love story, fiction, memories, writing, fingerprints,  ashes2ashes,
551 · Jul 2014
Be Thankful
Martina Ngose Jul 2014
Sometimes we do not always get what we want in life
But then, we should be thankful for the small things we have…
A forgiveness granted
A loving family
A friendship deepened
A talent discovered
A goal attained
An accident avoided
A gratitude spoken
A difficult concept mastered
A love recovered
A new opening
A blessing received
A natural wonder witnessed
If we put all these together,
Then we realize that we are truly blessed beyond measures
So, Be thankful!
#Gratitude #Thankful #Blessings #Life's experiences
510 · May 2016
Martina Ngose May 2016
B-aby don't sit there in
R-ags like a slave girl
O-nly you can set this
K-ite to fly again
E-verything grows again,
N-ever underestimate your
T-ransparent heart.
H-ealing comes with time
I-nhale the sweetness of the
N-ight, let your light
G-low all through, even when the
S-un goes down.
healing, brokeness, fallen, down, broken, destroyed, damaged, hopeless, growing, fly, glow, shine, strength
468 · Aug 2016
Beautiful Imperfections
Martina Ngose Aug 2016
She wore her pain like high heels
She was so confident in them and the way she carried herself/pain
She let her tears pour like raindrops from a burst sky
knowing that there must be a rainfall before the rainbow
She was strong enough to show her scars to the world
because sometimes perfection comes from broken things
She was broken,
She was hurt,
She was a poet,
She let her ink own the skies
She was beautiful in all her imperfections
Martina Ngose Feb 2018
It is exhausting,
all the time I've put in for people who care less.
It is exhausting,
the amount of energy I've wasted fighting for things
that won't last.
It is exhausting,
punishing myself for not reaching my goals.
This time,
I've chosen to be kinder and softer,
more understanding and forgiving of myself
I'm just trying to love myself a little more.
#selflove #beingandbecoming #selfkindnessiscool #takecareofyou #firstlovethyself
425 · Dec 2014
Martina Ngose Dec 2014
I walk lonely as clouds
where do the crossroads meet
i dream of things i have never seen
it makes me long for paradise on earth
my thoughts at night are
Dangerous enough to destroy the ******* towers of Hong Kong
powerful enough to break through darkness
soft enough to melt every sadness
with a touch of love and sweet memories
Yes, i am a night owl
Some call me a nocturnal bee or the crazy thinker
Because, the NIGHT was made for
Lovers, writers, poets, artists, painters and thinkers like myself
420 · Dec 2014
Wednesday Lover
Martina Ngose Dec 2014
Wednesday lover
you bring out the music in me
that makes me sing loud like a ****-a-doo-doo
Wednesday lover
You're the mirror in which i see my very own reflection
nostalgia, Aahhh ...
that longing for something familiar
420 · Jul 2014
31 July 1990
Martina Ngose Jul 2014
It was on the 31st day of the 7th month in the year 1990
On a cold Tuesday night at the Bota hospital, Limbe
At 11:45pm
I finally came out with a cry for attention and love,
After a long struggle between life and death -
as the doctors tried to save my ailing mother's life.
Mom was bleeding helplessly
I was almost forgotten on a table wrapped in a linen cloth
The mosquitoes feasted on my succulent pinkish body
I cannot tell if my cry was one of Joy, to be born into an unknown world
Or; a cry of pain and misery to be abandoned on a hospital table
like an Orphan child
My grandparents were trying to save the life of my mother, their beloved daughter and they almost forgot about the poor little child that was born
As they told me, my mother passed out from the surgery
when she woke up the next morning,
It was like she was in a trance and she shouted to see the baby
The nurses had to hold her down because she just had a surgery
and didn't need to strain the stitches below her belly
Then, i was brought in to meet my very biological mother
She held me in her arms and hugged me, and her eyes filled with tears
Then, i could hear her heart whisper;
"I wouldn't have known what you looked like my poor child"
At that point, i giggled in her arms and am sure if she could understand
a baby's language; I was only telling her
"Never you leave me again Mother"
That is the story of my birth;
The "Extra-Ordinary" child was born into an "Unknown" world!
#MyBirth #Birthdays #Memories #Mother&ChildBonding; #MaternalLove #Life #Joy #Laughter #BabyGirl
404 · Nov 2015
With All My Heart
Martina Ngose Nov 2015
You remember when I first asked you-
If you will marry me and you said
"With all my heart"
There was no confusion nor trickery in it
Now look at me and tell me that you don't love me
With all my heart was our theme
How can I watch you leave
With all my heart
forsaken love, heartbroken, lost love, with all my heart, sad, emotions
394 · Feb 2017
That Personal Encourager
Martina Ngose Feb 2017
You might seem far away from your dreams
but God has the right move to link everything together.
Keep working hard even when nobody sees it
Or understands your passion.
Your vision shall speak in the end.
The path of fulfilling destiny is always lonely
But CHAMPIONS are made through this path.
You are not alone. God is always with you.
Oil is processed through crushing and friction-
So, the beautiful oil that will come out of your life
Is also being processed presently.
The path leads to GLORY
So you can't give up.
You have come too far to stop now.
One day, your story will inspire others.
Trust me!
Never give up. encourager. booster. wake up call. strength. persistence. long suffering. hard work.
380 · Nov 2016
Martina Ngose Nov 2016
I have given some of me
In exchange for a piece of you.
I don't know if we both understood
What we were doing during all those moments.
But the truth is, I will never forget how it felt like.
Part of me wants it all over again,
Yet, this isn't time for all that loving and missing
When we're not meant to be.
My body was falling for your every touch without my consent.
Now, I have to stop it from falling before
It get's broken into bits and pieces.
This was just the opposite of the second day of our honeymoon
Cos today's two days without you, darling!
377 · Nov 2015
Gone Girl
Martina Ngose Nov 2015
Why do you want to tell me all your secrets
Don't you know I'm the girl who never falls
Why do you want to pour out your heart to me
When you know I'll hit the road every single time it calls

Please, don't tell me you love me
Cause i wouldn't know what to do with myself

Why do you want to visit me
Don't you know I'm a loner
Why do you want to waste your time on me
When you know I'll break your heart every single time you try

Please, don't tell me you love me
Cause i wouldn't know what to do with myself
The one that never comes, Asa music inspired, love poem, gone girl, don't tell me.
356 · Dec 2015
Martina Ngose Dec 2015
She's been through hell
more than anyone could understand
more than she'll ever share
it's a mystery how her heart still beats
and how she keeps that smile on her face
her mind never stops
it keeps working like a time machine
neither do her thoughts of feeling less than enough
she just wants someone to laugh with
and tears when she hurts
she is tired of doing it all by herself
she needs someone to lean on to when she feels the weight of everything upon her shoulders
life's chronicles, the struggle, pain and heartaches, the needy one, a shoulder, tears and laughter
349 · Apr 2016
"La Tendresse"
Martina Ngose Apr 2016
La tendresse c'est une sourire
qu'on ne peut jamais oublies
La tendresse
c'est une femme amoureuse

Tenderness is a smile
that can never be forgotten
Tenderness is a woman in love
French type, la francaise, french poems, love, tenderness.
347 · Mar 2018
know The Difference!
Martina Ngose Mar 2018
There are people in our lives
who understand our silence
and so, become our words
when we cannot speak.

They become light
when it gets too dark
And we cannot find our way.

They become a rainbow
when we've been so beaten
and forget to shine.

And then, there are those
who come like the rain,
not to quench our thirst
but to sift you away like dirt.
#poet #writer #lifelessons
341 · Sep 2016
Martina Ngose Sep 2016
Come hither my love
Let's dance all niGHT
Under the moon liGHT
Till the moon is out of siGHT-
Hold me tiGHT
With all your miGHT
So we can feel it riGHT
And know our love is briGHT
Baby, we'll be alriGHT
With the sunliGHT
If we leave behind every weiGHT
And just aim for the spotliGHT
sensational. night, light, sight, tight, might, right, bright, alright, sunlight, weight, spotlight
329 · Oct 2015
Without My Love!
Martina Ngose Oct 2015
My heart sinks
as i watch the sun slip into the clouds
and the days lost in a trance
yet, another day/month
without my love
here with me
love poem, lovers, heart beats, heart sinks, without you, my love, long distance
329 · May 2016
Martina Ngose May 2016
Life is beautiful
Love is beautiful
Rain is beautiful
Sun is beautiful
Talent is beautiful
laughter is beautiful
Honesty is beautiful
Kindness is beautiful
Intelligence  is beautiful
309 · Apr 2016
The 9th Anniversary
Martina Ngose Apr 2016
How do we comprehend God
When He takes away your best friend
On the same day and year,
He gives you a little sister?
"You give and take away" Oh God

I miss you "Martha"
Your beautiful smiles and laughter
I don't know how I've survived these 9 yrs
Without you

Every passing year, as Cathy turns a year older
It reminds me of a "sister-friendship" I had with you "Martha"

I miss you terribly
You will never be forgotten

Adieu "Sweet Martha"
309 · Jul 2014
Martina Ngose Jul 2014
Just like a rainbow after the storm
Just like the calm of the sea after the waves
Just like sunshine after the rains
Just like Spring after the winter
Just like the rising moon at night
Just like the cry of an infant at birth
Peace brings back that tranquility
It heals all the pains of yesterday
It refreshes the soul and uplifts our spirits
Peace is all we'll ever need in order to thrive on!
301 · Jul 2017
Not Flawed
Martina Ngose Jul 2017
My dear,
you have to embrace your uniqueness
Every beauty shines in a different direction
and not all talents are the same.
There is nothing wrong with you,
You're just a normal human being
Living your life in your own direction.
Your beauty radiates from within
and brings those whom you deserve
self-esteem, unique beauty, talents, different
300 · Feb 2019
Ashes for Beauty!
Martina Ngose Feb 2019
For you and all the pain you're hiding inside,
This is the place where you let it go.
For you and all the darkness you're holding unto,
This is the place where you let light in.
For you and all the tears you're shedding,
This is the place where you wipe it off.
For you and all the brokenness you're gathering,
This is the place where you heal from it.
For you and all the hurt you're storing,
This is the place where you let love in.
light after the storm, healing, ashes for beauty, renewal, new beginnings, soulful writer, healing, learning to trust, pain, past, hurt, love.
295 · Jul 2016
Martina Ngose Jul 2016
I used to fear thunder and lightening
But now I pray for it.
I used to fear storms
But now I pray for it.
I used to fear darkness
But now I pray for it.
I used to fear silence
But now I pray for it -

Knowing that everything
I've ever feared has only made me
293 · Sep 2015
Never Again!
Martina Ngose Sep 2015
Never again will i leave you or forsake you
Never again will i cause the rains to flood the earth
Never again will i pour out my wrath and consume you
Never again will i abandon you in the wilderness
Never again will i let you suffer injustice
Never again will i let you go hungry and beg
Never again will i afflict you with pain and long suffering
Never again will i turn my face away from you

Because it is "I" the Lord who called you out of the waters
I will go forth before you and make your path smooth
I have chosen you as my most priced jewel and i will keep you until the very end of time.
Religious, God's Love, God's mercy, God's kindness, God's majesty
290 · May 2016
"The Ones"
Martina Ngose May 2016
My Quiet times
Are the ones that speak
louder than all the noise
My Darkest parts
Are the ones that shine brighter
than the sun
My Deepest scars
Are the ones that leave
the most beautiful memories
286 · May 2016
Martina Ngose May 2016
Mama, Mama...
Said a baby caterpillar --
Look at that beautiful butterfly over there.
Oh, how I want to be like it,
With its radiant colors,
See how it dances over the flowers.

Baby, Baby...
responded his mom --
We are only in transition here.
Someday we both will flutter too
We all become butterflies someday
Before we die.
Beautiful things, butterfly, caterpillar, transition, flutter, flight, fly.
276 · Nov 2017
A MiLLion Women!
Martina Ngose Nov 2017
I was sitting there like a glass of milk
pale, yet full of life.
I knew I'd seen this place before
cos, I'd been this exact personality too.
My dear, you never really know who you are
when you've been a million different women.
I tell you, every single one of them is hurting in a different place
and in different ways.
Life has a way of making us have multiple identities.
Some years, you are just the "unstoppable one"
Other years, you are just the "broken one"
No... don't feel bad about all these changes
cause, you are just "A Million Women" in a single soul
Women empowerment, emancipation, strong women, powerful women, resistance, adversities, overcomers, a million women, for my grandmother, for my mother, for my sisters, to all the women in the world.
273 · Oct 2019
Who I Love!
Martina Ngose Oct 2019
My very first love was "the Imaginary Lover".
He was perfect in my thoughts and
Sweet in my dreams.
He made me smile a lot even when I'm alone.
I fell out of love with my lover and was heads over the "Revolutionary Lover".
He was so rebellious but in a seductive way.
Rose, Helena and all the girls couldn't resist him.
We were young and wild and a little too  adventurous.
I had to stop him before he destroyed me
So, I found the "Romantic Lover"
With just one kiss from him, all the scattered  pieces of me reunited to complete my puzzle life.
Love, lovers, loving, hearts, romance, intimacy, passion
266 · Oct 2016
Martina Ngose Oct 2016
Her most priced jewelry
           Is the glitter of the tears from her eyes.
Others say it is the sparkle of her eyes
           When she smiles --
But, only she knows
That her tears are more expensive than her smiles ...
234 · Oct 2018
Letters to Me!
Martina Ngose Oct 2018
I write love letters to myself,
to remind me of who I was
and then to who I'm becoming--
because she needs to know that she's doing well.

I write letters to my younger self
I want her to know that she lived her best life.
I only wish she knew that and didn't try as hard
to impress people...

I write letters to my future self,
I want her to know that she'll make
a badass wife and a good mother.
I am so proud of you already!
220 · Feb 2019
This Is My Crown!
Martina Ngose Feb 2019
You can't tell me how to cry,
When you don't even know what I am crying for.
You can't tell me how to laugh,
When you don't understand the reason why.
You can't tell me how to travel,
When you don't see how far I have journeyed.
You can't tell me how to love,
When you don't feel what I am feeling.
You can't tell me to be calm,
When you don't know the storms that rage inside.
All, I am trying to say is;
You can't tell me how to wear this CROWN
Cos it fits only me.
self-healing, strength, growth, finding peace, overcomer, warrior, fighter, resilience, healing, brave, strong, power.
Martina Ngose Apr 2019
I am Ngose,
I come from a small village called Muyuka (Cameroon).
My tribe (Balong) is almost extinct.
Where I come from is simply beautiful.
Beautiful in its rivers that flow behind our houses
Beautiful in the dancing trees that give us shade on sunny days
Beautiful in its sand that burns beneath our feet
Beautiful in the music that is sung in the market square
My village is absolutely beautiful!

I am Martina,
I may not be like the girls you see on the cover page of a magazine
I may not be dressed in designers and exotic fashion
I may not have lived in luxurious places
I may not have the taste or styles people admire
I may not own anything deemed worthy or wealthy
Beacuse, I know where I come from!!!
Notabene, notes to self, a place called home, my tribe, my people.
204 · Jun 2019
God Bless These Roads
Martina Ngose Jun 2019
There maybe sunshine
There maybe rainfall
There maybe darkness all around you.
Hailstones may fall
and thunder strikes
While fear cripples your heart.
The journey might be unpleasant,
Though storms may blow
And hell breaks loose all in one day.
You might find yourself crying
and praying for a new day...
one thing is for sure
That God has blessed these roads you are taking
These roads will lead you to your promise land-
Because God has blessed these roads!
                                               ~The Martinangos
#Religious #Faith #Hope #Prayer #Godspromise #Godslove
171 · Apr 2020
When This Is Over!
Martina Ngose Apr 2020
Remember to listen more and talk less
Remember to meditate more and worry less
Remember to exercise more and complain less
Remember to laugh more and criticize less
Remember to love more and let go
Remember to appreciate more and stop hate
Remember to rest more and heal
Remember to be grateful and thankful
Remember to smile more often
Remember your friends, family and coworkers and compliment them
Remember how God saw you through everything and praise Him.
Covid19 prayer🙏🏾
Corona virus awareness
Heal the world
154 · May 2020
A Loud Silence
Martina Ngose May 2020
After all, silence is the best answer
to everything.
until it gets too loud
and all the voices around you
are waiting for you to speak.
remember why you chose that road-- silence!
you will not give them the pleasure to hear
you laugh, or shout, or cry, or scream
you will be present with the moment
while waiting for the call to speak.
And this time, when you speak
It will be as loud as the silence you gave them
#thisismartina #shewrites #poetryisart #poetworld #silence #fewwords #talkless #speakwords
116 · Mar 2020
Abandoned Ruins
Martina Ngose Mar 2020
This is the sacred place
Where we wined and dined together.
How our voices beamed high with joy and pride
Of our children and grandchildren
Of our ancestors and the gods,
For blessing us abundantly.
We've known good days and bad days
But, we have never seen a thing like this.
Our homes burnt down to ashes
Our people hiding in the bushes.
We have never seen a thing like this!
Our children's lives were cut short...
Just like a candle light blown off by the wind,
We've  buried them one after another.
The agony, the pain and despair.
We long for those glorious days
To behold the sun rising from Mt. Cameroon
And shining back on us.
Southern Cameroon crisis, dedicated to my home town - Muyuka, for the fallen heroes, a voice for the people,

— The End —