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Nov 2013 · 593
nothing rhymes with silver
Marsha Lynn Nov 2013
rain storms and tornado sirens
firetrucks and trains
metal beasts and
full moons of silver
take me back to a time
where the air was wet with the sound of your name
Nov 2013 · 1.0k
painting saliva on your skin
Marsha Lynn Nov 2013
i want to be the woman they fall in love with
at a single glance
waltzing down the street
the one that
casts luminous shadows
creating paradoxes as she turns the corner
the one that winks an eye
at the mad old man
with no shoes
whom sits on the pavement
i want to be the one that kisses you goodnight
gives you butterflies
in every ***** of your body
paints your skin with my saliva
gives you looks of admiration
connects the stars with crayon lines
bends time with ionic minds
the one that keeps you up
day and night
the one that over takes your gray matter
i want to be the one
you call yours
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
demented in my own demention
Marsha Lynn Nov 2013
Just take it easy
just slow down
he knows my name
it gets hard to explain
piano chorus plays in the background
she calls out the title
i was given at birth
'leave me alone'
he knows my name
it just gets so hard to explain
Marsha Lynn Oct 2013
You wrote a poem about
how you outlined the marks i left
in violet, purple, lavender threads
you won't let me forget where i left off
yet again i have succeeded in curing your writers block
with sorrow
i beg of you
to stop letting me in
i forget all too often why i left in the first place

in your mind
i am some sort of goddess
you've built up
fabricated almost all of my being
i am your fantasy

but i am also human
i cannot live up to the standards
you've invented
during the times we spent apart

i love you
but i must let you go
we can't pretend the house isn't burning

we'll suffocate

you're suffocating, dear

committing suicide
false imagery
words never spoken
whimpers left to fade

time will heal you
you just have to run out of this burning home

before it collapses too
Oct 2013 · 715
sticky fingers
Marsha Lynn Oct 2013
we're getting older
time is slipping past us
permeating through our bones
making them as fragile as the
peanut brittle my grandmother munches
every Sunday afternoon

i scan your social media
secretly check up on your well being

i long to savor your skin once again
i want our legs to intermingle
and our hair to tangle
i want sweat coating our bare bodies

i want you
in the simplest ways
i want you
in every crevice of my being
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
We used to have tea parties at 3am
And replace the tea
with whiskey

we used to shake with excitement
from each others breath
life pulsing from our hands
as we exchange a connection

flittering leaves are dropping
like bombs outside my window
each is a reminder that every second
we are farther and farther apart

this year when autumn turns to winter
I will bury myself in a sea of blanket
and close the closet doors
to rest with my ivory counterparts

and I'll give you the key
to free me when dew
kisses the ground once more

release me when your heart thaws
and the weight you bear
in my seemingly empty skull
is reduced to nothing

I'll give you the key

lock me away
to hibernate in an ivory coffin

dissonance has never sounded so sweet
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
you deserve a thousand poems
written about every crevice of your body
about your seamless existence
I wish I could write beautiful things for you
I wish you wrote positive things about me
your words are always lovely
the subject matter makes me want to
disappear into the folds of your
half used moleskin
I'm sorry
I can only cure your writers block
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
listening to the
lumbering steps through the home
of someone we both adore-
a philosophical newborn

hiding under the stairs
in a nest we built from
feather filled pillows and
cotton comforters

I felt the quintessential need
to mold our bodies into one
I wanted our bones to liquify
and our flesh and brains jumble

I wanted so badly to just
kiss you

No one found us
So I became a part of you
We are as one
Sep 2013 · 549
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
you are mad at nothing
because what you thought was there
does not actually have life
and what you thought
was for you
never really is
and you need to stop being
about theoretical situations
that never have time to even fabricate
or better yet
stop insisting that these
theoretical situations
are real
you are living like a ghost
your world is translucent
and you would stop being mad
once you realized
you are living in a world of
wake up
& stop being mad
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
if I raise my body up from the sheets
and untangle my hair
exit the nest we made under the stairs
do you think you would follow me?
if I were to continue upwards
towards the **** in the backyard
and if I were to mush all the berries in sight
into a sticky paste
that i could paint your body with
would you let me?
I'm just curious
how close you're willing to be
Sep 2013 · 1.7k
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
self deprivation
self accusation
mixed assumptions
****** fluids
gated communities
federal violations
Sep 2013 · 599
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
you told me to remember

we swam in a sea of green clippings
drank the dew
gulped it generously
letting it fill our lungs
sinking into the tub
of moonlight
bathing bodies before
callusing our feet

we walked until our soles bled
from jagged prairies of gravel
and our souls were weary about
of something
words don't do justice

oh my,
to be under that beloved
Sep 2013 · 623
Looking for Recognition
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
I came to visit you
Wearing the dress you thought
was __.

I was looking for recognition
in the **** hole of expectation
you never showed up
like a deflated balloon
I was popped and thrown away
I should have expected this
I'd like to think you were afraid to
or maybe your were frantic to
but couldn't find your keys

I had sweat on my brow
I wanted to tell you everything
but somehow
when I'm around you
words spill out
like *****
none of them mean anything
like last nights dinner
being regurgitated
into your lap
it is all irrelevant
and disgusting

I mumble and trip over my own sentences
and you don't seem to notice
I just want you to catch me
or tell me to stop with a kiss
would be appreciated
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
I was blistering crimson from
The Bahamian sun
With sand still between my toes
And a lion fish wading
In the confines of my brain
Twisting through the gray matter
Teasing me with its long spines
You told me you loved me
Darkness seemed like sunshine
Soaked from the sky
A down pour of hot teardrops
We ****** in the neighbors yard
I remember my white dress
And the grass stains
And how you were covered in grass clippings
Stepping back into the house
We were in a haze
Deep inside each others consciousness’s
We swam with-
Love is a strange thing
Sep 2013 · 416
no more
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
is gibberish poetic?
do these snuffles make me interesting ?
Sep 2013 · 618
Hurry Home Ok
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
I do not have enough time to
go through an entire
to find words that will even come close
to describing your immaculate
please come home
before i attempt
it's much more satisfying to taste your air
than to describe it
Sep 2013 · 277
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
I can't write a serious poem
because I cant take myself
                             seriously                       and                              I can't look you
in the           eye
without crying
because there's more built up                            regret
than I can
Sep 2013 · 347
Pat the Bunny
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
I want you to be the answer to everything
yet I know that's impossible
and I'm terrified
by it
Sep 2013 · 336
no more no less
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
I do not shave
i do not bathe
i do not eat meat
i do not follow rules
i am not an animal
i am human
natural and free
Sep 2013 · 765
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
coughing up blood
puking up mud
wishing the pain was gone
but begging for one more smack
of sheer
unbearable pain
to be touched by you
is something i can only dream of
Sep 2013 · 801
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
this will be my
a place
where according to
new elements will interact
to create something new
and hopefully meaningful
hopefully relieving
and hopefully
Sep 2013 · 1.0k
Sometimes I believe in fate
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
My shoes are dyed green
with moss spores and kisses from midnight bark munching millipedes
and my hair is greasy
from sweating out earthy feelings
climbing lichen covered rocks
listening to forest jams
and finding all the kinds of fungi
so i have a memory to replace ours
and i have somewhere too look to in my mind
when i forget what serenity feels like
there is dirt underneath my finger nails
and bugs in my curls
there are spiders making webs
at my feet
and the wind is knitting me socks
the puddle i am standing in
is called the Devils Bathtub
sometimes i believe in fate
Sep 2013 · 693
My Room is a Circus
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
My room is a circus
I've decorated for you
I welcomed you in
about 6 months ago
and you never left
what a silly mistake I've made
I hope you'll get out soon
or I'll have to shut the circus down
and the clowns have no where to go
well with the cold front
moving in
Sep 2013 · 5.7k
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
people always ask me
about my best trip
and expect me to tell them all of these deep
about how my life will never be the same
and all i can really say is that
lsd is more of a way to forget about life
and focus on now
focus on nothing but being alive
i mean being
there is no secret
nothing to be revealed
you know everything already
Sep 2013 · 473
thanks for the ride
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
I think you don't write anything down
because it's hard for you to
hold on to things
and that you don't like remembering things
because remembering things
means admitting you make mistakes
and in your eyes
you are a gem of perfection
a little recall never hurt anyone
thanks for the ride
Sep 2013 · 846
your mother is lovely
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
you got rid of me as easily as swatting a fly
you had months and months to prepare
i had 3 seconds
I hadn't the slightest clue when I got in that car
I even was venerable enough to stand out of your moon roof
your stupid moon roof
such a cliche moment
you smiled too
smiled when you said it
'i want to break up'
i said
that's all i could get out
i hope when you see me i burn holes in your eyes
make you shiver with regret
i hope that you see people stare at me
and it makes you squirm
i hope you regret
uttering those words
i hope the tears i left on your face after that
last kiss
burned holes in your cheeks
lefts scars where i had weeped
i hope i left an impression
no other creature will live up to your last 6 months
you picky *******
what am i saying your mother is lovely
Sep 2013 · 336
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
I've admitted love 3 times
I've meant it once
The only time I meant it
it was thrown back in my face
I guess that's love
Sep 2013 · 354
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
You said that I would be good with V
parts of me thinks that you were saying that to test me and see what i'd say
parts of me think that i would be
in about 3 years
when he's taller and I'm more mature
when no one is watching and
there are no social boundaries
exploring maybe
who knows
Sep 2013 · 520
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
there arent many things
that make me upset
to the point of non recognition
but trying to **** someone im still in love with is one of them
and i dont appreciate it friend
Sep 2013 · 2.5k
Marsha Lynn Sep 2013
this past weekend I tried to have *** with you
and you said you were not ready
and that that was ridiculous
because i am the girl that you've been going insane about for the last year
a whole ******* year
that is incredible
i think that is absolutely lovely
all i was trying to do was make you happy
He told me that being intimate and close to someone was the only way to achieve such a thing
at least it was implied
numerous times
and one of the only reasons he gave for breaking up with me
not good enough in the sack
well *******
i am an insecure mess and i need someone to guide me through the deflowering process
we don't all study ****
you inconsiderate pig
i loved you and trusted you and you took me in when i was very confused and fragile
and you manipulated that because you think it's interesting to do social experiments
on girls who seem odd
it's not fair
although i do thank you
for having the courtesy
of saying I love you first
i was so afraid that would never happen
and now this isn't even a poem
it's a diary rant
and i am once again a baby in diapers
******* my pants
waiting for you to come
pick me up again
and tell me everythings ok
i still love you

— The End —