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Mar 2019 · 84
caught up
sky Mar 2019
caught up in a time
full of us
fingers trailing skin

caught up in laughter
body rolling in sheets

caught up... none other than you
Mar 2019 · 85
promise; yours
sky Mar 2019
wonders of the world
skyscrapers in your eyes
the amazing mural of your hand in mine

promise me
that we would always be one

and I'll promise you
that my heart will always be yours
Mar 2019 · 1.8k
falling asleep
sky Mar 2019
it’s the falling asleep...
and then waking up

to breathe in the relief,
that time is on our side

then to fall asleep again
because i know i can

because i know when I wake,
you’d still be by my side
Dec 2018 · 113
sky Dec 2018
The nightingale sang a song last night
It whispered a tale of a boy
His story
His life

It perched on my windowsill
The song sang ever so loudly
The story ever so intriguing
Ever so attractive

It perched on my finger
And I am addicted
To the tunes of the nightingale...
...and to you
Nov 2018 · 273
sky Nov 2018
the stars in your eyes
told me a story
about the universe beyond earth
and the emotions in your heart
Oct 2018 · 137
sky Oct 2018
reminiscing the past
trudging through the present
anticipating the future

the words of the happenings
flowing through my fingers
our story pouring out into written word

remembering the little things
every single detail
like my mind sending those messages
through my heart
into my veins
and into my fingers

as i narrate
this story
of us

our little love story
Oct 2018 · 108
Hand in hand
sky Oct 2018
minds winding
love encouraging
hearts overwhelming
hand in hand
you and me
Oct 2018 · 92
sky Oct 2018
have you seen the twinkle?

the spark that crackles,
igniting the fireworks
that had laid dormant
behind the mask over my eyes?

rekindle it, everytime...


because i’m afraid of the dark
Oct 2018 · 80
sky Oct 2018
tune to the rhythm
of the heartbeats in the dark
raindrops falling
amidst pours of sorrows

caress the tears
hands held in protection
torn hearts amending
weary beings in sync

crossing hearts in promises
pillars to falling souls
teary pupils met under shining stars

gentle awakening
hopeful goals

nothing but butterflies
and lovely smiles....

voiced by whispers and sensual sounds...
Oct 2018 · 91
sky Oct 2018
a miracle that felt like it was planned
when I held your hand
something dead that felt like it had resurrected
when I kissed your lips

your eyes that twinkled
your arms around me
your heart in my palms
the gift you bestowed upon me

muses and dreams
endless mushy words
skin to skin in between white sheets
passion all night and morning

i am yours
for eternity
Oct 2018 · 103
sky Oct 2018
sensuous whispers interrupted by tasteful lips

undone were the reservations
and guardedness melted into the blankness of quiet spaces

our eyes met,
greeted each other with words we needn’t say

our fingers interlocked,
promised vows we needn’t make

our bodies melded as one that day...

creating a heaven large enough for two deserving hearts
Oct 2018 · 329
sky Oct 2018
what’s fallen for you
is never for you to take.

no matter how fresh and green,
it’s never for you to forsake.

should you receive this gift..
keep it dear and hold it close.

such time will come and you’ll know...
to gift it back to whom you chose.

— The End —