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994 · Apr 2014
Never Again
Marlena Apr 2014
Never again,
will I open up to you
Never again
Will you see me smile
Never again
Will I show you glee
Never again
Will you see diamonds in my eyes
Never again
will i look at you the same
Never again
Will we ever be the same
Never again
630 · Dec 2014
Marlena Dec 2014
Air, breath, in, out
When you are near,
to you i try and shout,
losing you is the greatest fear,
No longer free to roam,
you are a star, so near but so far,
you flee like sea foam,

I am shackled to you,
bitter and cold like a winters storm,
my walls start to crumble by the few,
your passion and care, start to warm,

the frozen heart which is mine,
simple and kind,
my star do you shine,
to a caring state of mind,

From now to then,
from the day of my death,
till we find our sense of zen,
for you i give my last breath
528 · Apr 2014
Lovely Darling
Marlena Apr 2014
Lovely Darling,
Tell me now what you see
wolves snarling?
A honey Bee?
Pearls in water
Flowers blooming
A father's daughter
A storm looming
stark white cloud
the great beyond
Sirens singing loud
waiting for a lovers respond?
How about...
You without me
448 · Jan 2015
bleeding heart
Marlena Jan 2015
Dripping through me,
my heart bleeds,
oh darling why cant you see?
as smooth as lily grass reeds,

punctured, and beaten,
whipped and lashed,
slowly my heart starts to weaken,
****** and gashed,

blood and tears,
together they mix,
bleeding all of my fears,
my heart is past being fixed
418 · Jan 2015
Marlena Jan 2015
What are you doing?
Why do you do this?
What is going on?
why cant i breath?
What happened?

Why does my stomach turn when i see you?
Whats happening to my heart?
Why do i think of you, when i cant see you?
What do you think your doing?
Why cant i breath?
what makes you love me?
why am i suffocating?
247 · Nov 2014
From me to you
Marlena Nov 2014
From me to you
words get lost
feelings get lost
emotions get lost,
The distance from me to you is close,
but words cannot translate
how much i care for you

So until the lost words,
the lost feelings,
and the lost emotions are found
from me to you will be a void
Marlena Dec 2014
Oh you pathetic thing,
you nasty being
with your venomous lies,
your twisted and bent truths,
Every word was a knife,
piercing the heart and soul which was mine,
the weight of the love that was not there,
still rests on my shoulders,
crushing me with every step,
You miserable swine
you are past the point of forgivness,
maybe it is because
I learned to walk on my own two feet
learned to breath with my own lungs,
see with my own eyes,
and speak with my own words
should i ever look back and your there,
your time is unrefundable
204 · Jan 2015
How does this work?
Marlena Jan 2015
Please explain to me how this works
I have never loved before
How do i show you my affection
How do i tell you when im sad
How do i tell you when im glad
How do i kiss you so softly
How do i hold you so tightly
How do i keep you mine
How do you keep me yours
Please love, tell me how this works.

— The End —