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Apr 2013 · 1.3k
beautiful stupidity
mark john junor Apr 2013
Beyond the cracked lens
of your minds eye
the worlds bitter anger has gone
past without pause
i try to confine this mad fluttering of thoughts my head
and as the sun set i thought id be here forever
in this moment here in her waking dream
her scent lingers on the humid air
and her soft form is still marked there in the sheets

her young lust was a sweating beast in my bed
her need to rush blindly thru left me alone in the night
with the song ringing in my head

imposter...her flesh gripped me like the hand of accusation
but her soft wispers are comforting

this is not what i should have done
i have made a terrible mistake

rain pours slowly from the gaping wound in the  sky
forever trying to fill the voids between heaven and earth
between the dawn and dusk
well into the night i stand here with the redhead wrapped around me
like the funeral dressings of some long lost ritual
Mar 2013 · 320
mark john junor Mar 2013
I wanted to talk to you
but words can be a strange beast
you speak them but they have a mind of thier own
and go off in directions you never intended
im sorry if i made you mad or hurt your feelings
like most men i was born with a foot in my mouth
mark john junor Mar 2013
carving a few simple words into her memory
a whisper of hair drifts over her face
eyes shut she waits for the cold crisp dawn
the candle distracts
and weaves it own tale
soft with smoke and mystery

night disburses
and the redhead across the hall comes tapping
naked and sweating
looking to cop a fresh spike
my girl makes her wait in the hall
"rude" she whispers over and over

our days here are fleeting
soon to escape this motel
and its rodent festival
to the great sunshine
never snows

quiet destitution creeps in with breakfast
and lay in the corner with a soft sigh
down in my mind i want to sleep
but its nearly time to wait
for the mexicans at quality hill
with two $20's in my claw

I am not yet ready to write the words
that would seal our fate and close this painfull day
that poem is within me
it drives me out into the bright sunlight
and the redhead follows trying to make nice
and i know its dope game logic that drives her
i know i could get my girl to bed her
a ******* would be tasty

umm that thought keeps me warm
while waiting on the mexicans
mark john junor Mar 2013
there are bold words spoken in haste of the moment and heat of inner battles
but thouse bold words evaporate into the haze of morning
as bleary eyed we emerge from this hostile thought
to the new day….

bold words to challenge the heart
to incite the mind
enflame the senses

but it falls to some girl loading the cannon
in the bathroom
and such folly comes to light

she is no friend

she loads the cannon with care
and shoots you
you thank her
this is one of the three poems lost last winter when i lost my blog...the other two poems are mia...C'est la vie
Mar 2013 · 1.8k
mark john junor Mar 2013
Broken highways in the night

have allways been the benchmark of my travels

the count of the hordes of empty eyes

climbs as the tally of things iv abandon on the way is forrgotten

Once i a while it will come to me suddenly

of some small thing

some trinklet that

i prized so much

that some crawling thief made away with
Mar 2013 · 384
define me
mark john junor Mar 2013
Fence me in with what you see
not who i am or am about to be
you will see that word
and think thats all he is
but your wrong
im so more

Iv stood at the edge of the world and peered over the edge
iv sat on a sailboat in a dead calm sea at midnight and saw the stars surround me

iv walked in the darkest streets of the darkest cities and felt no fear
because i was the only one there

iv looked at thousands of you and not found a single one looking back at me
you will see that one word and think it defines me
you will never know just how wrong you are
Mar 2013 · 602
thomas paine
mark john junor Mar 2013
In the fall of 1973
walking home from school
i went by the stone bridge
every day, rain or shine
on my way home i would stop there
at the middle of the bridge
and look over the edge
at the water wispering below
i had a song in my head that day
some girl singer
talking about love and hope
i felt so alone, and i just wanted that girl
from the song to see that it wasnt ok
that it isnt a sunny day

Thomas paines cottage
has stood there since 1733
along with its dumb little stone bridge
over a small stream
I want go back to my home town and tear that stupid
cottage down and blow up that bridge
then maybe it would be ok
maybe it would be a sunny day
Mar 2013 · 309
there by the summer moon
mark john junor Mar 2013
we laughed and shared the wine
by the summer moon
thought that those days would never end
so young and so full of adventure
so full of hope and loves

but darkness crept in
disguised as a friend giving gifts
"take this, it will ease your worries...
take this it will make you feel like heaven"

So many years gone now
cold stone has replaced the warm comfort
of my loves and companions

so many years gone now
and i mourn all that iv lost
and tell myself small lies
that as it was so shall it will be again
but once lost
you can never go back
you can never find the same road

there by the summer moon
you told me once that
you would allways be by my side

but you are in the boneyard and cant fin d a way home
darkness stole you
like it did all my dreams

bye my love
bye my love
Mar 2013 · 489
breath your
mark john junor Mar 2013
i breath the essence of your thought
and your memory flows down thru my body
as if you were here just yesterday
dance on my minds eye in candlelight
you are the myth that inspires me to this quest
you are the mystery that i unfold in a rapture of hope

i breath your words
like i hope that that by bringing them back will bring your return
but they have fallen beautiful but broken to the floor
and lay lifeless in the darkening room

I dance in the moonlight alone
hands held to where you would be
mimic the moment we shared
benith that star filled sky so long ago
as if to say that no other can ever fill my arms
or life like you

i breath you
and it leaves me so empty
Mar 2013 · 243
in the trees
mark john junor Mar 2013
She came thru the rain on a warm june day and took my hand lead me to her world

i want to leave this dark place i want to run time back to thouse days when she showed me all the smiles and love in the world

back to the world
where all of you live
Mar 2013 · 729
full on night
mark john junor Mar 2013
outside its full-on night
and in its depths toil closer
the mad rough beast
its thin pale fingers
play  on your forearm
leaving a trail of blood

a single tear escapes the cage  of her eye
like a shadow of consience
like a memory of the girl she once was
the caked mask of ruined makeup
frames her wicked smile
as her eyes intently
watch you sweat the moments passing

with yesterdays spoon in hand
she will come pleading for tomorrows riches
and borrow todays scraps with a theifs hand
asked she will tale of the deeds she has done
by the kindness of her heart
which shows blackened and burnt
from her secret hates

my woman lets it enter our safe place
and leaves me to watch it hover
over our table with its greedy seeking eyes

its my woman's sister
and i really dont like the *****.
Mar 2013 · 275
load (10w)
mark john junor Mar 2013
spike like plowshare
sow poisons
in fertile flesh
fast heaven
Mar 2013 · 567
viper (part one)
mark john junor Mar 2013
beautiful viper
her soft shine hides
the sharp edges in her eyes

she is my perfect intent
my moment sought
my hope

her lean form in the shadows
is covered in a thin sheen of sweat
her fingers streach out grasping at the air pleading
but her cold thoughts show
her pale hunched anger at the sidewalks edge

she emptys her lust on the table
her broken eyes bright
and pumps her blown veins for poisons breeding
its her avaid hope to spread taint and sour

her body the midnight oil of twisted ruin
her mind the meat of the apothocarys to the souless
her drug the sleepless dreamland between dusk and dawn

i would surrender to kiss her
i would die to feel her heat next to me
touch that soft memory

to suckle on her disease like mothersmilk
and languish in the slow death of pale monster
her taste and words on each moment
her cold lips caress and thin fingers fumble
would be the heaven iv hoped for all this torn life

she is my perfect intent
my perfect moment
my hope
my love
Mar 2013 · 356
her tender heart
mark john junor Mar 2013
i will never know her wisper in
the heat of passion

i will never taste the depth of her tenderness
in the slow caress of the middle of the night

i will never be the only one she smiles for
with her heart

i would give anything to be there if
only for a moment
if only for one tender kiss

she is only a dream i can never have
Mar 2013 · 360
all i really want
mark john junor Mar 2013
just one load
just drift on that soft sunlight beam that makes
this harsh place seem warm
just one load
so i can be ok
with everything iv done everything i am
wont take away from anything
wont get lost this time
i promise
i promise
but i am alone
shes gone
and its just me
not even a friend
Mar 2013 · 375
shame solo
mark john junor Mar 2013
Standing here by the road
with the rain softly blowin thru me
the hours pass slow

Her hot wet gasping lust
sweats next to me
her fingers crawl up my leg
her desperate questions crawl thru my mind

Stand here a shadow
stand here a refection
stand here anything but who i am
to her at this moment

Her aching lusts give way
to her cold calculations

the rain gives way to snow
and it scatters me
better to be dead than wait here for you
better to be gone than hope more
day on dreams iv waited a lifetime for
mark john junor Mar 2013
Fourty years
hunched pen to paper
in this cold failing light

desperately carving
in this slow wooden river of paper
each passing face and dream

no master
of this rough wild beast
i cling to each word
and by bare hand wrestle it to
its palatable thought

Now i can only pray to reach
edge of page without faltering
as age and my illness eat away at
my strength

Two pages follow this as a peice of work
each one with a cruel cold pain
night will soon evaporate

i must find a place to shelter
before i am seen
Mar 2013 · 461
since iv been lovin you
mark john junor Mar 2013
Our home once so warm and comforting
our home once so safe and filled with laughter
has grown dark and cold since you vanished
into the winter night

i stand here at the window searching
for some sing of you
but only the whisper of mocking cold wind greets me
i know i must follow you
track you thru the beast of blizzard
into the fires of unforgiving underworlds

Hours now
and my footsteps drag as bitter cold bites into my will
thru trackless ages of snowbound darkness
following your weary trail

where have you gone lover
why do you linger there
i have come to bring you home
our happy home

I will take but a moments rest here
beneath this once green tree
and take but a moment to recover my strength
take a moment to sleep in the cold blanket of snow

now that spring will come
to wrap my bones in green blanket
and speed my soul to the shores of distant land
i will dream of you lover
where did you go
why linger so long
Mar 2013 · 983
ballons and spoons
mark john junor Mar 2013
as each daytime infects the night sky
rousing the masses to the labour that socity demands
the lost and the maligined
the hopeless and the twisted seek shelter
by trying vainly to blend in
or simply go to ground till it is "safe"

this road stained with the tread of all
thouse who have perished before we stepped
onto this self destructive love affair
of balloons and spoons

i am freeing myself of this
many-layered monster
and we both see tommorows daylight
infecting the nights sky
calling us to take our place
in the masses below
it is a better fate than
the one we have striven for

better than balloons and spoons
Mar 2013 · 626
freckled cat
mark john junor Mar 2013
The tilted pet noise
haunts us as we roll down the narrow hall
its diseased bark echoes oddly in this cold hollow place

my legs ache
with the portent of coming snow
i must reach the exit
i must not be a victim of chance

the scurvy beast falls behind
its bark giving way to a note
of sorrow
he will have no-one to trumpet down the hall
when we have fled

he will be ;left alone with his dark doggy thoughts

homeward bound
homeward bound
just down that hall
Mar 2013 · 422
she wears me
mark john junor Mar 2013
In this dancing candlelight
she wears my love on her smile

look at her moving in the light/shadow
look at her warm form in the night
calling me to hold her in my arms and never let go

watch her dance in the firelight
watch her smile like all the world

has love in it
and its hers to share with me and me alone

We wrestle another night on the sheets
and exclaim our love
with the knowledge that it may be gone tomorrow
but who cares
tomorrow is such a long long way away

look at her wearing my love in her smile
Mar 2013 · 827
mark john junor Mar 2013
this moment
her eyes lay on me like two whispers of longing
and her touch, light and tentative
speaks to me of her fear
i would tumble the walls of the city
i would shake the foundations of the world
to ease her mind
but i cannot even speak to her
its a dream/memory
and she has been gone all these long years

— The End —