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marjorie May 2014
you've already moved on and happy with other girl
while here i am, still trying to drag my feet away from your love that was so unreal.
marjorie May 2014
i'm a bit dizzy, the smell of the liquor is on my breath with my deteriorated mind, and in the middle of the night i'm lying on the floor, feeling so hopeless and worthless. i need you now but where are you?i want to see your face but i can't find you,i wanna hear your voice but you won't allow me to, i need your touch to heal this pain i'm going through.

why did you give up on us easily?what happened to our perfect symphony?why did you stop singing the perfect melody?and decided to end up in a painful harmony?i thought our love was perfect as the sound of a violin, there's a spark everytime you strum the guitar and i started singing, you love my voice as much as i love yours, but that magical moment now is just a memory, tell me why do we have to end up this way?

i'm so tired of suffering with this pain, you're so absurd why did you have to leave me with reasons so lame, i can't figure out what went wrong i'm starting to go insane, my mind is in chaos ,i just couldn't get it am i the only one to blame?

i wanna scream, i wanna run to nowhere, my own tears are slowly drowning me, i'm down on my knees praying for this misery to fade away, i'm losing myself this loneliness is killing me, and dealing with this sorrow is not so easy.

— The End —