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Maritza Torres Mar 2017
I am
a wild woman
the coyote makes its home
underneath my skin
and rekindled from below my abdomen
a snarl escapes
like wild fire

I crawl below
I break the silver twine cloak
mother moon stitched out of love
and I sever the serpent chains
that once restrained my calloused hands
once marked red with the hard etched lines
that slither on my palms like rivers filled with blood

underneath the night
poachers march through the horned wreathed arms of father tree
their whispers awaken me

I dig my hardened nails into the broken soil
I un­hinge
I rise illuminated
from the Earth's inside.
Maritza Torres Mar 2017
I arrive searching at a crossroads
the dense fecund flora around me whispers,

This is a labyrinthine quest

long bark fingers reach out from the shadowscapes
they hand me a stone tablet
transcribed with incomprehensible scripture
I grace my fingers over the stone
the words chime within me,

There is no prize
no obvious winners
only scathed players

the words resound
beneath the fierceness of the wind

If they speak from the soil
they murmur hidden truths

the leaves encircle themselves
in a waltz around my body
and assure me,

You cannot listen too keenly
you may imagine yourself­
a half truth
a projection
that isn't real

out of fear
I rise to the tops of the echoing wood
then fall as the ravenous roots
force me onto a cobblestone pathway
only lit
by the corvine call.
Maritza Torres Mar 2017

swarm in swirling swatches

like the way soft watercolor paint dances

on the edge of rough pressed paper

images bury themselves in their tunneled homes

then drip down on my hardened brown boots
Maritza Torres Mar 2017
I wind
Hecate's path
the tearing wind
carries away my clothing.

What is left of me
above me like
white sheets
in battle
wild wood

I peer over shadows cast
and I see the great barred owl
throned among
the horned wreathed arms of trees.

Her call dissolves
the annealed armor
around my heart
and from the kisses
She plants over my eyelids
all color and
all life
slithers away
before my sight.

The lingering light
hisses like Her serpent
as it travels below
to a place
Maritza Torres Mar 2017
I rise from the Earth's inside
and feel Coyolxauhqui shatter
into my skin

Soy una cascara
stitched with seeds
my ancestors planted
for me

I wither and fall like the cotton flower
and rattle as I journey back
to the mad underground
under me

Bajo de la tierra
I find a fragmented tapestry
with fringes soft
as the silks of corn

Bajo de la tierra
encuentro mi corazon
una cascara

painted with colors in
a disjointed color scheme

Bajo de la tierra
encuentro que soy unica

I am one
in different colors
Maritza Torres Mar 2017
the wind
with fierce
sway of
winter's leave
coerced the

the sun
rose over
waking trees
as their fingers
rattled with
fruits shrunken
hard and dry

an ancient pulse
beguiled ecstatic
sound that
trembled above
in a waltz to
the whine of the

I close
my eyes
the sonorous
sounds of
Her weather
and She whispers
*it is not the moon, I tell you
it is these violas,
that illuminate the ground
Maritza Torres Mar 2017
of you
I break your shroud
I move
make my home
through the mad
under you.

There you will find
the total black
in which every hallowed husk
finds a home
within me.

As the insects burrow
build their homes around my walls
I shift ever around you.

If you see a shadow,
it is
no shadow
it is
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