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Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Poems made of pain
Poems made of passion
You Don't choose poetry
It chooses you..
Oh my Holy Madness
Such A MystiQue Such An Awe!
My Soul is Roaring
My Soul's On fire

Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Dealing with darkness
Is like Dealing with Roses
And you know what?
I LOVE my darkness
I see beauty in Rawness
I Respect Honesty
I thrive in darkness
I specialize in love
like Donna Summer once said..
And you Laughing like A Dude
but let's face it
Let's embrace it
The most wonderful things in life
Are the Ones you dare to Dream
Are the ones you Dare to Act.
I really can't understand why people discourage each Other
For me Everything's needs to change
I wont be a part of this echoing crowd
I wont be a part of the fake plastic Dreams
I am the change
I am the freedom
No games
No pretend
great music inside and Ahead
Hear it Roaring killing All your Doubts
So violent so bright..
We are here to encourage each Other
you my sistar and my brother
I see no reason to be against your soul
I see no meaning in this fake plastic world
paradoxically I let it be the fuel for my Ongoing journey
In my heart I trust In the rawness I embrace
There's a mental pollution
And reLOVEusin is the Only Solution
I am the Revolution
And You are the revolution If you want to
Dont Die with the music inside your soul
Now is the Time
Each moment is sacred each  moment is a new life
everythings breathing
Everythings heartBeating
Everythings Dancing
The beauty and the beast is inside..
Let's conquer our shadows and thrive
I send you silent blessings
And my love is embracing you
My wild love is warming your soul
keep Love your heart
Why compromise?
Let your Golden miracles take Flight!
Love and Music is by your side
and we're traveling like the speed of Light..
Pure intentions
peace of mind
Acceptance and release
the beauty and the beast.
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Hello beautiful Darkness
Dreams forgotten
They Rise and Fall
It's time to leave
And I Run Away
I run Away
and We run run run
The Art of leaving
The Supreme Liberty
I forgot
They Are Dreams
To fire up your soul
Now I Surrender
In 2 you my Wild Dream
Lets go beyond
And Run
RUN RUN away from
scarcity and pretense
You Can Dream Again
You Can fly again my love
With you my spiritual wild child
Goodbye fears
Goodbye limited perspectives
Dreams are for real
Welcome sweet heartwarming Divine Love
The new Soul contract I re-write once Again
Take me in to your rapture
In this faith I surrender
with you my love
An Eagle Is flying High
And The Universe is Listening
The Universe is responding
Has A
New Song
For You
A New Life to Carry On
The Keys to your Kingdom
Are now in your hands..
Jump in or walk slow
whatever is good 4 your soul
Do that.
A Standing Ovation
Of An Inner Applause is what matters most.
Something Beautiful Is about to happen
And you have things to do..
Let's get Lost in Wilderness..
is velvet
dance closer
a new Understanding
A New Fire..
Embrace it!

It's YOUR Life
Precious Life.
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
I want A change
A freedom
from the mental n' emotional
invisible chains
An Angel is by my side
I can feel it
The release is coming..
The release is near..
The release is here..
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Oh Lord This Music still penetrates my soul
Music baby this Divine music within and Around us
Like a Lovespeed to release and realize.

Sweet Surrender Sweet Delight Sweet sweet music..
Who knows where it came from?
May be from a parallel Universe
In this universe now flowers Blossoms
and spreading this aether scent like angels
A Good News Angels!
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
Excusez moi, Could you please help me finding the Jim Morrison's Tomb?
- We're searching too!
- Where Do you come from?
- I'm from Mars! haha.. Oh! well I'm currently living in Hellas
- Oh! We've been in Greece a week Ago.. and now we're carry on our
HolyDAYz in Paris and Then back in Mexico to our home..
- You Are Home.
Earth is your Home
- ...
Ah! Thank you ( Sacred Surprize in silence..)
Nice To meet you.

- You're Welcome.
Nice to meet you too..
Marisia Delafuga Mar 2015
I for ImagiNation
I for Integrity
I for Independence
I for Individuality

D for Dance
D for Dreams
D for Desires
D for Dare, Decision, Diversity and Deliverance!

All In One
One in All

I.Dare you

To Have The courage
To Dive Deep And Rise Above
The Sin Of Mediocrity

I Dare you my I.nner D.emon
I Dare you my I.nner D.ance

Now for ever and Again

The Beauty of your Brilliant Dreams Decoding your I.nner D.estiny
An Inner Dance To Dream On and Dare your Destiny..

I Dare you my Inner Demon..

Now for ever and Again!

- Your I.D card Please..

- Oh Holy Shift..

- What?

- ( ..... )



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