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Jan 2011 · 1.1k
Mario Cotto Jan 2011
Darkness, a chill in the air, unexpected sorrow overwelming, she's dead.

Hope is gone and left. Emptyness is at the door creeping in like death himself. Death came quckly that night,passing right over my brother and decided to take another.

No one. Knew untill halfway throught the night, in the silance, at the time of change. He stood over her and let a silent tears flow from his eyes. Her pain was gone, her soul resting etirnialy with God.

His pain just beginning. His life was reset, everything changeing because she was dead.

The comprehension of death is and will remain imposable. It's the second thing that unites humanity. And it's the first thing we come to fear naturaly. It's a fear not learned or over come.

Death is the crul irony of life bringing relife and stress at the same time. Death is the end to what we are a custom to and a beginning to a new life.

Death had changed him.,had made him take on new struggles had made him some how stronger. Death had taken his skin and made it impenatable, only two things could harm him and he avoided the one with out hesatation.

He came to think that with love came more pain and death himself couldn't even bare it . So thus with out love he could live forever and could concur death.

Darkness, a chill in the air, unexpected sorrow overwelming, he's dead.

Hope is gone and left. Emptyness is at the door creeping in like death himself. Death came quckly that night,passing right over to my brother. Oh how I wish he could have claimed another.

Death has become my friend and my enamy leaveing dispare in his wake but like a snake I can avoid him.

For Death is the crul irony of life bringing relife and stress at the same time. Death is the end to what we are a custom to and a beginning to a new life.
Jan 2011 · 1.1k
Mario Cotto Jan 2011
I don't care for my suffering only yours .I don't care for the cruption that has become the world. Call me careless because it's true. I don't care for any of it .

I don't care for your convertible BMW or your mansion three storys high. I don't care about your million dollar suit or your billion dollar welth.

I'm careless for the fate of the poor because they sit in their homes with ten cars in the garage and not a care in the world. I'm careless for the poor because they don't know how to react to the half blind man sitting on the curb with the hope of just keeping his faimly safe.

You can say I'm careless because I am

But if you say I don't care about the rich your so far from right that your of the radar. I care for those who can't go far and can barely aforde a car. They know who they are and don't bother with goin to the bar to drink away their sorrow.

I care for those who belive in tommrow and struggle for their lives to become right and their not blinded in the night.

They fight through with light and and won't take flight when they hve to prove their right.

I care for the rich and not the poor call me *** backwards but did you ever consider your that your the one in reverse?

Did you ever consider being the one who is careless or do you go with the flow of a sociaty that accepts the poor with open arms and shuts the rich out with the simple look and never consider that they've picked up a book?

Saying I'm careless can be so right but don't say I won't put up a fight because the ones who have everything have nothing and the ones who have nothing have everything.
Oct 2010 · 924
Run away with me
Mario Cotto Oct 2010
Run away from all of your fears to me where I can protect you and whipe away your tears.

To me where I can say that I'll be here every single day. Run away with me to a place where we can love one another. Your face the epitome of all that is good. It seems that heaven has sent you but I thought you would only be in my dreams.

I should be thinking about now rather then later but I'm to caught up in your eyes, oh those deep brown eyes how they run away with my heart like a poision dart sinking deep into the depths of my soul, paralizing my ability to see how in the world you belive in me.

She's lost in his warmth that tries to protect her from the strange world around them and he's lost to the world trying to find the answers. Run away with me to where we can grow old eachother and gain everything we sought

I'm cought up in my dreams or so it seems maybe I'm just going along the mainstream but it feels like so much more going up hill I'm not just doing it for a thrill rather just to test my will I just don't know how to show that I'll betheir through the rain and snow and the pain eased by that rain with nothing done in vain

I said I'm caught up in my dreams torn apart at the seams and time comes to a stand still

When time comes to a stand still no one really knows what to do they want to rush toward unaware of what's really going on wanting there normality to continue but the truth is that it's all stops what you think to be normal has become the irrelevant and what you think to be irrelevant becomes the most important thing in your time free standstill of a world. You blink and you think time has started again but you realize that you still don't have your answers

When time comes to a stand still she's lost in the abyss and he's caught up in her eyes trying to figure out the truth and to gain a ever important trust.

When times in a standstill their is only him and and me ignoring
reality and becoming lost in our own world not knowing what's going to come next but knowing that when time jump starts again that well be together for what seems like forever

oh the things that happen when time stands still

— The End —