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508 · Mar 2019
Time is not money
Marina Beznos Mar 2019
Time is not money;
It's senses and feelings and learning.
Time is not money;
It's night stars and bright dawn of morning.
Time is not money;
It's memories, custom-created.
Time is not money;
It's special dates well celebrated.
Time is not money,
It's snowflakes, Spring breeze, and blue water.
Time is not money;
It's smiles and sips of hot cocoa.
Time is not money;
It's hand-locks, an embrace, a whisper.
Time is not money;
It's chances to speak and to listen.
Time is not money;
It's worries, relief, and excitement.
Time is not money;
It's moments with laughter highlighted.
Time is not money;
It's some ups and some downs repeated.
Time is not money;
It's more goals and more work, as needed.
Time is not money.
It's life that draws in and entices.
Time is not money,
For it is essentially priceless.
496 · Mar 2019
Art of Kindness
Marina Beznos Mar 2019
There's quite a variation in the human strengths -
So many fine abilities inside us.
And yet most talented of beings are, nonetheless,
The ones who can excel in art of kindness.
Marina Beznos Mar 2019
You see the world from one side, I - from other.
Your perfect six will always be my nine.
Perhaps we'll try to solve life's utter puzzle
If our visions we can now combine.
This little piece was inspired by this clever cartoon that I've discovered:
287 · Mar 2019
Marina Beznos Mar 2019
When trying hardest
To seem smart, you risk the most
To be quite silly.
240 · Mar 2019
Marina Beznos Mar 2019
Do not scold winter for the many frosty days.
Inspiration guides her swift decisions.
For, she needs canvases of frozen ponds and lakes
To realize all her icy compositions.
212 · Mar 2019
Marina Beznos Mar 2019
Young March, although a messenger of Spring,
Gifts Winter with the lovely beads of snow,
For it is time of handshake between seasons.

And while the Northern winds are still in swing,
The days already have begun to grow,
And weather's creativity increases.
193 · Jun 2018
Marina Beznos Jun 2018
Early morning, day was yawning
Little loudly with its thunder,
Showering in streams of summer rain.

Later on, its strength restoring,
Opened up its blue eyes wider,
Woken by the seagulls at the bay.

Letting loose its locks of sunlight,
It put on a lovely outfit
Of the cloud beads and a breezy dress.

In the hills of city's skyline,
With its profile finely sunlit,
June is now all ready to fluoresce.
192 · Jun 2018
Not a princess
Marina Beznos Jun 2018
As not a princess, I don't want a prince.
Imperfect me and flawless him won't likely coincide.
My faulty habits might just make him wince
While pressure of his excellence might make me want to hide.
186 · Mar 2019
Sense of humor
Marina Beznos Mar 2019
If you've discerned life's subtle sense of humor,
Then you undoubtedly have figured something right.
Some stories, so creative, worth reviewing,
Are like a little tickle for a dozing mind.
173 · Jun 2018
He doesn't like the rain
Marina Beznos Jun 2018
He doesn't like the rain,
When sky seems dark and troubled.
She loves the grin of water
When droplets tease the puddles.

He doesn't like the cold,
When earth around is freezing.
She loves how little snowflakes
Greet strangers with light kisses.

He doesn't like the fog -
It's like a web of spider.
Reminds her of veil's fabric,
Which makes the day seem bridal.

The rain, the cold, the fog....
Emotions they're exposing
Depend on special stories
That one's mind is composing.
165 · Jun 2018
Like a scientist
Marina Beznos Jun 2018
Experiment in life;
Explore the depths of mind;
Hypothesize, but don't make end conclusions.

As for new goals you strive,
Examine thoughts you hide,
And separate true wishes from illusions.

Try out a novel craft,
Find talents that you have,
And reevaluate your expectations.

Write up another draft
Of future for yourself,
While liberating streams of new mentation.

Remove the stains of fears
And of the past dark smears;
Exclude the errors of exaggeration.

Refocus on what's dear,
Yet amplify the sphere
Of your perspectives and imagination.

Be like a scientist -
With interest persist;
Uncover many facets that life offers.

Explore this world; don't miss
The chances at fate's twists.
This life can be enthralling quite so often.
163 · Jun 2018
Spring cleaning
Marina Beznos Jun 2018
The morning washed the trees with rain;
The afternoon then sweeped and sweeped
With strong and warm southwestern wind.
And then the sun has found its way
And polished windows with each ray.
So now, the day, renewed and bright,
Is truly gleaming with delight.
It is all ready for young Spring
As she steps forward to come in.
158 · Jun 2018
Like a fool
Marina Beznos Jun 2018
Long time ago, back in our teens,
I loved you like a fool.
Your face was haunting all my dreams;
For you I came to school.

I was so young and so naive;
In glasses, chubby, shy...
But what was it I wouldn't give
To have you sit nearby?

You didn't know, and didn't care;
You caught enough girl eyes
With charming smile, hypnotic stare,
And never thinking twice.

On me, of course, you didn't waste
Much thought of your busy mind;
My name you mentioned with distaste,
And only to deride.

But years have passed; I've gained the skills
To build a dream career.
Took off the weight, put on the heels,
And victory seemed near.

And when I joined high business league,
On my first day of work,
I found that you're my new colleague
And felt my heartbeat ****.

But maybe all is for the best,
For, finally, you see
That I have tossed away the past,
Creating whole new me.

No longer I need you to breathe,
Or shake when you come in.
I pass you by with lovely ease,
No goose bumps on my skin.

You too have outgrown, it seems,
That high school cool-boy look.
Away went all those silly jeans;
In came the suite, notebook...

The change is clear now, as we speak,
Discussing our big plans
To get promotions we both seek
And quickly be advanced.

But on occasion, through my mind,
Slips in heart's tiny mewl.
How can it be that, still, inside
I love you like a fool?!
Marina Beznos Jun 2018
When by the wave anger you are swept,
Hold off on speaking for an extra second.
What's not said now can later then be said,
But words let out can never be amended.
146 · Jun 2018
Life's a Beach
Marina Beznos Jun 2018
Life can be like a beach,
With waves of hectic days,
And vivid future shining down upon us.

Where, sometimes, we might switch
This rhythm, and replace
It with a break of couple steamy galas.

At times, we might get burned
When we expose too much;
And sometimes we're the center of attention.

At times, our eyes can hurt,
When we try hard to watch
The ones who sparkle with assumed perfection.

And yet, we love this place,
So bright and full of life,
Where sun and rain change quicker than emotions.

Where, easily amazed,
Into new dreams we dive
And strip away a cover-up of caution.
132 · Jun 2018
February trees
Marina Beznos Jun 2018
Perfumed with aromas of fresh wintry mix
And wearing their snowy pearls,
The trees are preparing for Valentine weeks;
Excited like foolish girls.

— The End —