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 Jul 2014 Mariève D
Madisen Kuhn
i'm told that heaven
is a city made of gold
with pearly gates
and brilliant light,
but i couldn't care less
if it's crystal clear
or blanketed with fog

i just hope
heaven is a place
where i can kiss your soul,
capture a clip
of that radiant smile
and play it back in the sky
 Jul 2014 Mariève D
Madisen Kuhn
it’s difficult
to romanticize the past
or even
remember it as
when i keep discovering
more and more each day
that everything
you said,
and everything you
and everything
i thought was true,
was not.
from drafts
 Jul 2014 Mariève D
Madisen Kuhn
you hurt me
you are the moon that controls
the tides of my eyes

you are a dark moon
with thousands of craters,
thousands of imperfections

i have imperfections too,
but the difference is:
i think you hate me while
i love you
 Jul 2014 Mariève D
Madisen Kuhn
i can’t describe the feelings i get
the day after a rainstorm
or when the sun sets early
in the winter

happiness and sadness
are easy to recognize,
but sometimes i have emotions
that i cannot identify

like how i feel
about you
 Jul 2014 Mariève D
Madisen Kuhn
maybe if
i pluck the petals
from this flower
and the last one
that falls to the ground
says "he loves me,"
you will.
 Jul 2014 Mariève D
Madisen Kuhn
i can't tell you
all the things
i want to say

because telling you
how i feel
wouldn't be fair

i just wish
keeping it inside
didn't hurt so much
 Jul 2014 Mariève D
Madisen Kuhn
if you told my heart to beat
it would
but not because you told it to
and if you told me to love you
i would
but not because you told me to
 Jul 2014 Mariève D
Madisen Kuhn
please remember,

no one is as
as they seem

no one is as
as they pretend
to be
 Jul 2014 Mariève D
Madisen Kuhn
hope is beautiful
and can be destructive
at the same time
it keeps us hanging on,
but sometimes
for things
that will never come
I remember sitting in some basement at 10:58 on a random summer night
I remember how the movie we watched wasn't very scary
I remember we both pretended it was so we had an excuse to cuddle together
I remember long nights dreaming about you and I together
I remember how seconds felt like hours staring into your eyes
I remember standing together at one in the morning
I remember how the car broke down, and we were both oh so chilly
I remember the feel of your breath on my neck as we stood together
I remember explaining the next day how we were just friends
I remember a time before all I could think was I love you
I remember being scared you wouldn't feel the same way
I remember waking up next to you
I remember wishing we were old enough to wake up together every day
I remember long looks, quick smiles, bad jokes, sweaty hands
I remember shared drinks, borrowed clothes, tight hugs, your laugh
I forget when it was exactly that I fell in love with you
But I know that ever since, nothing was the same
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