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Marieta Maglas Aug 2013
’ Climbing down these secret stairs is a hell’, said Clayton. ’Don’t talk!
They can hear us. It has two sets of stairs. I think when they wanted to lock
This part of the tower, they made the secret passage ’, said Surah. ‘I’ll take care
Of the workers.  They drank that poppy seed tea. Now, they must feel the flare.’

Clayton threw them into the abyss, one by one. Then, he used a big rock
To block the entrance of the cave.’ Clayton, do you hear that screaming hawk?’
Frederick stopped dancing with Jezebel, and asked her to go with him to the terrace.
He professed his love for her saying that she might be a young pretty heiress.

’Did you talk with my father?’’ Yes, Jezebel, your father intends to give you
A half of his kingdom in order to make you be my bride. ‘’Is it true?’
‘I hear a weird noise coming from the cave.’’ Yes, indeed. ‘’Let’s take a look!’
He extended his hand, ‘I hear a rock moving behind those walls forming a nook!’

(It happened in the moment, when Clayton finished locking the passage.)
‘It has already caused waves in the lake. We must stop a real ravage!’
‘Two lamps are missing. They’re lost in the water. My father must know.’
‘That’s nothing’, said Richard,’ the beast could give its nose a loud blow.

Ha, ha, you’re really scared! It’s a tiny crack, which in time can expand.
Come to drink ‘, said Richard putting on Frederick’s shoulder his right hand.
’Fred is beautiful’, said Surah looking at a picture, which was hung on her wall.
‘I can’t believe he’s really here again after all this time, in the royal dancing hall.’

(Pauline and Frieda were two widows of those ten workers dying in the abyss.)
The poor homes were cold, damp, and dark within their walls.
The children used to play in the mud without having toys or dolls.
The windows were very small openings with some wooden shutters.
The men used to get drunk and to fight each other using small cutters.

The people ate, slept, and spent their time together in two rooms
Having thatched roofs and being as easy to destroy as were their tombs.
The homes of the rich people were more elaborate than the others.
They had paved floors being decorated with tiles in many colors.

Tapestries were hung on the walls, providing an extra layer of warmth.
In a simple home, there was no chimney. There was only a stone hearth.
Some vegetables such as cabbages, or onions were known as *** herbs.
They grew as much food as their families needed by using gardens and yards.

Pauline said 'It hurts me constantly until I know what really happened',
Frieda replied, ‘Because of the clouds, that day, the sky could be blackened'.
'But John was familiar with the trail, having hiked it many times before',
'Maybe they ran being afraid of that beast, a bear, or a very big boar.'

'John was a husky, healthy man, and he was not afraid of anything.'
'What can I say, Pauline? They are not at home, they are really missing.'
Pauline said crying,' On this mountain, so many have disappeared!'
'They disappeared near the cascade, and have never reappeared.'

(After a year, it was the springtime again. The people living at the castle were preparing the wedding.)
The sun shone, and the pink flowers bloomed at the wedding, in spring.
The guests were expected to come to the wedded pair, having gifts to bring,
Without a great change in the life at the castle, there would be stagnancy,
Due to her destiny, Jezebel would never be able to come out of her infancy.
Marieta Maglas Aug 2013
'Beautiful stalagmites and stalactites!' 'Clayton, this cave has breath!'

Do you feel the air?' 'The air movements are strong and prevent our death,

But they can extinguish the lamp.' To lead the way, he unrolled many feet

Of rope to mark their exit in case of being disoriented in this huge 'suite'.

They named the other one Queen's Chamber, because it was small.

It was a dim room, twenty feet high having a nice circular white wall.

After an amount of stooping, crawling, scooting, and squirming, while

Passing through damp trail ways over pits and breakdowns of the aisle,

Through tight keyholes, they reached a lake of water. Then, they have

Transported wood, to build a boat, and to explore the other part of the cave.

On the other side of the lake, they saw a room looking like a stone quarry.

After that, they recognized the finished stone house in its greatest glory.

They saw that the refreshments were served, consisting of tea, coffee,

And dressing, but the people weren't inside, yet. Surah took a toffee

And two of the numerous huge lamps hanging on the right cave's wall.

They heard a strong music and many loud voices coming from the ball.

' Imagine this, Clayton; we were bending, crawling to pass through

So many tight spaces in order to find that this cave is my sister's clue.'

'It's one single cave having two parts, which are separated by the lake.'

'Let's go home!' said Surah maliciously smiling. 'Anne is a real snake!'

(Of course, Queen Anne was not a snake. The old castle was built around the cave and those two chambers were used to protect the kings and the queens all over the time. The legend of the beast was used to protect the other entrance in the cave during many wars taking place along the time. )

They were floating back until they reached the shore of the other side.
She dropped two lamps in the water, and left the boat being in a hurry to hide.
They blocked the entrance of the passage, and their lamp started to tingle.
Clayton bumped a paddle against the wall to pass, but it sounded like a jingle.

They opened the metal door, and then they climbed up the tower‘s stairs
To get into the secret room. There, they saw two beds, a table, and three chairs.
On the table, there was a golden little spindle being full of golden thread.
'They use this gilded altar to pray for Jezebel', said Surah turning her head.

To be continued......(tomorrow)
Marieta Maglas Aug 2013
(Mary was talking to Clara about Surah and her curse.)

I have no courage to act anymore, and for nothing the time I spend.

Having no hope, I decided to follow the path of the fate almost to the end.'

'You know that beyond it, there's oblivion and death. Thus, you have to fight!'

'I can't change Surah into what I would like her to be, but you're right.'

'My dear Mary, I have an unbeatable plan, because the time is short.

On her birthday, when Frederick will come back with his wedding escort,

You will go to the castle to ask Jezebel to come here one day to stay.

Remember, there is no hunger, when in the deep forest there is no prey.'

'But, my dear Clara, Anne is so scared, she will never accept in that day

To keep Jezebel far away from her, though she will feel safe here staying to pray.'

'The curse has effect all day long, only that day, so we can be home at night.'

'The next day, they will marry. In the darkness, with demons I will be able to fight.'
(­Surah was searching some poisoning and medicinal herbs on the wild slopes of the mountain. Clayton was walking around.)

Surah stopped to rest on a crest, and she felt something as a raindrop.

She smelled a cool air emerging from the crevice of a rocky outcrop.

She realized that a great cave could be existent in that natural wonder.

She heard a rumbling sound, and she thought that it was a thunder.

She saw the waterfall, which was hiding behind it the entrance of a cave.

The cave was too low for her to enter, and to do this she wasn't so brave.

She asked Clayton to crawl inside, but he noticed that the entire entrance

Was blocked with rocks and vegetation, and to enter they had no chance.

'No person ventured here to remove the underbrush and the *******.

I heard that a wild beast lives in this zone having the teeth very pinkish.'

Returning the next day with ten village people, they entered as spelunkers.

With the aid of lights, they slowly became the beast legend's debunkers.

They renewed their visits daily, proceeding a little farther each time.

They unlocked the entrance, and entered a little room, which was sublime.

It was followed by a narrow passage, which was leading to a secret chamber.

'I'm tired', said Surah,' because reaching this crest was a real clamber'.

They started to break an amount of rock off by using tools before

They penetrated the distance to enter the passage. They heard a boar.

'We are inside', said Clayton. 'After a half of an hour, we will need a pause.'

The passage was interrupted by a chamber. There, they saw some jaws.

It was a king chamber having white walls and a height of forty feet.

'I'm exhausted enough', said Surah.' I'm thirsty, and I have nowhere to sit.'

‘The walls have white travertine deposits of flagstone and brimstone.'

Surah slipped and fell down on the floor. She let out a long, deep moan.

Fossils of sea lilies, shell fish and snails could be seen in the limestones;

The slightly acidic groundwater slowly dissolved the bedrock to make cones.

Along joints, fractures and bedding planes forming passages and rooms,

They walked on a floor sounding as broken crockery, and creating booms.
Marieta Maglas Aug 2013
(Surah was living in an old castle being used for satanic activities. The castle was very different in style, and needed a complete renovation. Surah had one servant, Clayton. She used some ancient herbal medicines for her purposes trying to be good and bad at the same time.)
On the altar, a Jezebel doll had needles, which were stuck in her head.

Near her, there was a paper, on which it was written, 'nor alive, nor dead.'

'I will teach my John to hate, and I will teach him my sweet macabre dance.

He will take refuge in darkness, or other way, he may have no other chance.'

(Frederick, the king of a neighboring kingdom, was coming to visit King Richard and his family.
Frederick and Jezebel were painting in the garden.)

Portraits are so delicate, and I always try to get an idea about the sitter.

They are made by using colors and harmony of lights, which must glitter.

The models try to give me something. My portraits don't have a signature.

Being a king, to sign the portraits makes me feel a little insecure.'

' Frederick, tell me about your kingdom. It must be beautiful there.'

‘It has only lowlands and a little sea, where you can breathe a salty air.

You'll see my kingdom, when at the High School you will come to learn.'

He embraced her to look closely into her eyes, but she made a quick turn.

' I will paint you, and you will paint me', said Jezebel while avoiding a fall.

'Your drawing's good, but your jump from pencil to paint still hits a wall.'

'One evening, I went with my parents to have a dinner with an artist friend.

I appreciated that his paintings were as good as he tried to pretend.'

'When I paint, I can feel the wind grazing against my fingers.

I draw always birds, because they are more than talented singers.

I use colors to make their songs be a part of my painting, and it's true

That I have also made a sculpture looking perfect like you.'

'It's interesting, thinking that we've never met before. Is this man real?'

'Not at all, his face is only in my mind. This sculptured man is an ideal.'

'I see your parents coming here. We must go to get ready for the party.

In this garden with beautiful statues, the matter seems to be so hearty!'

Anne took Jezebel by the arm. 'What do you think, is he a lovely man or not?'

'Why do you ask me? I'm ashamed to tell you. Well, I think I like him a lot!

He has such beautiful blue eyes, and his painting portrait looks so real,

But the lover of my heart still lives in my dreams. He's my fate and my ideal.'

'Frederick is thirty years old, and he is still searching for his young bride.

You're fifteen years old, and you can be his queen, but you're Miss Pride!'

'I'm thirty five. Your father is forty. We're old, and we get older day by day.

You must marry to have a new life. I pray for you to be a queen, someday.'

(Mary was living in a monastery.)

The monastery was surrounded by the fortifications that preserved it.

Having high doors, the outer walls were thick, because the land could permit.

The nuns welcomed the Word in faith, and mainly adored the Holy in silence.

No one could visit this extensive monastery without having a good guidance.

Their life was unfolding within this monastery, which had rooted many lives.

Nuns concentrated on God, while they were learning that, 'eternal love survives'.

They fostered the purity of their heart to open it out upon the Holy Creation.

There, the nuns learned the pains of piety, the apprehension and the privation.

They shared in the misery all the hopes of people thinking of the mankind.

Above all, God was present everywhere at liturgy, at work and in their mind.

The monastery had twenty-two acres on this land beside the blue sea,

And nourished their life. While glorifying God, they were really free.

The tools of the monastery and the sacred vessels were part of the altar.

The prayers were continuously connected by reading a golden psalter.

In that school of love, they learned to love God, and to give themselves.

The monastery had a library with many rare books placed on its shelves.
Marieta Maglas Aug 2013
'My dear sister, Mary, our sister Surah this kingdom wants to rule.

Every time she talks to Richard, Surah tries to treat him like a fool.'

'Anne, the old castle in the forest has become the demons' home.

There is darkness around her, when the woods she wants to roam.'

Surah was living in her old castle, in a dense forest being hidden.

It was a sinister place used for satanic activities, the light being forbidden.

It had a demonic altar, and a horrible stench was emanating from that place.

A scent came from the decaying victims, which disappeared without a trace.

The castle was keeping strange noises such as gasps, sobs, and screams.

A humongous spider web had been stretched across the way of wood's dreams.

The castle was draped in a sticky awful mess from its entrance to the towers.

Nothing could live in that place, and its garden had only thistles as flowers.

The castle was very different in its style needing a complete renovation.

She learned about some ancient herbal medicines in that place of damnation.

There was only one servant, who was keeping always on his face a glower.

His main duty was to read a book in order to keep safe the crystal's power.

Surah entered the castle having an ecstatic conclusion about her stride.

'How are you, sweetheart? You must know all the wonders of my inside!'

Clayton told her, 'Because goodness, and badness always can intertwine,

Inside twisted, happiness, and sorrow are always both equally divine.'

'I see my everlasting alter ego in the mirror of fate being transfigured.

Should I ever become this demon?',' I see that your image is disfigured.'

'This demon, who resides inside of me, also in John, will place his seeds.'

'How can you be so cruel? In this moment, my heart solemnly bleeds.'

'Father is dead, mother is quite alive, the girl may meet her end.'

She laughed, 'I'm well prepared to help them, because they need a friend.'

'Do you mean that they will die? Shall I really become so scared?'

'No, my dear, they will have a long sleep, and their doors will be barred.

Now, look at the processes, through which the alchemical content

Passes from the time it is placed here until it can have a new major scent.'

Solid becomes liquid through the filtration of the partially dissolved suspension

Being converted into a vaporous state with the aid of the heat, and the tension.

Distillation, separation, and rectification can disunite this new substance

For the fascination. Do you think she's really in want of this sustenance?

After converting this substance into a powder by the action of heat, I will add

Some different ingredients into a new mass by blending them.' 'You are mad!'

'Not at all. It works. Then, I will wait for purification through putrefaction,

For inhibition, fermentation, fixation, multiplication, and for a new projection.

When my potion will be ready, I will go to the castle to give it to Jezebel to drink.

This potion will have a red color, and a good taste. What do you think?'
Marieta Maglas Aug 2013
(The royal hunters were coming home.)

The deserted forest remained on the top of the mountain

Left by the hunters. They were resting near a natural fountain.

Vipers frightening could see boars, and deer being dead,

But also the king laughing, drinking water, and washing his head.

Keeping the balance of their galloping horses, the hunters could see

The stony marble statues of the castle, guarding it with their esprit.

Basking in their glory, the hunters sang the winner's song with grace.

Fluttering their flags, they rejoiced to review their home place.

(Jezebel left the cave, and entered the house for the dinner.)

Entering the house, Jezebel called John while climbing the stairs.

The early return of their parents could catch them almost unawares.

They tried to refresh very well in order to go down for the dinner.

Making her way downstairs, she wanted to know if she was still a sinner.

Mary was also her aunt, and a nun. She taught Jezebel many prayers.

She entered the room, kissed her, and took a seat on one of the chairs.

She greeted her royal parents, and her twelve years old brother, John.

Soon after the familiar dinner had finished, her brother began to yawn.
(Mary,­ Jezebel, and John, the twelve years old son of the royal pair, were waiting for Richard, and Anne to return in order to have their family dinner. )

John is a dreamer', said Mary. 'Sometimes, the dream is an illusion.'

'This life can be an illusion', replied Anne, the queen. 'It's easy to see'.

Richard said, 'Anne, the life can be a chain because of a dream of confusion'.

Mary smiled concluding, 'From Hell, sin, *******, slavery, God has set us free.'

' Sometimes, I recognize I'm a dream catcher', said the king. 'Well, I can't

Make really be mine any of those ideal dreams, though for Heaven I got a grant.'

'The deep forest knows to hide the beauty, when the wild monsters can smile.

Forest can make things be very hard to be found, when very narrow is its aisle.'

'I am here to witness the present, and to be sure that you forgot the past',

Mary continued. 'I want to save Jezebel in her strong struggle to the last.

I'm happy to understand her fate, and to find out that a miracle has seen heaven.'

'What do you really mean, my dear aunt? Look at the clock, it's already eleven.'

'Yes, it's too late for you, dear Jezebel. It's time for you to go to sleep!'

'I'm going to bed exactly like those sad things that in the night are very creep.

Not any longer I play hide or jump on my bed, though once I really liked this.

I really feel, and then I stand back up, because I have grown up. That time I miss.'

Anne said, 'I use to walk in the garden, and to smell the orchid flowers.

Sometimes, I stop for a few minutes to admire those beautiful two towers,

But even so, I can't avert my thoughts from the disaster of my destiny's path.

Before starting to ease my new suffering, I have firstly to ease my old wrath.'

The queen remembered that she avoided to invite her sister to Jezebel's

Christening, but Surah came up with a few curse words to the ring of bells.

She said, "When she will be sixteen, she will injure herself with a spindle, and die!"

'Please God, don't let this happen', said Mary while holding her hands up high.

'I remember that I prayed hardly for Surah to become a good person,

But I received nothing from God. Surah's life has continued to worsen.'

''When she will hurt herself, she will fall into a deep sleep instead of dying''.

Using these words, Surah changed her curse. Meanwhile, my queen was crying.'
Marieta Maglas Aug 2013
She stopped to sit softly on a jutting rock near the lake.
In that fine damp mist, she felt the need to take a break.
Then, she pulled back her sleeves of scales having to kneel
To sculpture in a clay like that one used on a potter's wheel.

She kept altering and shaping it into a beautiful male head.
The lines of his face proved that the man was unreal or dead.
Then, she pulled her sleeves back down, and started to walk.  
Her aunt, a witch, approached the sculpture wanting to talk.

Come here, aunt Surah’, said Jezebel. ’What do you think?’
Surah unbuttoned her neck telling her, ‘My dear, I need a drink!’
‘Is this sculpture your deep secret?’ Surah smiled as a feline.
’ He’s the man of my dreams, and his face I will never reline.’
(Jezebel started to sing)
‘I still can hear his very sad low wail,
In a sleeping forest being of no avail,
In searching for his bride he can fail,
His bride is caught in the time's gale.

When a castle he sees in the sun's rays
Keeping two decades of sleeping days,
The beauty sleep leaves him in a daze.
'Come and take your bride', the oak says.’
(Surah became nervous.)
‘My dear, it’s a very strange dream, believe me.’
Said Surah, looking as tired as being after a hard pull.
‘Tell me, sweet child, in this dream can you see
Something about using a drop spindle to spin wool?’

‘No, never! By the way, what means a drop spindle?’
‘You must promise me to keep your mouth shut,
Or the demons in the forest a dead fire may kindle.’
‘I’ll keep the secret, or the tip of my tongue you may cut.’

(Jezebel started to dance singing another song this time.)
Come and dance with me between the daffodils.
I can hear the strong wind coming from the hills,
And never let die inside you your inner child.'
‘Sometimes, this princess wants to be really wild!'

(Surah got close to Jezebel having a book in her hands.)
'This book is a precious treasure’, Surah said.
'It always cries loudly in order twice to bake its meaning,
And we must be strong, when these words we read.
This book explains the whole history of queening.'

(Surah opened the book at the chapter: Spindle)

To begin spinning on a bottom whorl drop spindle,
You must attach a leader by tying a piece of yarn.
The best wool's colors are black, white, or brindle.
Moreover, wool dresses may be difficult to ****.

You must take the yarn over the side of the whorl.

You must loop it around the shaft underneath and back.

Over the side of the whorl, it looks like a hairy natural curl.

By the way, there's a spindle in the tower having a crack.'

(The castle where Jezebel lived)

The castle was in the forest, at a high mountain.

In the approach to the front door, there was a natural fountain.

The castle had a ditch and a bridge allowing people to cross.

It had a first gallery having the marble slabs nice cut across.

The gallery was situated between the great and the little tower.

The towers had thick walls being protected from the wind power.

The south-west side of the castle had a perfect hexagonal shape.

The northeast side had prisons, from where no one could escape.

There were four storeys formed around the hexagon on all sides.

There was an interior courtyard for the people wanting to turn aside.

In the center of this courtyard, there was a well and a natural cave.

In the cave, there was an underground lake, fossils and an old grave.

In the mountain stone, there was a subway leading to the great tower,

Which was a secret place having nothing alive inside it, even no single flower.

Banqueting House was a hall having a colored fireplace of marble,

Where the king and the queen entertained their guests, stories to garble.

The stained glass in the windows could share the sounds of many *****,

And many secret meetings took place behind those enigmatic walls.

At the top of the stairs leading from the wall, there was a passageway

Guiding into Dining Room having painted ceiling light over its walls' gray.

King's Hall had the throne in front of a screen with arched openings.

It had an oak chair and a footstool for guests to sit when they were coming.

It also contained some royal portraits, expensive furniture, and tapestries.

Here, the aristocracy came to enjoy their feast, and to share formalities.

Near it, a big Lobby having walls covered in rich fabrics was used

To entertain guests with sweets, while the jesters made them be amused.

After the meal, Great Hall was a huge space for singing and dancing.

It had monumental stone arcades in the light were really glancing.

Behind the arcades, there were the staircases leading to the upper rooms.

Those rooms were used by the guests to rest, and to dress in their costumes.

They had wooden roofs, and tall windows that were looking out upon the garden,

A domed pergola, shrubs, gateways, pavilions, and a forest of pine marten.
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