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Marieta Maglas Feb 2013
A stone rolling herself from a mountain peak
apparently falls. Actually, she seeks the deep
meaning of life. She ends by sinking to become
river rock memorizing the history in her fossil.

This stone has feelings. She feels the tears
of time,and the drops of rain. A river rock is
cheerfully shining in the sunlight , but she's
sad in the shadow of the mountain, melancholic

in the moonlit,and dreamy at night,especially
when the river embraces her with his waves.
This rock remains lonely  in the dried up
riverbed for a very long time to reflect on

her own existence. She is the same stone
cracking,staying in the altar of sacrifice, or
becoming the head of the corner ,as Jesus
said. But, sometimes, she may become a

symbol as a philosopher's stone , or she
may be the top of a pyramid. Regardless of
her structure, she will never bend, and she will
never change her being, because a stone will

always remain a part of the mountain from
which she was detached.
Marieta Maglas Feb 2013
a dream
in a bee
becoming honey

the best cure for loneliness
is to eat it
with honey
Marieta Maglas Feb 2013
A bird flying
Is a flight in self.


It is a movement
In self and

It is a cry, too.

I hunt the sound.
I shoot its wing.
I feel that
The air fractures.
The flight is fractured.

I still love you.
For sure, for sure, I still love you.
The feeling slips
In the place,
From where the white bird fell

From the moment
To the eternity.

In that place,
My thought,
Bears your name

And remains

As a red spot on the
Blue sky,
A spot, which could be white.


Between eyelids,
Only pain
Can be crushed,
That pain taking another pain
From the agony of death
To death.

Between saints, only
God has
Perfect feelings.
He has our feelings, too.


We try
To touch Him.
Marieta Maglas Jan 2013
She saw people praying and using the violence in
the name of religion at the same time, while no
religion is preaching violence. She understood that
this kind of violence was too conflictual for peace, and
yet too diplomatic for war. And that violence no  
solution had; nor never none. She thought those
people lived in black light having blind eyes not seeing
the reality of life. She had to accept that this wicked
goodness and this pretty badness belong to our reality
so *****-like, vexing and hiding so many victimless crimes.
Suddenly, she realized that she could be a new victim.
She started to run while wondering where her safe place was.
She was better than to expect to be caught. She understood
her fear, that fear leading to frightening thoughts, those thoughts
leading to panic, that panic leading to derealization. She looked
around trying to recognize the place. She felt worry because she
couldn't see very well. She searched to make a sword of everything
around, but quickly after that, she thought that the swords are the
weapons of warriors, but she's not a warrior, she's a victim. She
started to give praise with idle tears, to give praise with wisdom,
to give praise with deep despair. She asked herself if God is there to
hear her, over those ravages of war overwhelmed by the natural
catastrophes and over the ludicrous effect of their transformation
into nothing. She, firstly, believed her religious man was a fighter
against enemies of God to conclude that he was an enemy of the real
fighters for God. This man was her husband learning in time to beat her
body and to hurt her soul. She saw herself as a little bleeding part of this
world wondering to know if her man is still the man she fell in love with
once, or he's an illusion. She stopped her run to sit on the ground. She
began to pray hoping that God is there to hear her and to bring a new light
to her crying reality. She stayed there to think how much a rose can
describe a flower, how much a flower can describe a woman, and how
much the feminine can describe many things around .She concluded
that no feminine thing can break this life down. She asked herself,
''What can happen to this world in the absolute absence of feminine?''
She found herself an innocent person dreaming at a new world without violence.
Marieta Maglas Jan 2013
We've been in the burning frost o' the highest  
peak to unlock the open secrets,and  to leave  
the sweet sorrow . In my upward fall, I told the  
pure evilness,''I want nothin' more and ne'er  
again''. I hung the word in that eloquent qu'etness.  
I hung the qu'etness in the air. I found its own sense  
and the opposite. The word and the qu'etness were  
like the hole and the star. In that spiritual freezer burning ,  
I found the insomniac dreams  o' my destiny and the  
waking dreams o' my un-destiny. You made them
become numb feelings and vice versa much more  
than a lyric song becomes a music sound to be a  
lyric song again. In that magic realism,my silent scream  
was moved into its echo to become deafening  silence  
forever. Fairly obvious, the down climbing  evilness  
echo'd ,''I want nothin' more and ne'er again''
Note ;My poem is a Dramatic monologue structured like a blank
verse using the oxymoron
Marieta Maglas Jan 2013
I heard your steps.I had a feeling  
that red leaves knocked to the  
ground while falling from an imaginary
tree. I simply knew that they became  
frightened in the fall. I had the feeling that  
I heard your steps ,I had that odd  
sensation that you were still alive.  
But ,in the next moment,I was sure
that I didn't really hear any step.
I saw my Ligustrum vulgare losing  
its leaves. I saw myself in the mirror.
I couldn't hear your steps.All I knew was
that I loved you. All I could hear was
the fall of the leaves.But in the next  
moment, I felt your kiss on my incurable  
and irreversible wound.
I heard the church bell ringing.
Marieta Maglas Jan 2013
Like a tired eyelid was your deep last
thought, or like an eye of water being  
darkened by a shadowing cloud. Like
a tear and a stargazer lily smelled your
gaze. Like sadness and longing your last
smile longed for love .You were my love
embrace. Between me and Jesus, only
you were my awakening, while you were in
leaving to be with Him through a last pray.
I followed you on the Way of Love as a
prayer. God started to send His rain of grief
from His heaven inside of us. I was able to
see you in that Light. How beautiful you were
in that sense of life. He allowed me to hope
this love would never end. I woke up alone.
The rain was beating against my window.
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