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Marieta Maglas Jul 2012
Land-mark times of
uncertainty and imbalance, new
paradigms for hearts and minds,
flowers growing through stone cracks,
unconscious becoming conscious,
between pieces of this cosmic puzzle, where
God means the Wisdom of simplicity in
human untapped depths of wisdom, fear
as a primal universal human reality
on the edge of extinction and breakthrough
power to change the outcome
the synchronization of the nature and the existence,
time of unspeakable intensity,
human awaking,
the higher and the deeper dimension of being,
Black Road or Xibalba Be,
energy shifts,
day in its sacred Zero point,
mass ejections shooting highly,
nuclear bulge of the Milky Way,
huge waves,
cosmic alarm clock ringing in human psyche,
time of change
leaving seeds for the future,
spiral evolution,
being in-between two important seconds
with minds founded in duality,
teetering between the
extremes of extinction and illumination...
Marieta Maglas Jul 2012
Your tongue becomes a
stretching of your
head.It is, in fact,
a lying tongue, which
breaks the complex
words, until they are
transformed in simple
sounds as the hours are
decomposed into chaotic
seconds to recompose
a new hallucinating time.Our
erratic thoughts anguish in
ignorance and resignation.Our
spaces seep into another
common one. The light
dances on our exhausted
bodies all its
shades of red.We
love each other in
our dream....
Marieta Maglas Jul 2012
Rudolph was dancing and
singing in the moonlight. He
seemed to be so happy. He
said that he hadn’t know before that
he is able to dance and  to sing. To
understand the  human life, he
learned  so many dances  and songs . To
understand that he’s a monster
and to conclude that  he cannot
change his own condition, he trained
his voice and he trained to be a
dancer.He hoped to find love, but
nobody  really wanted to share
feelings with him.  He looked
like a simple ghost ,but he  had
tears in his eyes ,some lousy
bleeding  tears springing
from his ******  conscience….
Marieta Maglas Jul 2012
I'm in this form having
walls and ceilings
well constructed.I'm

a thinking form.I'm
the keeper of
my own idea.I'm
in this cave of
my conscience.I'm
in the solitude of
self, where only
forming forms of dreams
coexist with me.I'm

in the shadow of
my form.I'm the keeper
of everything I am and
everything I have, but

I cannot fight against
this coward that lives
inside of me, when I
need to open this door
of self in order to throw out
everything is useless and
to save the meaning of
the things I have to keep.
Marieta Maglas Jul 2012
I approached you
And the flash light
Of your voice embraced me.
It was somewhere, near the divine idea.

I hadn't met you before, but
When we united our voices
To be together in this way,
I felt the eternity floating in the air,
That kind of white eternity
In which, everyone wants to stay.

So many people crowded in between us
That we seemed to be two points on a world map.
So long was the distance in between us
That we seemed to live

One at the North Pole
And the other one at the South Pole.

It was the time when
The sun was declining beneath the blue horizon
In a ring of fire
And the moon was rising in the same sky,
And the coming night was embracing
The leaving day.
It was our twilight.

It was the time when
The stars began to
Appear on a new dark sky.
I began to be afraid of losing you.

I took the elapsed seconds
To hang them on the 'Lyre' constellation.
The existent seconds flowed into there
With a terrible rapidity,
Letting those, which were new to come to life.
A new time was born,
In which, we became existent one for each other.

I felt that you wanted to touch me.

I heard a tenderness in your voice.
Our feelings flowed into
The 'Bird of Paradise' constellation.

Suddenly, a rain of stars began to fall down.
I didn't know if it was a real rain of stars
Or a firework, I didn't know
Whether we could really embrace each other,

But I felt
That I was irreversibly transformed
Into another new woman.
free verse
Marieta Maglas Jun 2012
You may touch me.
I can wait something to happen.
In fact, I know that nothing will happen,
Even we love each other so much.

You may want to kiss me again,
While you are touching me,
After so many years.
I can wait something to happen,
But, I'm afraid that
This invisible kiss is all we deserve,
Nothing else.

Maybe we need to make love
Or maybe we don't need anything.

Certainly, we need to eat together.
We can eat this long wait
Instead of making love,
When everything seems to go crazily.
Marieta Maglas Jun 2012
I'm in the white city.
A dense fog
Disintegrates all my hopes.
There are people dreaming
Of nonexistent worlds,
There are disoriented people
Walking on the terminal's sidewalk.
There are lights turning on and off so erratically
In this white city.
There are hidden screams in the night
Covered by the heavy rain sounds,
That rain falling continuously
And monotonously.
In this white city,
The victims
Don't understand that they are victims yet.
There are flowers,
There are fast food kiosks,
There are botanical gardens
With beautiful exotic trees,
And there are horror movies in the theaters.
As shadows emerging from the fog
Are the lost steps.
There are steps searching each other,
And there are steps that are separated forever.
The rain's sounds
Vibrate the eye of the windows,
Vibrate the burial stones,
Vibrate the dreams,
Those dreams
About better days.
Someone screams
In the white mist of the night.

Maybe he's the victim of an aggression,
Or maybe he's someone, who has lost his love.
Maybe it's just an echo...
I'm in the white city
And I'm searching for you in the darkness....
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