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Marieta Maglas Oct 2011
The fire was burning in the fireplace. The  fire was burning down for the night, and the damper  remained open to allow the smoke to vent.  The flames danced  their shadows in the darkness on the white walls. I wanted  to sleep peacefully in your arms.  I found myself in your arms, I needed to feel your touch all around, and I needed  to hear  your voice . When we were both close to sleep I wanted to sleep very closed to you ,exactly like the first day we made love ,listening to the rain.  No one has ever made me feel so special.. I closed my eyes again.... I thought I slept a little when I felt you  gaze upon me ,I felt  your  lips on  my hair, and I felt  your warm hand touching  my hand. You played with  my fingers and you  looked very thoughtful for a few moments. I suddenly felt that you've slipped a ring on my finger with a very gentle movement. I didn't know why you pressed the stone with your finger  . I fell asleep immediately. In my dream I felt you. You were still there. You were like a child .Love  seemed to be the same  as  yesterday. It seemed to be like playing a shuffle beat on your guitar .It seemed to be  like a foggy vacation . I could not see you clearly,but it was you,my dream man, the man of my dreams , the man I love and  the love of my man at the same time,entering my life and changing it forever. The flames  worn into deep curves with the passing darkness  , forming a deep depression of an  empty space on the walls . From time to time they vibrated their  red. In my dream  I saw your  dynamic shadow projected on the wall. They became one single  image   ,simultaneously moving  up and down ,retaining  themselves  in some kind of unmanifested   creative  void,more specific it happened  like merging together..This was the total end for me  and you understood.  You  made me going crazy. I loved you and I probably would have done anything for you .  I've got you and I anchored you in my own fecundity. I anchored you onto the earth...Next, I breathed up all the fecundity and the vibrancy of the earth...inside and outside my  physical being, clearly being  filled with light, It was like an absorption. I felt the happiness  filling  
me and I opened my eyes. You  slipped  inside  me and I could feel  you flowing slowly. I became a part of us like two bodies in one single body  at the same time, signing  up  the love cry  mysticism of feelings.
I suddenly felt the thrill of  the eternity. Rays of love crept in and crept out again
and they  caught the shoulders of our  souls . I felt the flow and the entwining of our merging  souls... An internal vibration  filled the space inside.It was like a Chopin sonata. We became  only  movement and emotion  ,movement and emotion. The heaven opened. No one was more beautiful than you. I saw a child so much loved by God like any other child of this world.... Your love  hugged me tighter and snuggled more closely than ever before. ...You became my prince of eternity. We couldn't move our bodies  any longer..It was our divine inheritance and  our freedom. I felt that we no longer need  our bodies to make love .I felt that it was not a dream ,I felt that it was the reality . I fell asleep next to you without dreaming anything. I felt safe with you. Standing behind me I felt your sweet kisses. The memory foam mattress  cradled  you in comfort throughout the night.In the morning I looked for you and you were not there. I felt your body  shadow in the soft  white bedding   .The bedding seemed to embrace the memory of the feelings.  The perfume of your body dulled  my sense . I thought you were gone as usual without saying anything .I opened the radio and I heard the  same song. Outside the sun seemed to mash the sky with its shine. It was a typical day of spring. I didn't  know why it seemed to be so much light around. Perhaps I felt  the light  supple and  much  more stronger than usual . I've never  felt  such a strong feeling ...  Again and again  I was waiting in  my solitude. But I came out and you were there  for telling me that you will stay forever with me.
Category: Novel
© copyright Sat Dec 18 18:24:52 UTC 2010 - All Rights Reserved- From A beauty on fire
Marieta Maglas Oct 2011
The day that you hurt my love
I though I was born again
Because the reality woke me up
I was caught up very well
In one of your snares
And I was next to madness
That kind of madness
Who never knocks at the door
But goes directly into house
And slams you down
To the ground
I clung desperately to something
It was an eye book
I took the eye and I crushed it
Like I crushed a walnut
To eat its content
I read it very quickly
It was like a breathing space
And one day I realized
The meaning of our love
It was involuntary
It was unconscious
It was hypocritical
And it was demagogy
And this is why
It could not fulfill its destiny
Then I opened both my eyes
And I did not save this love once again
But I let it die forever
Category: Poetry
© copyright Mon Nov 08 10:51:00 UTC 2010 - All Rights Reserved- From A beauty on fire
Marieta Maglas Oct 2011
In the Springtime
The wind beats the trees
Until they lose
Their most beautiful flowers
In the Summertime
The wind beats the trees
Until they lose
Their most beloved fruits
In the Autumn time
The wind beats the trees
Until they lose
Their most painful leaves
In the Winter time
The wind beats the trees
Until they lose
Their hope.
And the wind beats again those trees
Until they lose
Their most important spring buds
Again and again
Until they lose their sap
The wind beats the trees
Until they collapse down
To the ground.
Category: Poetry
© copyright Mon Nov 08 10:51:00 UTC 2010 - All Rights Reserved- From A beauty on fire
Marieta Maglas Oct 2011
The mountain peak penetrating the sky
A lead sky hidden behind the indigo clouds,
Tapping with its shade the rain shower
Which beats the world of emaciated feelings
Those feelings keeping the encroached souls
In a mesh of life without hope
In a framework of themselves

The sky penetrating the mountain
In its valley's green depth
To the place where
The life's last illusion flows
In the middle of the chasms
Where the running water galvanizes
The gold silence
Weary wandering seemingly to nowhere
Trying to vanquish its metamorphosis
In the time sight
And on the time ear

The echo of its sound penetrating the life
Of a new spring, in its own
When the absence of the old one
Means not forgetfulness
Unlocking the ubiquitous meanders
Making the rain to shine
The cold gray stones
With their arms and their *******
Freaking the pick of their thoughts
Freaking the strength of their iron veins
And their paradoxical conundrum
Like a voice which is still alive
Or like a mysterious touch
Category: Poetry
© copyright Mon Nov 08 10:51:00 UTC 2010 - All Rights Reserved- From A beauty on fire
Marieta Maglas Oct 2011
I suppose I love you twice
And I realize I hate you once.
Even I'm not sure
That I am really capable to hate you
But you can make me oscillate
Day by day
Between hatred and
The feeling called love
By you only
Until it will be almost impossible
To keep this feeling alive
And I can explain you
It is because
This breakable mechanism called love
Which normally starts from the souls
Didn't start within us from there
But from another secret place
Of our being
And I can explain
You see , our feeling consists
In fact
Completely of passion
And voluptuousness
So, if our love couldn't really start
How can be finished something
It didn't start?
In fact
Our feeling has two faces
Hatred and passion
But ,confusively as usual,
We try to call it love-woman
And love-man
In order to facilitate this meeting
We need
A lot of sap
The sap of... ***
The sap of... reason
The sap of ...introspection
And the sap of... lie
So you , woman- love-man,
Moreover, inter-twilight love
You have the fault
For not being capable to be born
I 'm not guilty as a woman
And you're not guilty as a man
The sap of..... goodness
The sap of...... trustingness
The sap of...... knowledge
And the sap of ..... faithfulness
Cannot flow
To the leaves of our souls
More especially our son
Who waites to be born
Is the most guilty.
Category: Poetry
© copyright Mon Nov 08 10:51:00 UTC 2010 - All Rights Reserved- From A beauty on fire
Marieta Maglas Oct 2011
If I kissed you
With only one word
Maybe that word would have died
Inside of you
But I've kissed you
With all my words
For you to be the miracle
Who expresses them
And if I kissed you with a question
Maybe you would have pleased me
With another kiss
Category: Poetry
© copyright Mon Nov 08 10:51:00 UTC 2010 - All Rights Reserved- From A beauty on fire
Marieta Maglas Oct 2011
The reality of your dream
Is a mask turned backward
Black over white, black over white
Love over pain ,love over pain.
Hey, take me to yourself.
The dream of my reality
Is the backward of that mask
Turned backward
White over black, white over black
Pain over love ,pain over love.
Hey,come to myself.
Come to self in self
In that place where
Everything can be
Black and white when is taken from us
Or white and black when is given to us.
Love and pain when is given to us.
Or pain and love when is taken from us.

Look to the mask

Always the same

Looking for myself
Through you
And looking for yourself
Through me.

In that place where
Everything can be
Black without white and white without black
Or pain without love and love without pain

In losing control.
Category: Poetry
© copyright Mon Dec 27 17:52:57 UTC 2010 - All Rights Reserved- From A beauty on fire
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