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Jun 2020 · 40
Melissa Marie Jun 2020
Now she lay me
Down to rest
I snuggle up to her
And nest

A storm of pain
10 fathoms deep
Calmed in her arms
And let me sleep
Mar 2020 · 36
Puzzle Pieces
Melissa Marie Mar 2020
A lonely piece of puzzle
No connections lie in sight
She fell one day and then got lost
I understand her plight

All alone she felt forgotten
Suffocating in a silent hell
Then one day- out of the blue
Another puzzle piece fell

The connection didn’t take long
She sat astonished for a bit
Two pieces from two different puzzles
But somehow, they still fit

She asked the other puzzle piece
“What happened?  Did you get bumped?”
But she just smiled and said, “No my dear.”
“I saw you here, and jumped.”
Mar 2020 · 41
Melissa Marie Mar 2020
Guard your heart
Save it a trip
Spare it the pain
Of the eventual rip

For the truth is
You won't know where or when
But if they leave you once
They will do it again
Mar 2020 · 46
Shakespeare's Advice
Melissa Marie Mar 2020
The life of a Genie
Is what you have chose
Granting the wishes
Of Them, They, and Those 

You've hid in your shell
For oh so long
Fearing rejection-
You veiled your heart’s song

It hurts me to watch
It hurts to know
I wish you set-free
I wish your shell, you'd throw

But, it has to be you
It must be your voice
It has to be you
It must be your choice

You deserve to be happy
Let these words resonate
"To thine own self be true"
Before it's too late 

Jan 2020 · 38
There's Always A "but"
Melissa Marie Jan 2020
There's Always A "but"

Love doesn’t come wrapped in a bow
But love is still a gift
Love doesn’t always equate happiness
But it keeps you steady when you start to drift
Love may be patient and love may be kind
But that kind of love hurts like hell
Love may not always be enough
But it still refuses to fail
Love may be steady and love may be true
But its emotions can sweep you up with the tide
Love may shatter your heart and soul
But love is still worth the ride
I wrote this because I kept thinking about how people are always telling other people "I love you, but...."  They say "I love you" but (lol) they would follow that up with a "but...." and say something negative.  It began to really bother me.  So, I made a promise to myself that day to never say "but" after I say "I love you" again.  And then I wrote this poem, to turn the "but" into something positive instead of something that was always negative.  It made me smile to do so.

— The End —