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Mar 2013 · 584
Maribeth Lleddur Mar 2013
This is not some old tradition;
This is the way of truth.
Years of instruction without reception
Making "yes men" out of our youth.
The truths that we've heard, shall we not own?
What equips us to disagree?
Each person thinks they can judge alone,
But God's Word stands from eternity.
Another friend has fallen aside,
A child of the church, a brother.
Drawn by enticements only the world can provide,
To follow the mastership of another.  
Oh, friend! Entrench your roots in the truth of God's Word,
So that none can pull you away!
Saturate your mind, let your prayers be heard,
At stake is your eternal stay.
Feb 2013 · 529
Maribeth Lleddur Feb 2013
My heart has grown heavy,
I'm stretched too thin.
This game, it's finally over--
And yes, that means you win.
That is, if winning is losing,
'Cause you've lost me, you see:
It's sanity I'm choosing,
No more walls, just serenity.
The pretenses, facades--willpower dies.
Trying so hard not to be something,
That we really are nothing but lies.
Feb 2013 · 696
Maribeth Lleddur Feb 2013
The moorings creak,
The gales roll by;
I'm Davy Jones,
I cannot die.

The waves beat down,
The crew is gone;
My heart beats on,
My heart beats on.

Holes in the sails
Are stories told,
Of battles lost,
And wounds grown cold.

Bound to the helm,
I'm cursed to roam;
The sea is home,
The sea is home.
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
Maribeth Lleddur Jan 2013
With myself, or you?
You’re content without me
And that’s not fair
Because I’m not content without you.
One way channels of affection should not exist
The world is out of balance
How can you be right for me, and me not right for you?
When will my own chemical orientations be reciprocated?
I couldn’t be more sure of you.
Sure that you fill a void in me no one else can touch.
But when I speak to you, confide in you--
When I anticipate a mutually appreciated interaction,
And you don’t speak—don’t show—don’t need—
Well, I find myself here.
Rolling on in these ruts, unwanted, with love unrequited.
Frustrated, but not with you.
Because not caring is no crime,
And life is yours to live.
So live on, love, and I will rust.

— The End —