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 Sep 2013 Mariam
Just one more poem.
Just one more rhyme...
come on brain!
Have you lost your mind?

Just one more limerick.
Just one more haiku...
it's always so easy!
What's wrong with you?

Just one more story.
Just one more tune...
write of winter!
Describe hot June?

Just one more lesson.
Just one more advice...
say it with jewelry!
Teach of vice?

Just one more declaration.
Just one more truth-spree...
do it on paper!
Set yourself free?

Just one more blood-let.
Just one more piece of you...
there's something to say!
What have you accrued?

"Just one more bad day.
Just one more true beauty...
to write it all down!
Isn't it a poet's duty?

Just one more Maui sunset.
Just one more lost friend...
Oh, don't worry!
'One mores 'never end..."
Feel free to critique and praise as you'd like. Look as some of my other poems! Many different ones, although many use rhyme. Thank you!
 Feb 2013 Mariam
 Feb 2013 Mariam
They say when you lose a limb,
sometimes you can still feel it
even after it's gone
Maybe that's why I still feel your arm
wrapped around my waist

— The End —