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Mariah Lawson Feb 2014
“I love you” I hear
As you wake me from my dreams,
And I can barely comprehend.
We say goodbye in a haze,
Stuck between sleep and reality.
It’s time for you to go,
Like so many times before.
I’m familiar with this part by now
So I barely flinch at all.

I wake the next morning
Shivering in bed
Because my heat, my heart, my soul
Is too far from home.
Mariah Lawson Jan 2016
Its been almost 2 years
Since I’ve thought of you.
But all that time went down the drain
When I saw you that day.
Suddenly my scars were ripped open again
And you came flooding out.
Mariah Lawson May 2013
Rapid pulse, shallow breaths.
My body shakes as it closes in on me.
I need to get away, get out of this place.

I must run.
I must find you.
Where are you?

You said you'd be here.
Mariah Lawson May 2013
Distance enlightens us.
Will we stick it out while we're apart
Or will we stray for someone near?
We crave affection on the daily.
We yearn for the warmth of another.
What will happen when you are not here
To show me such love?
Mariah Lawson Jun 2013
Your kiss
Was just a kiss
That made me feel good.

But his kiss
Was a grand kiss
That made me feel
Like my heart was
Going to explode
From beating so fast.

His kiss
Was an eloquent kiss
That made me
Weak in the knees.

And his lips
Were the only thing
To stop me
From falling.
Mariah Lawson May 2013
This battle is done
Yet still nobody has won
So which side to take?
Mariah Lawson Jan 2016
I miss you.
But I don’t want to be the one that misses you.
I need you to miss me.
I know that we’ll meet again someday, somewhere.
I can feel that in my soul.
The universe isn’t finished with us yet.
Maybe it’s fate, destiny, whatever.
I do believe in that.
But I also believe that you can make your own destiny.
So tell me please
Do I wait for that someday, somewhere?
Or do I find the courage to make it happen now?
Mariah Lawson May 2013
I was
To the ground
But then you kissed me
And your lips saved me.
Mariah Lawson May 2013
You were gone.
You were gone and I was fine.
I was fine without you.
My life wasn't so confusing.
My life was simple without you.

Now you're back.
You're back and I'm not fine.
I'm not fine.
I'm not fine.
I will never be fine with you.

Mariah Lawson May 2013
I could paint my nails or braid my hair,
Get in the car and travel somewhere.
Watch TV or read a book,
Take a class and learn to cook.
Draw a picture, color it in,
Or call an old friend to see how she's been.
Go to the gym or go to the park,
Watch scary movies alone in the dark.
Listen to music and dance to the tune,
Take a bubble bath until I look like a prune.
Take a long nap, then make a snack,
Maybe go for a run around the track.

All of these things I have to do
To keep myself from thinking of you.

Mariah Lawson Jan 2016
With tequila brings thoughts of you
Of that night I could taste it on your lips.
When you left a trail of it
All over my body.

I miss you.
But I miss tequila more

— The End —