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Mariah Lawson May 2013
You were gone.
You were gone and I was fine.
I was fine without you.
My life wasn't so confusing.
My life was simple without you.

Now you're back.
You're back and I'm not fine.
I'm not fine.
I'm not fine.
I will never be fine with you.

Mariah Lawson May 2013
Distance enlightens us.
Will we stick it out while we're apart
Or will we stray for someone near?
We crave affection on the daily.
We yearn for the warmth of another.
What will happen when you are not here
To show me such love?
Mariah Lawson May 2013
Rapid pulse, shallow breaths.
My body shakes as it closes in on me.
I need to get away, get out of this place.

I must run.
I must find you.
Where are you?

You said you'd be here.
Mariah Lawson May 2013
This battle is done
Yet still nobody has won
So which side to take?

— The End —