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464 · Mar 2014
Mari Kitty Mar 2014
I feel hated. People seem to just hate me. What have
I done to you? Why are you treating
me like this? Please tell me what I did.
I don't know what to do anymore. It hurts me to
see people just to be rude all the time. Don't you know how many
teens die everyday for just being themselves? I don't think you do.
I almost committed suicide and almost gave my life away, but I just had though
that the very little friends that help me out. Like Bailey for example. She has
been there for me for a lot of things. And I couldn't ask for a funny friend like her. When I cry, she is always there for me no mater what. I hope you read this. I guess that you could say that I have "issues" at home. Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not abused, is just that my mom has become this person that I can't talk to. I cannot go to anyone at my house anymore. Except for one person, but she is also against me as well. But hey I'm still here right. You should be too.
(The End)
Hope you like it.
409 · Mar 2014
**Giving Up**
Mari Kitty Mar 2014
When I go outside and looks
at the car and sky. When I stare at the blue
sky I just wonder what it looks like there. I try my best not to
die or **** myself but it's difficult. I just sit and look and just try to have my
eyes on the prize. I say to myself, "Why am I here? Does anyone care?
What if I'm just invisible to the world?" I just give up now.
I guess I'm just sick of it now.
I quietly walk upstairs and go to my bathroom and lock the door.
Grab the Antidepressants and get my nice and cold glass of water.
   I grab a handful and just start doing what's right.
I guess this is the end.
I will see you all in the special place in my hear--
(The End)
405 · Apr 2014
Mari Kitty Apr 2014
I think, I think, I think everyday. About the bad memory that play in my head. Why can't I get it out of here? Stop controlling me. Stop it! Why are you bringing up my mistakes and bad memories huh? I can see it now. I see my family yelling, screaming, throwing glass bottles everywhere. Why? Why?? WHY?!?! Get out of here!! I'm tired of hearing you over and over again! I'm freaking out, hyperventilating, scared. Why are you punishing me huh?! I'm starting to see light. It's very bright! I never knew it would go this far. You saw what my "thinking" did to me. Now I'm in a mental hospital and will NEVER see the day light ever! You thought that memory went away? Think again
Mari Kitty May 2015
My darling.
I'm glad to call you mine.
I'm happy you came into my life.
You make me smile when I'm upset.
You make me feel like I can actually be myself.
You help me when I feel like I'm on the urge of death.
You make me laugh everyday.
You're the most amazing girlfriend I could ever ask for.
I love you with all my heart.
You are the first thing on my mind.
You are the only one that could help me when I'm sad.
Or mad.
Or anything really.
This is why I call you mine.
I would die for you.
Pretty much I would do anything for you.
You have made me feel happy all the time.
Yes we have been though a WHOLE lot of ****.
Yes we have said things we regret.
Also we have ****** up a **** load of times.
At the end of the day.
Those are bad memories.
Especially, its in the past.
But all we can do is just move on.
We can't just think of that.
That was the past.
We are focused on the present.
And hopefully create a future together.
Love can be anything.
Age is just a number
Like 14 and 16.
It doesn't matter.
I'll love you and not care who has something to say about it.
I hope I will see you soon.
I really love you.
And you already know that.
<3 ^.^
<3 April 25,2015
387 · Mar 2014
I hate people
Mari Kitty Mar 2014
I am just sick of people and seeing them happy and full of joy. Well I guess it's just that I do not have a good life then. I feel alone even if I do have someone near me. I guess it's my fault that no one likes me.
People do not like me or enjoy me. It hurts to see nice couples and pretty people. I blame myself that I look ugly. I don't mean to be an attention ***** or anything like that, I am just telling you  my opinion and how I feel. If this offends you, then I'm NOT sorry. The only person that I can DEAL with as a couple is the most AMAZING couple name Bailey and Shawn.
This is how I feel, and hope you like it
Lurve yah Bailey
378 · Apr 2014
Mari Kitty Apr 2014
Okay so this is my life now. Turns out my "friend" thinks its okay to talk about me on Facebook. You know, I don't see what I do to deserve this. I
go through a lot but you know people are a ** wholes as usual. I'm not saying that I'm the only one that go through a lot of things, because I know people who  go through worse that me. I am just saying that they do not have to drag my little friends into that situation. People do not seem to understand just because I'm sensitive, I can't do anything. But you see me here alive right? You still realize that I feel like giving up correct? A lot of people feel this way: ignored, depressed, parents abusing, school f *cking messing you up, bullies, cyber bullies, etc. But just realize that even if you do not have friends, I am here. Yeah I know, "that's what they all say" but I really mean it. Another fact. I went back self harming. Don't you see what this f *cking society does to people. "Society" is f *cking up my life.  
(The End)
296 · Apr 2015
Thinking (2015)
Mari Kitty Apr 2015
Well, today is the day.

I can't believe I waited until now to do this.

I've had a long journey. I'm tired of running away from

My problems. They keep catching up to me. Why don't I  give up now?

They wont care. I always tell myself that because it's true.

Why do I give up so easy? I feel the need to always cut my wrist?

It's not my fault.

When can I have real happiness huh? Why is it the same *******?

Why do people find it entertaining when I'm depressed?

Well let me just help them out already.

-Pulls out gun to my head-

See you all later.

— The End —