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Jan 2017 · 191
Marcus Smith Jan 2017
Freedom from the fear of shadows upon the horizon
Allows an otherwise troubled heart solace;
Indeed, a notion worthy of my honors,
She who sings her ballad in the Hall of the Divine
Thence welcomes souls beyond wayward pines home.

Hereupon we **** our sorrows in anticipation of a new day;
Only upon the distant morrow do our dreams lie;
Even if only to pray, I'd say it is a time for hearts to cry;
Peace in the face of adversity gives way to iron wills,
Eloquently expressed in the eyes of the young, the restless,
The willful and the doleful, clarity upon which its seeds are sown;

Lamentingly difficult to understand, He sits in a quiet little room,
Onward marching and flying faceless banners within the flume
Voraciously embraces the sun and all her glory;
Evidently he is a needful thing, and as such, a never-ending story.

Hereon I carry myself in the way of the Gods
Giving unto thee without notion of you giving unto me.
Hear my words, for they come from a Divine charge;
Walk beside the still rivers and know that the reward is naught but a sliver,
That a thousand Amen is a thousand times more gratifying.
Here She teaches us to reach for the horizon to see how far beyond we shall go;
Indeed the stars above illuminate a dark world below.
Lay yourself down in the eyes of the Light,
For the Throne sits ready for your proclamations;
Years of this will indubitably become effortless,
For all in all it is the truest test.

Faith brings it all together
Whilst hope breathes fire into the beating heart.
Love forges the steel wills of all that live,
That Charity may display her beauty for all that desire to see.
We live for the dreams we weave and weep for what we must leave,
Yet here we bear witness to the tenets that bind us.
Here we see a Truth of Humanity seldom ever known;
All these are but seeds that need only be sown,
Watered for growth, pruned for posterity;
Fullest clarity could not be more welcome.

— The End —