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5.2k · Feb 2014
Goodnight and Goodluck
Mar Brock Feb 2014
I dont want life any longer
I'm tired of all the lies
Its in Dreams where I find you
I hope I nwont be awakened this time
No not as much as anyone tries
In dreams I still hold you
Your skin soft as a babys
Your skin is smooth as silk
I just cant go on this way
By being awakened day after day
Leave me alone Im not going to **** myself
Not as long as I have my dreams
Dreams where I can love you
Where I know just what to do
They are where you are mine
Every bit of the time
See my Magda I just dream of you
These dreams are all I save
Just leave me alone before this matter becomes grave
Leave me alone in this one place where Im not times slave
Where I can feel you again and hear your voice my sweet babe
Its happening again someone is trying to wake me up
I said this would happen then
If you could just for me
Be happy I'll be out of misery
I'll be there where all one does is dream
Finally to be in Tanelorn
The one place I can find peace
Even if the directions cant be released
I wish I was in another world
Or on a different plain
Or living my next life my love
So i'd see you again
For now Im lost forever
You see I only dream at night
I cant take this life anymore
I guess
Its time to say goodnight
821 · Sep 2013
We Ran Like the Wind
Mar Brock Sep 2013
Once there was a lady on a sturdy white stallion that ran like the wind
Seeing me she stopped and said "traveler where have you been?"
I thought maybe Hell ,or purgatory where all faded love lays
She said I am on my way to heaven but my Stallion will not let a man near him
Grandfather showed me how to gentle or Indian break long ago ,I love horses for their personalities
She said you may try ,I let him (the horse know) how beautiful and powerful he was and how honored I would be to be on his back to be the fastest I would ever be
Up I went and i gently pet his ears and he nuzzled her
She said you have a ride I fell to my knees and cried Thank You Both I want to see everyone I love again
They are no longer on this earthly plain So a ride to a place that would be impossible for me to go to would be so appreciated
The Angel said you have some wisdom son of Eve I said no it's only in my life
I live alone bereaved No space Not anyplace My baby is gone and my mothers grandmothers daughter and even my wife
They were in some ways like a bank I could keep my love in
So sweet Angel and beautiful steed I hope you understand why I have such need
Will we be there soon ?
WOW they are right here I never knew how to contact them
And like a horse without it's blinders I could see finally feel PEACE
659 · Apr 2014
Mar Brock Apr 2014
When the sun shines bright                                                           ­                    
                  Its the time that we both say goodnight
                  With an ache thats true I encircle you
                   Please come to me it is only your love that can set you free
                    There is no jealous in me
                   That hasnt been consigned to history
                     Thankful that we never fight
                      When we are awake at night
                      When winterfell ,it was said to be just like Hell
                      But for you and me it really set us free
                    We go down by Landsend and we get on the ship with our dear friend
                       But if the sunlight isnt gone
                      Sunset is our dawn
                       I want to tell you somehow ,what everything is
                       We are a part of the earth and trees
                        Of people who live on
                          Though their lifetime may be gone
                           Its a resurrection some have said
                          I wont ask what others need
                            Just Thankful at night to be freed
                              No we are still alive
                              But white hair and pink eyes
                              Just leads to our peoples cries
                                 Skin so white
                                 Can be consumed in straight sunlight
                                 But I can only write more its true
                                 If you wait for Part 2
628 · Jul 2014
When Love Left
Mar Brock Jul 2014
Hate alone is the weakest of weak
Hate wants others to have its pain and have its own clique
So it goes from house to house woman to man
Its message is never to build but just to destroy
It can never be great so it works to turn women into girls men into boys
Telling all we must destroy this ,I will swear on Bible ,5 Books of Moses,the Quran you see
For the truth means absolutely nothing to me
It is not with good you must relate
No it is with me bringing you,your pure cold hate
"But I only know love and good"
One person stands among the good
Hate replies are you going to listen to good hour by hour
Or listen to my ways and words that this moment will give you power??
With no goodness ,no kind religion hate chooses its first victim
It has fangs no more so it whispers that one is bad you would have
so much more if you destroy him
Then you can put me up to the highest
You listen, her disgusting  breath bothers you less.
You start to think yeah life is not a test
The land starts to crumble the new buildings start to rot
By now hate has whispered lies door by door to hundreds of names to the once good people
Finally they see what they have bought
Friends and neighbors almost forcibly moved out
Goodness gone with hate's whisper
Never from a good ones shout
But you listened even now one could not look forward but only see what was done not that far back
Telling people ,"Please remember when there was good"
when we were on the right track?"
Even with friends and loved ones gone the people are too afraid
to have hate whispering ill about them "I cry"
Making it so they must leave for there is no garden nor glade
Finally a good person a young girl was born
She finished college and came back not to whisper but to shout
Love ,Love ,Love is what we need we can work whats left out
We can throw hate out
The older people now had no courage or really any strength to tell
They once had good lives now they have Hell
Hate its skin rotting  in itds gold room on the roof
Eats its 3rd bucket of McChken and gives out a laugh
You had people to help you just yards away ," cut the Authority here in half"
So you will listen to me you will hear my voice
Because if you dont I may whisper and lie about you
You see now its my choice
But the young girl sent away to learn now came back
Went up to Hate and said to all the young like her "Can you help me bring something wonderful back "
First thing in college she  heard was :"All You Need is Love"was  hmm she thought Is"love  cowering  in an apartment in fear of only hate?"
Whether they be blood relation or not
We are now related to throw out the hated
Not to hurt it or anyone or thing else
But to enfold it with love ,the word forgotten in my home myself
I talked to counselors how music and writings of love were burned
I asked what of us when we go back with love wont we be spurned??
Then she heard a voice "You can have a road 100 miles long
with hateon one side and good on the other with a line drawn 50 miles out in the middle of the road
If you are one inch ,one milimeter on the side of Hate then that is what you are
As if you were made of steel you consider nothing love nothing want no one to help you
If you are on the side that is good only one inch ,guard your soul but also know you are beyond Hate's control
Know you have brothers and sisters that will help you and heel you nourish you with lov
Young ones like me if you truly want love you must start with it now we are blessed
She couldnt believe what she saw pure  goodness
Plants and animals the beauty of pure running streams great and powerful river
This is what had always been in her dreams
She was in University now not home hearing Hate's screams
She snuck back told all the other young people what she had heard
Her hair had a pure white streak a couple inches from the front of her long hair
So all the young thought" is hate turning Students hair white"
NO its because someone came back for us who does care
Student sang to the other young ,they could come to Academia with her or stay there
Their parents never told the young for fear Hate would whisper about their home door to door that night
Being kept from others the young didnt know her except by sight
"Tell us more about love they said "
Tell me ,tell me ,tell me oh please sing again some of the young secretly had learned musical instruments
They played as she would sing
The young yes even some of the older said "Sing more of love it sounds like such a beautiful thing"
They felt sunshine, they hugged and held gently and knew exactly what they had to do
They asked the young lady how she knew how she had arranged a bus to take them University to learn love and more
Suddenly Hate woke up "Where are my Big Macs and Buckets of tenders "come to me now now you **** "now Hate screamed
Less than half of the old ones the ones who lived the fear of rumor  ran out the door
How would they all fit in one bus.the Smiths hate Jenny Moore
In fact everyone there hated eachother
They needed someone to tell
The girl they now named Student told them of her dream or truth she beheld
How they all must leave where Hate doth dwell
How they must walk next door and ask for help so they could grow from injuries in the past
Hate came down "All of you who go will not be coming back"
Where are my Big Macs Hate said "bring lots of them back"
Then Student told her from now on we dream in Colour and those who stay will and can keep  the dreams in  mixed up white and black
Some of the old ones stayed they knew no other way
Student said we must remember them and wish them well every day
I was told to never go on the side of hate but to stay on the side of good
But that was only my dream and I would have you do as you would
Come to your own decisions of good bad right or wrong
Always honor your parents they just were too close to the middle of that road
Near enough to open their doors to hate
You know Hate needs our love the most
Student said what I like about Love it doesnt ever run out like money  gold thats real wealth
If you should ever get to close to the middle of that road, talk to counselors ,make friends with love and with health
Remember at all times that you are giving the love and health to them
If it can be done Hate may become love and your dwellings will sparkle and be clean
The stars will come out tonight looking like the closest they have ever been
It is with sadness but well wishes we leave our friends in Hate,but with their love for forever
447 · Apr 2014
Mar Brock Apr 2014
Go away away you mighty Norse wind
Blowing ice right off the ground
I lived on the land and I lived on the sea
but I never heard such a fearsome sound
Out of nowhere I saw a window
I felt bad but on that night I had to beg
To spend this night on the inside
Because I have gotten so cold I was just the dregs
Suddenly in the window
There was a face I had known from before
I tried to dust off and take another step
But she caught me when I got to the door
But I never expected to see her again
All I can say is really who everknows
You can never know what might happens
When that cold norse wind really blows
"She said I never thought I'd see you again
Not so threadbare and worn
You better come here where the fire is near
Then we can talk about where we were if I passed out when I just saw one tear
She said I slept 3 days crying out a womans name"
I almost cried because death came so close
I wanted to joim my loved ones
But I guess that roads not for me or for Rose
If you want I'll just go hit the road
We never expected to see one another way back then
She had decided 2 years before she didnt need any men
She pulled a down duvet over both of us
Then she gave her warmth to me
A truer, finer lady is very rare lady for me to see
I told her I'd been a Merchant Marine
That I green broke horses for some years
Sailed around the seas each of the seven
But I  could never sail on one and get to Heaven
But she said she didnt want anymore to speak of the past
How I should have known I couldnt catch up to the future
We learned to be Nurses and Corpsmen
But you could say our dice came up seven
The die were swung and it was a hard 8 here we are watching all this snow
But its nice that we can be together now
Its a pleasure to see a warm face instead of all my grieving
I asked if I could stay 3 or 4 weeks
To lift and repair things done that  a man,s meant to do
She said she rarely saw people and and if I did then my tab would be even
Here we were 60 and could still be shy
That was the gift she gave me
That was 2 years before I came here
Before I left I kissed her long and deep
Then said even a wranglers luck will change
She changed mine for the better
437 · Apr 2014
Sweet Pain
Mar Brock Apr 2014
I guess its me thats mourning me you are all I ever think of
If I could show you the River
That Snake Gorge river
I would carry you in my arms
Then if that didnt work I whispered to you gently
How can anyone have so many charms
We could stay there and roll in the grass
Maybe you might laugh when I make a pass
But if you cant see it, can it be measured
Suddenly I was unhappy shaking my fist at the One Above
In the trees I would hear it no need to be near it
I heard thats why I gave you both love
I was so lonely in the middle of so many ladies
Though you never sot one out
Then I saw you dance
You didnt give me a chance
Oh my Lord you had given me love
In prayers before dinner is eaten
When people tell me "take care of yourself"
They dont know I dont need health
I will never let go I will put her on a show
Can you tell me if love ever stays so sweet
You taught me to love you and our daughters when they came
  You were so much more to me than just a last name
But I never new if you were joking
And if I get to Heaven its all I want to do
Is hold you in my arms til I get taken away
I have the greatest love I any man could have had
Now its just like springtime
Like December never came
To two hearts we always knew
If I see that day
I get a little scared and say
Nobody can have it this way
Loved her
Needed her
There for her
I just never knew
She had danced hersef right into my life'
I want to be there too
All that I say can be true
420 · Apr 2014
Mar Brock Apr 2014
Jane comes up to me and says ,"mannnnn this just ain't my scene"
                 I said Jane how'd you ever get here ,like what can I do for you in the time "between"

                 Hey babe I didnt invite you up here Andy is gone and ***** for Pyros I found obscene

                 Her eyelashes looked like insect legs
                 I got no money baby and I have no time

                 Turn around sit at a desk and make a rhyme

                 Or write a song in three quarter time

                 Baby you have used up an Ocean of that softening lotion

                 Maybe you need to stop sometimes and rest
                 From what you convince yourself is making Janie best

                 Most left with Kerouac a few left with Andy

                 Been a long time girl since you could be their Candy

                 Dance Dance until you find yourself elsewhere

                 Please dont think that I dont really care

                 But see I dont know what colour you should colour your hair

                Its been so long and I dont want to hurt you

                But I can't hurt myself for you it just wont do

                You cant remember Janie that you really did me wrong

                I dont wish to be cruel
                So now this is the end of our song
417 · Mar 2014
I Even Lost
Mar Brock Mar 2014
There is this place
That I'll never go
Where I wont be so anxious
I wont be so alone
I never was all that much but I didnt know
When you lose yourself
Suddenly my Shadow wouldnt show
Its no use to wonder if its a dream
Or am I dead ,no thats too mean
I need to stand on a mountain with the evergreen tree
So I can shout Lord ,please God look at me
If I did something wrong I could understand
Because here I am
Im the Shadowless man
Could I have become the shadow
Did it become me
Then I should be without pain and without misery
I try and try
to get things right
Its just so hard to tell myself have another good night
Sadder than sad is all I know at 2 in the morning its easy to know
So if you are looking for a man that looks like me
Look for one who lost his shadow
Its in eternity
400 · Feb 2014
Night Person
Mar Brock Feb 2014
'When the sun shines bright
                   Its the time that we both can say goodnight
                  With an ache thats true I encircle you
                   Please come to me it is only your love that can set you free
                    There is no jealous in me
                   That hasnt been consigned to history
                     Thankful that we never fight
                      When we are awake at night
                      When winterfell ,it was said to be just like Hell
                      But for you and me it really set us free
                    We go down by Landsend and we get on the ship with our dear friend
                       But if the sunlight isnt gone
                      Sunset is our dawn
                       I want to tell you somehow ,what everything is
                       We are a part of the earth and trees
                        Of people who live on
                          Though their lifetime may be gone
                           Its a resurrection some have said
                          I wont ask what others need
                            Just Thankful at night to be freed
                              No we are still alive
                              But white hair and pink eyes
                              Just leads to our peopies cries
                                 Skin so white
                                 Can be consumed in straight sunlight
                                 But I can only write more its true
                                 If you wait for Part 2
351 · Apr 2014
A Need To
Mar Brock Apr 2014
Its 44 Miles out of Memphis
I have to go to be her man
My ladys been holding that door open about as long as she can
Here I am just thumbing" O God please help me "
Get me a ride to take back my pride
I need my lady next to me
She called me early this morning told me what was on her mind
She told me she missed me and from now on she could be kind
The demon came in a white powdered form it made a devil out of her
But she was tired and wanted to be thin she stopped eating Im sure
We had this talk before and I fell into her trap
To steal my glass from me and then maybe she thought "I will have enough to be rich and all kinds of demon powder that would never never end"
But she ingested the whole Demon when she ran out she found she didnt even have a friend
How many times have I taken her back to get burned and burned again
Id say lets go to our chuch this Sunday
But shed be on a run
Ill tell you how many chances she has with me and the number isnt one
But like a fool
I thought I could marry her and my love could keep the monkey off her back
But I saw her arm and I almost cried her arm had track after track
Now Im just 42 miles from Memphis ,how should I speak
That powder is her only power
If she has it Ill leave that hour
Im not unpacking my pack
To have my soul devoured
Will she even get through the hour
Well Im at her ghetto door
IM hungry and sore
The fool Im already sure
As she opens the door I turn away
I dont need this or need her
I just wanted her to get back her soul
To once again be pure
She sold my car Ive walked all the way
What does she really want from me ?
She has taken everything material I had
To make a big fool out of me
As I was walking away from knocking on the door
I heard a voice in back of me
"Im so sorry baby come to Fellowship with me"
"Ive been sober 6 weeks with you I can do more"
  By now she just made me sick but she passed me her beads
She said you can help me make it all our needs
  I guess that I was a fool would she get back with her demon
Did she really want to be with me
  So I said Ill give it one more try but I wont unpack
With her head down she whispered please
Im 44 miles from Memphis

— The End —