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Mar Brock Jan 2014
My friends call me by Sim Salobin my enemies dont speak my name
I have spent Eons so I wouldn't be known, its only through others you would see my fame
I don't ask for very much, you may not know me by touch, but if you are a friend you can call my name
I can be gentle or I can rage very quickly
I have killed and have brought rain to places where there is terrible drought
Judge me if you will for its empty boots I fill in fact you will never see me
I have been all around the world in every possible way the Earth (Mother) is round
from around the equator or from North to South Pole I am everywhere
I am called cruel and it is said I just dont care
But without the trees and Plankton and me, what would you do for your air?
I dont try to hurt people or the trees who are my good friends
Yes Wizards and Mages can stir me, they even may be able to call me, but they will get very little for their trouble
So if you dont think of me or even know where I might begin
Remember this if you will? it's quite Elemental, and try to understand. I mean I mean no one ill,
so if you need to give me a name just call me the Wind
804 · Jan 2014
Mar Brock Jan 2014
Once upon a time
Someone wrote a poem with no rhyme
I had to see it like one would a painting
Feel it like a warm summer day
The words were so beautiful I wrapped them around me
I knocked on peoples doors for everyone to see
First people looked puzzled even angry
But than they saw the words to the poem and were transfixed
I feel if there were more poems like this the worlds problems could be fixed
I finally had to go home but the poem got up and came back with me
I felt secure in the knowledge from these beautiful words
They are from the Talmud ,the Koran and the Bible
and from Buddha ,Moses ,Alla and Christ its a feeling that just wont cease
We each have our own interpretations but the meaning of these words come down to Peace
And may Peace be upon you
569 · Jan 2014
Passed On
Mar Brock Jan 2014
I wish I was in another world
Perhaps a different plain
Just living my next life my love
So I'd be with you again
For now you are lost forever
Yet I cant forget those nights
Baby it's a Hell on Earth
Without you it's just Hell on Earth
I watched you die like the sun
Now your gone
And I just run
From this.....
497 · Jan 2014
Love is Belief
Mar Brock Jan 2014
Once there was a lady on a sturdy white stallion that ran like the wind
Seeing me she stopped and said \"traveler where have you been?"
I thought maybe Hell ,or purgatory where all faded love lays
She said I am on my way to heaven but my Stallion will not let a man near him
Grandfather showed me how to gentle or Indian break long ago ,I love horses for their personalities
She said you may try ,I let him (the horse know) how beautiful and powerful he was and how honored I would be to be on his back to be the fastest I would ever be
Up I went and i gently pet his ears and he nuzzled her
She said you have a ride
I fell to my knees and cried
Thank You Both
I want to see everyone I love again
They are no longer on this earthly plain
So a ride to a place that would be impossible to go to would be so appreciated
The Angel said you have some wisdom son of Eve
I said no it\'s only in my life everyone was bereaved
No space
Not anyplace
My baby is gone and my mothers grandmothers daughter and even my wife
They were in some ways like a bank I could keep my love in for all my life
So sweet Angel and beautiful steed
I hope you understand why I have such need
Will we be there soon
WOW they are right here
I never knew how to contact them
Except through prayer
Then we crossed a Rainbow Bridge
Every animal I ever had was racing to see me
The Angel Lady said I think you should get off there
Then like a horse without it\'s blinders
I finally see
PEACE ,Joy no pain
Its kind of hard to explain
Then the Holy spirit came
And for the first time in memory I had no pain
On the Earthly plain
All I could feel was pain
Now I just feel LOVE
Everyone I love
On this beautiful lawn
For truly I felt blessed and
Blessings upon you too
433 · Jan 2014
Mar Brock Jan 2014
With a little kindness
And a lot of soul
You can own me
But you don't control
With a lot loving
And a little need
You have my heart too
But without any greed
It seems I have waited a lonely lifetime
For someone like you
For so much caring ,to know what to do
So please tell me when you are feeling blue
You have given me so much and now I can give back to you
With a little kindness
And a lot of soul

— The End —