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Jun 2018 · 70
forceful mind
Manon Jun 2018
Your the sea , with every wave comes a staggering fall.
You remind me of the days I spent sat watching the world go by , I was missing you.
But you simply had no clue,
You would not run back to me ,
You would walk , slowly , no pace , like a puppet on a string;
One step at a time.
That’s why I loved you
You weren’t afraid of the slowness of the world
But afraid of the storm that came after
- Manon
Jun 2018 · 80
Her world
Manon Jun 2018
She turns to the light
Looking for awnsers that are simply not there
The once rosey cheeks become grey dulled expressions.
She missed the light , the light was the guider,
Of her world .

— The End —