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Aug 2014 · 443
The One
Mandar Gavkar Aug 2014
The one, the one...
          The one, like a twinkling star
          The one, like a blooming flower
          The one, like the music of guitaar
Is the one, the one, the one
    The one, who would be with,
   the one, who vl stay with me
   the one, who vl  live with me
Is the one,
     The one, who vl stand with me
     The one, who vl care for me
      The one, who vl stare at me is the one, the one, the one..
     The one, I can get angry on.
      The one, I can count on
   The one, I can depend on
Is the the one, the one,  the one
    The one who vl miss me
The one who vl kiss me
The one who vl hugg meeeeeeee.
    Yeahhhhh is the one...  the one,  the one
         The one who vl smile at me
         The one who vl cry wid me
         The one who vl laugh wid me
Is the one,  the one..
           The one who vl love me
           The one who vl love me
            The one who vl love only me... On le me,  on le me
    Yes, yes. Is the the one..
The one,  the one.. The one nnnnnn
Aug 2014 · 339
Mandar Gavkar Aug 2014
It hurts ...........
It hurts when people change
?Hurts more if they are closer
Even more if they are closest...?   ?         You don't know the reason ? 
You don't know why...? 
   It just happens and makes you cry?   ?        
You are helpless?        
Totally clueless?     
  Nights are sleepless?   ?
Time does change?
People do lie?
From "miss you" it just comes to a "hie"

Whatever you did never made a difference?
Whatever you said had no meaning
?They just went & and left you weeping...

So many things they assured?
So many things they promised?
But in the end you are the one who is compromised......
Aug 2014 · 383
Mandar Gavkar Aug 2014
people tease me ,make a joke even fun,?And for caring there is none?dreams broke ,nights r sleepless, ?life seems hopeless,?   but I am happy...??People changed, priorities too, ?I feel like an animal in the humans zoo...?I am isolated ,feels like defeated,?Living is complicated?but I am happy??Memories ruling my mind ,?I have stopped being kind..?Life is going in rewind.. ?I lost myself and don't know where to find..? but I am happy..??Now its time to move on ?to Forget the past & go on?So that I don't have to regret?And accept whatever I get?only then I can " REALLY " say ...I am happy..

Aug 2014 · 498
Never say never
Mandar Gavkar Aug 2014

Never say 'i am fine'
    when you are actually not

Never say i hate you
    when you love

Never say i love you
  when you DON'T

Never say i dont care
  when you actually care

Never say leave me alone
when you want someone to be with you

Never say dont show me your face again
  when you cannot live without seeing them

Never say no
  when you actually want to say YES

Never say stop talking to me
  when you just cant do that

Never say bye
  when you want to meet again.

Never say go away from my life
when that person itself is your life...

Never say the things which you dont actually mean ,
when you cant afford to lose the ones you WANT ......
Aug 2014 · 448
Never say never
Mandar Gavkar Aug 2014

Never say 'i am fine'
    when you are actually not

Never say i hate you
    when you love

Never say i love you
  when you DON'T

Never say i dont care
  when you actually care

Never say leave me alone
when you want someone to be with you

Never say dont show me your face again
  when you cannot live without seeing them

Never say no
  when you actually want to say YES

Never say stop talking to me
  when you just cant do that

Never say bye
  when you want to meet again.

Never say go away from my life
when that person itself is your life...

Never say the things which you dont actually mean ,
when you cant afford to lose the ones you WANT ......
Aug 2014 · 263
Mandar Gavkar Aug 2014
Sometimes the people who help also need help.
Sometimes people who loved others so much just requires a bit of it.
Sometimes People who cares needs someone to care about them.
Sometimes the People who make others laugh
  Also requires a good joke to laugh on
Sometimes People who wipe others tears also need a shoulder to rest on
  Sometimes People who talk good about others also needs someone to say that
     the people who are ready to give anyone company also, sometimes needs a company
Sometimes the people who live for others also want someone to live for them..
  Sometimes people who put a smile on others face miss the smile on their face
  The people who came true to others expectations also have some EXPECTATIONS
  People who lends a hand at times needs one
   Who supported you wants to be supported...
    Coz its not about what they do its about WHY they do....
The truth is, if they get what they want
    They  will  not be the same....
  They give  coz they know how it feels when they don't get it when needed ..... :-) :-)
Aug 2014 · 650
Baraa watta
Mandar Gavkar Aug 2014
Hasawnara konitari asel tar,
radayla bara wat ta
... Tool sambhalnara konitari asel
tar, dhadpadayla bara wat ta.
. Kalji karnara konitari asel tar,
nishkalji pane wagayla bara wat ta.
. . Hatta purawnara konitari asel
tar, rusun basayla bara wat ta.
... Samjun ghenara konitari asel
tar,ragwayla bara wat ta..
. Prem karnara konitari asel tar
bhandayla bara wat ta.
.. Vishwasu asa konitari asel tar
andhale pannane vishwas thevayla
bara wat ta.
.. Vaat baghnara konitari asel tar
muddam ushir karayla bara wat ta.
.. Ayushyat "AAPLA" asa "KONITARI"
asel tar,jagayla bara wat ta....
Aug 2014 · 753
Mandar Gavkar Aug 2014
 someone can be anyone...
Someone who vl love you as u are
someone who vl care fr you
someone who vl hold you while you fall
someone who vl make feel better wen ur sad.
someone who vl just sit next to you wen when u hv nthng to say..
Someone who vl make you smile wen you cry..
 Someone who vl just smile seeing you smile..
Someone who vl just hold ur hand wen othr point fingers towards u..
Someone who vl understnd wen ur angry..
Someone who vl appretiate your love..
Someone positive someone beautiful at heart
someone other than family
someone special
someone awsome just like angel...
   We all need or expect and are in search of "that" SOMEONE who u want to be
in ur life forevr..
  Not evryone is so lucky,
so , just be that someone , to someone , who is in search of such a someone..and
You vl nvr knw,Wen tat someone vl become your someone....
Aug 2014 · 509
Mandar Gavkar Aug 2014
 someone can be anyone...
Someone who vl love you as u are
someone who vl care fr you
someone who vl hold you while you fall
someone who vl make feel better wen ur sad.
someone who vl just sit next to you wen when u hv nthng to say..
Someone who vl make you smile wen you cry..
 Someone who vl just smile seeing you smile..
Someone who vl just hold ur hand wen othr point fingers towards u..
Someone who vl understnd wen ur angry..
Someone who vl appretiate your love..
Someone positive someone beautiful at heart
someone other than family
someone special
someone awsome just like angel...
   We all need or expect and are in search of "that" SOMEONE who u want to be
in ur life forevr..
  Not evryone is so lucky,
so , just be that someone , to someone , who is in search of such a someone..and
You vl nvr knw,Wen tat someone vl become your someone....

— The End —