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Dec 2013 · 777
She once said.
Malkin93 Dec 2013
I know this girl who's pain inside,
Is so strong its impossible to hide!
She wants to cry almost every day,
Cause all the things that people say!
She tries her best to stay strong,
It's hard to pretend for so long!
She once said so loud and clear,
Loud enough for all to hear;
"I've had enough of being here,
The rest of my life I'll live in fear!
I've tried my best day after day,
I can't continue my life this way!
One last chance before I go,
I wrote this message so you know!"

She carried on one last time,
Until she decided to commit that crime.
She'd had enough it got too much,
That was it one final touch.
She grabbed those people who brought her down,
Everyone in and out of town.
She once said so loud and clear,
Clear enough for all to hear;
"I've had enough of being here,
No longer will I live in fear!
I've tried my best day after day,
I can't continue my life this way!
One last chance is all I had,
I wrote this message so you won't be sad!"

No one heard her quiet voice,
That was it she made her choice!
She ran away the very next day,
Nowhere to go nowhere to stay.
She went so far but still got found,
Lost her life with no one around!
She once said so quiet and clear,
Far too quite that no one could hear;
"I've had enough I'm feeling weak,
A little love is all I seek!
Help me out before it's too late,
Why am I surrounded by so much hate?
It's time for me to finally let go,
I wrote this message for the world to know!"

That was it the end was here,
She made it known, she made it clear!
Everyone was silent and so shocked,
After all her life was mocked!
They made a symbol of a little blue bird,
No one dared to say a word.
She once said with so much fear,
So much fear for people to hear;
**"I hope that now I am gone,
You realise what happened was so wrong!
Next time you say something bad,
Think of the feelings that person had!
I'm now happy and feel so free,
You don't need to worry about me!"
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Have you ever wondered?
Malkin93 Nov 2013
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be me?
Have you even taken the time to ever see?
Have you ever seen the pain inside?
Have you even heard the stories I hide?
No one understands the smile I show,
If you don’t know me then you’ll never know.
So here’s the story I've hidden behind,
You’ll understand soon why I want to rewind.

I'm just a kid way deep down,
A little girl from a little town.
I was in love with the girl of my dreams,
Thinking back now it’s not what it seems.
When I'm done I’ll hope you’ll see,
To never trust your heart upon your sleeve.
It all began when I was just fifteen,
It lasted longer than it should have been.
Once all this started I could tell,
This relationship won’t be ending well.
She cheated on me once or twice,
I knew from then she wasn't nice.
She lied to me so many times,
I have no proof I just write these rhymes.
All of this behind my back,
No wonder in confidence that I lack.

I was scared to disagree,
Just in case she’d turn on me.
When you’re in love I guess it depends,
Forcing me to leave my friends.
When I wanted to go out,
She’d go mental hit and shout.
Harm herself and take a pic,
Every time it made me sick!
How can someone be this cruel?
Send me pics when I was in school.
She’d cut her arm the blood would drip,
My love for her began to slip.

I was beaten black and blue,
I was so young I had no clue.
She’d get aggressive and run away,
Silly games that she would play.
I left her house for the last time,
Happiness in my eyes began to shine.
I was so close to the point of her knife,
Was she really going to take my life?!
That wasn't the end of a dreadful day,
I wanted to stop living and just lay.
The police were called they took her away,
I was taken home where I could stay.
When I got home she rang all night,
I just wanted her out of my sight.
Ten months later and I was free,
Where I could begin to really be me.
Nov 2013 · 932
Learn to hide.
Malkin93 Nov 2013
Why do I feel like I don’t belong?
I’ve been in this world for far too long?
I feel so broken and hurt inside,
All these feelings I’ve learnt to hide.
I give a smile every day,
Hope that soon I’ll fade away.
I wish I was a bird flying free,
The whole world below me that I can see.
Flying so far don’t turn around,
Don’t even think about looking down.
Just become who you want to be,
Remember you’re a bird flying free.
Nov 2013 · 3.6k
London City.
Malkin93 Nov 2013
London City is the name of the game,
Where no two lives are ever the same.
Every corner Every turn,
Every young person will cause concern.
Life of crime or life of hate,
Watch your back on every estate.
Busy buses and busy streets,
Liars, Thieves, Haters and Cheats!
London City aint no Paradise,
Your luck can change when you roll the dice.
Take a step wrong or right,
No matter if you’re black or white.
Life is life and death is death,
Right down until your very last breath.
Fights and gangs, Knives and guns,
Cursing on daughters and curing on sons.
Using weapons small or big,
Whether you’re drunk or had a swig.
No matter what path you choose to go down,
London City is always your Home town!

— The End —