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Malcolm Price Mar 2020
Ug and Og the cavemen thought they might have a dance
They didn't know quite what to do, but thought they'd take a chance
They advertised throughout the caves for friends to have a go
and many said “what is a dance,” and Ug said “I don't know”

They called in Lug the village chief, to tell them if he could
And he explained, he saw this once just by the local wood
Many people gathered round, and bounced and jigged all day
With beer and popcorn passed around it really was quite gay

So everybody gathered when the big day came around
Ug and Og had made some beer, and popcorn by the mound
Everyone had dressed their best to show off to the crowd
Even Loo from number nine was looking rather proud

Everything was going well, and jigging up and down
When Luggy Doug got hit by Wert for acting like a clown
He turned around to get away and fell right over Loo
Who happened to be in mid jig, and so bounced of big Su

Su went rolling across the floor, and bowled over Lanky Lang
Who reaching out to save himself, punched LooLoo with a bang
Now Bam loved LooLoo very much, so he thought he should
Come running across the crowded floor, to help her if he could

He slipped on beer that Su had dropped when hit by Luggy Doug
And landed on the pile of popcorn. Freshly made by Ug
The popcorn went up in the air, and scattered all around
Then Og slipped up and all the beer landed on the ground

Widow Grimp came from her cave “Whats the noise” she cried
Then spying all the mess about, went quickly back inside
Now soggy popcorn lay around, and no one wanted more
and so the party ended up with a mess upon the floor

Ug and Og were left alone to clear up all the floor
and they were laughing all time. Bout what had gone before
Window Gimp ran from here house with brush and empty bin
and stuffed it full of dried popcorn and took it all back in

Only Ug and Og were left, they thought the party fair
No one got to do much dancing,  that didn't seem to care
Widow Gimp had stocked her larder for the coming days
and the pigs, they had the rest, served up in metal trays
Malcolm Price Mar 2020
There’s a cloud, that I can spy
Its making pictures in the sky
It’s a face that’s smiling down
Then it changes to a frown

  A hat with feather sticking up
And that one there looks like a pup
A train with smoke just streaming out
And a big foot, its looks like gout

  Here’s another, its a tree
And another its, a bee
Then I see a waterfall
Again there is a mountain tall

  I witness ships in crooked line
There’s someones hand with a V sign
A candle flickers, then a sheep
A whale that’s swimming in the deep

  The only thing that worries though
With all these many clouds that blow
With all these pictures I can see
Why doe;s it have to rain on me
Malcolm Price Jan 2015
I really don’t miss you one little bit
I got plenty of things to get by
Not a worry at all I’ll have such great fun
With all my friends, me myself and I

I’ve even forgotten how long you’ve been gone
I’ve not even considered why
5days 2hours 4mins and 30 seconds
Not counting, with Me, myself and I

I Never considered what made you go
I never just sit down and cry
I’ve never been happier in my little world
With friends like Me, myself and I

Remember the time we spent having fun
I don’t, and I don’t even try
So I’ll just carry on with my wonderful life
With my friends, me, myself and I

So just carry on, leave me to my fate
And dwelling with my little lie
And maybe just think of me now and again
With my friends me, myself and I

— The End —