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 Mar 2013 Malcolm Harris
Ria M
If I were a wife
I would be languorous with kisses
liberal with gravy
And bountiful in the bedroom.

Smiles and memories,
you the master of my destiny,
my lobster, my other half, my you.

If a picture paints a thousand words
then why can't 'mine' mean 'you'?

Tentacles of my dreams
Interwoven with your ego.
 Mar 2013 Malcolm Harris
Ria M
I've fallen in love with a man made of mud
Said the girl with her head in the sand
Best plans are waylaid and beds left unmade
As they struggle to stay on dry land.

Forgive our young lovers as they stand on their shore
Surrounded by dreams that they'd made.
In the wind there's a chill, and the boatman a bill
Which again will be left unpaid.
 Mar 2013 Malcolm Harris
Ria M
Knowing you're with her
Wishing you were with me
Wondering if that smile I get,
Looks the same through her eyes.

The way your brow creases when you laugh
The gentle way you tease me about the way I say bath.
Running your fingers through my hair.
That knowing look.

Teeth all the way down my back, my neck
Bites that sting and hurt
Just not enough to make me forget
That I'm your part time love.
 Mar 2013 Malcolm Harris
Ria M
Feeling lost and feeling lonely
Can't I be your one and only?
Wandering along to my own heartbeat
Life's more fun with another pair of feet
A *** to squeeze, a hand to hold
A pocket to put my fingers in, when they get cold.
Someone to splash when I jump in puddles.
A lover to stop me getting in a muddle
A friend, a foe, a confidant.

— The End —