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183 · Oct 2016
I'll Still
Maja C Oct 2016
You may tread on me like lifeless sand
Barely another coast to be claimed
But then like a sandstorm I'll still rise
You may try to build a dam on me
Or build a cage around me
But I'll still flood your city and fight like a beast
People may insult, cage, and use me
Without knowing that a quiet little breeze can roar like the greatest thunderstorm
If you see someone that looks like a target
Seemingly waiting to get shot
They are usually the best archers, with sleek arrows and steel bows made of wit
So if you tread on someone like lifeless sand
Just another coast to be claimed
Know that like a sandstorm
They will rise
171 · Oct 2016
My Poetry Is Not Good
Maja C Oct 2016
I leave a reading of poetry
where I showed my mother my poems
for the very first time
I look at my notes
nothing impressive
just a bunch of words typed on a phone
at three AM
my mother asks
"why didn't you read them?"
"I never knew you wrote this"
I simply reply
"My poetry is not good"
I don't think so...
I know it's not

— The End —