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 Jul 2013 Mai
Madisen Kuhn
if you told my heart to beat
it would
but not because you told it to
and if you told me to love you
i would
but not because you told me to
 Jun 2013 Mai
 Jun 2013 Mai
People say home is were your heart is
But how should i know where is mine?
I'm standing here hopeless in silence
Thinking how my life went from a never ending story
To a sad email goodbye

My heart still feels the same
My mind doesnt stand the pain..
Cause every day that we spent together
Feels like the best dream come true
But when i Wake alone in the same bed we were together
My heart stops for a minute, i can't smile
I can't think, and my world just falls apart

I know you will be in my heart forever
I know you were the one
But what does that mean now...
Just some words in a poem,
Some lyrics in our life
Some words in our past

I wish the best from now on
But you have to know i can't take this anymore
Thinking about how it could have been
If i had another past

I know there's no more i can say,
i just need to stay away...

— The End —