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I want
to be
Seize me by the waist
Hold me tightly in your arms
And make me cry a sweet surrender.
Steal kisses that would have been gladly bestowed
And consume my body with bites of fire
Mark red trails down my back
And leave me shivering not from cold
But heated pleasure of the flesh
Condemn me to a hell
Become heaven by your touch
And hold me on the edge of precious release
Where I shall beg to be spared
The wait
Gripping the sheets
For you
To take me
And let me have
My sweet surrender.
i sit
completely still.
painfully aware of the fact
that i am not moving foward.

i look down upon my useless form
as if outside my body
and wonder why i don't get up
do something
create something
be something
do anything
at all

bound by fear and and perfectionism
or perhaps just laziness
i wait for the perfect time to start
but it doesn't come
because it's already passed me by
at least a hundred times.

and i will change.

but it's today.

and here i sit.

the yearning ache within me to be something
do something great
make a name for myself
be somebody
be good at something,
is so strong
to the point of being paralyzing
for the fear of ruining it before
i even lay pen to page,
finger to shutter,
paint to paper
is overwhelming.

here i sit.

maybe tomorrow will be the day.

and maybe i've already let it pass me by.
I love my friends and fellow poets
And I cannot make this poetic or beautiful
But I appreciate you all so very much
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