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Mahima Gupta May 2014
Steel rimmed spectacles
The fog is going to **** me
Brakes fail
Endless thoughts
A cut
So deep that my fear sublimed
drenched in sorrow
halcyon as ever
A myriad of mistakes
I have to compromise
because of my repugnant taste
I have to slaughter
my cashmere and its owner.
Mahima Gupta May 2014
Apocalyptic dreams
An ubiquitous presence of the unholy entities
I'm sitting by the riverside
My cat has suddenly started exhibiting taciturn traits
Spiders are floating with immense soigné
The bucolic setting leaves me hypnotised
I'm not used to this silence
Fishes underwater petrify my insights
I'm sitting by the riverside
Amazed by the eloquence of the obscure
My eyes seem to reflect my up bringing
The differences leave me in a state of vertigo
I hope this reverie lasts a little longer.
Mahima Gupta Jan 2014
In an enigmatic way
I let you in
The day I put the words
On paper
Vulnerability existed
I could hear my shadows scream
And chasing pavements
My heart sinking like a
Colossal wreck
Staring aimlessly
Wandering uncounsciously
The duality betrothed  
With the emptiness
I'm still anticipating
For a transformation
Of this emotional trauma
It seems as if those
People are just drifting apart
Leaving me behind
In this frivolous state
I still don't know the intention
Of this unwilling soul

Is it just wanting to descend into a state of chaos?
Mahima Gupta Dec 2013
Last night 

She accidentally

Walked to her balcony 

And looked outside 

She saw her soul 


Being sabotaged 

By demonic creatures 

Molested by those unholy beings 

But all she could do was 

Stand and stare 

Scrutinise and regret 

Because then she realised

She let it go

7 years ago

When she 

Questioned her existence 

And acted in an immoral way.
Mahima Gupta Apr 2014
We'll paint
The world with
Red pastels
And sing in the
Meadows of
Break the crystals
And challenge
Time immemorial
For every wilted rose
They went against
Your thoughts and mine
Striking the wall
With graffiti
like bayonets
And the hourglass
Breaking the ravages of time
We'll watch the constellations
On nights when
The galaxy will be
By the floating debris
And humanity.
Mahima Gupta Apr 2014
Two buttons. My mind is not being able to register either of them. Each procedure triggers an impulse in my body, reaction is inevitable but the forces around hypnotise me and I purport to falsify all the claims within. I'm forced to believe that this is the truth. I can hear strange noises. None of them seem to please me. Every word that comes out of her mouth dissects a segment of my imagination and breaks it into pieces mercilessly and unconsciously. My mind begins to stutter. This is unacceptable. Why are they making me write a passage of euphemisms. I do not wish to write. This place seems to be a trap. They're trying to divert my attention by placing these still life objects and their reflection under the sun is transforming my mind into a different dimension. They're using art for the supposedly magnanimous motives but I know it's a trap. I'm befuddled. Why are children playing games of life while I sit to crib about things which aren't worth. Are they mocking at me because of my indecisiveness. The room is filled with chalk dust and the only one person here is speaking her mind out. Why am I confined within these four walls? Why are my choices not my choices?
Mahima Gupta Aug 2014
In the backyard near the mosses
electric blue wrens
The blackbird singing away
A myriad of stars
In this sky with subtle humour
Tingling away with mischief
Changing hue every now and then
Sun toughened lovers
Walking hand in hand
Fade away into the darkness
Collapse in the middle of nowhere
With their voices echoing
from under cedar covers
Waves dancing under the crimson sky
Transformations hiding its alibi
They're floating on the blue vitriol
Of early February
Northwest autums turns to winter
The snowflakes melt in the presence of the heat
I'm still finding the chameleon
And the lovers who disappeared last night
I'm still lost in the shades of blue
An electric energy reaches out to paradise.
Mahima Gupta Aug 2014
In the backyard near the mosses, electric blue wrens.
The blackbird singing away.
A myriad of stars in this sky with subtle humour
Tingling away with mischief, Changing hue every now and then.
Sun toughened lovers, Walking hand in hand
Fade away into the darkness
Collapse in the middle of nowhere.
Lost, With their voices echoing
from under cedar covers.
Waves dancing under the crimson sky.
Transformations hiding its alibi
They're floating on the blue vitriol of early February
Northwest autums turns to winter
The snowflakes melt in the presence of the heat.
I'm still finding the chameleon,
And the lovers who disappeared last night.
I'm still lost in the shades of blue
An electric energy reaches out to paradise.
My thoughts circling around, Rings of ancient wisdom.
Motionless, With my feet touching the ocean floor
And my eyes remain beneath the pall.
Watching the vultures , With my fingers numb
And the smile on my face, As steady as the thunder
And rain pouring down
And my heart lost
Lying somewhere, Along with the ashes of the dead bird
Singing away, In a place
Where I'm yet to be born.
Mahima Gupta Aug 2014
Bittersweet headlines
Reaching out to the heavens
While the woman sleeps in the streets,
Everyday I look at her eyes, alight with hunger.

You play your moves ,I play mine
They play their moves.
The bishops don't move , The rooks do not.
The queen and the king lie safe,
Killing people from a distance
Mind politics is enough for demise.

Ideas and theories
Mere fallacies and ideologies
We're still puppets of the almighty
Almighty? The shrewd politicians of course.

So while we laugh at Jew jokes
And people continue to think of some
Let's think for ourselves
And keep away the gun.
Dogs refer to the politicians ofc lol.
Mahima Gupta Jan 2014
It was the 
Bewitching hour

And my shadow was

Not more than adumbrated 

By the meager light light

In no time

I would reach an interstellar place 

The ocean of emptiness 

And would destroy myself.

Each atom would disintegrate

As it fell on the cosmic rays 


But the umbrage of the banyan tree 

Caught me 

Captured my soul 

For it was as sacred 

As the Greek mythology 

And the sins
I had committed 

Were forgiven.

Mahima Gupta Jan 2014
The acid
Slipped in between
Those innumerable thoughts
And collided with
The astringent taste
Of those bitter sweet words
Trying to find a way out
With modesty
The insipid semblance
On its way
To destroy the
Sanctity of the place
From both ways
It's just the pretence
Which is allowing
The situation to be
Handled fluidly
We're both equally intoxicated.
Mahima Gupta Dec 2015
Dead leaves
Falling like sighs
From the full moon
and the canopy of stars
With the crystals  reflecting
Demise of the lark

walking on the aisle
Seamlessly flowing away
the fog is the curtain blindfolding her
Doors of the cathedral are shut

The prism reflects the imbroglio  
Outlines of bittersweet memories
Burning in the fireplace
Frosted windows with half broken glasses hindering movement

With a pale face and dry lips
Hands numb
she tries to write
Last few lines of her life
Mahima Gupta Dec 2013


Mockery in the streets
Maybe, death.

Running away, 

With each atom disintegrating.

Every millisecond.

Chasing away, 

With a fierce rage Of defeating while chasing

Without blood shedding

Mere intelligence 

Shrewd skills


Without loss.
Mahima Gupta Dec 2013
This was supposed to be surreptitious 

But my mind couldn’t take it any longer
Those words had lost their way 

Those letters were now under the shadow of the dark
I was left at a place 

Where I thought denouement begets the beginning
But now the sets were dismantled and the stage was empty

And my love for writing could now be considered an infatuation
My soul lingered in the wilderness 

In search of sempiternal happiness
Those papers bleeding ink

Were now drowning in the oceans
Because the weight of living 

Was killing me from within
And those little pieces I had written 

Were the only things I ever had.
Mahima Gupta Mar 2014
I cannot see
The bitter truth
Lying beneath the stones I've broken
Carved on those little pieces
Objectifying shattered hopes
Strenuously believe it's going to be alright
And purport to be satiated
I cannot ignore the buzz of the crowd
And let down the expectation
Of people whose brains collapsed
While serving me
I cannot see what lies beneath the oceans
And walk past those innumerable secrets
With my eyes closed
And my ribs holding on to my lungs
And my cigarette stained hands yearning for demise.

— The End —