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Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Day by day through different incidents we pass by,
But memories of some in our head always do fly.
Some of them are like the web of a spider,
While some are those of flying like a glider.
Some are of the people who always were so close,
And these, for the heart, are like an aneasthetic dose.
Some are of those dreams of wishing to touch the skies,
When they come tears seep through the eyes.
Memories so easily invade the heart and go,
Each memory is so different like the colours of a Rainbow..
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
A sunflower and wind fell in love,
Both had given their word to each other,
But the wind then gave the slap of seperation,
Saying to flower that hes from different part of the world.
But the wind did the right thing cause it loved someone else actually,
But saying that sentence was like not trusting the flower ever,
Flower took a promise to never ever fall for the cuddled curl,
Saying to itself, "Why m I from different part of the world..?"
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
I met him, he smiled,
That smile which he had given to me when I tried to talk to him for the first tym,
And i felt thoughts and ideologies of us rhyme.
And then gradually we became friends,
Everytime I told him something, he used to smile,
I came to know it later that smile was just used to bluff,
My trust on him ripped cause, werent holding it strongly, his eyes.
At first we were best friends but then this change of behaviour came,
And friendship kept longing for the origin in him.
Collided Stubbornness and Deciet to create implosion,
Which none of us wished, but time to bring the surgeon,
No surgeon not because he has regrets but for removing my wound with root,
Cause remains there no friend in him, All I could see is ignorance,
Then it was over after a couple of short wars and the other time a constant cold war.
Now I met him after long time in my mobile, its screen carrying his pic,
He smiled, Once, trustworthy, I thought of which.
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Life is a word unknown to itself,
But all living beings of the world are given this word,
Living beings dont have life forever,
But life has them all through its never ending reign,
Life's divided into incarnations as if travelling through a portal,
We are not but life is immortal,
Impossible ia nothing but life, which we, unknowingly, eventually prove possible,
Maybe so the proverb says, "Nothing Is Impossible"..
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
At some moments I wish to extend time beyond limits,
And at times to continue a moment for a lifetime.
Time can give scars, destroy and steal,
But also has the ability to provide, protect and heal.
Time teaches to be honest and truthful,
Also, if required, to be arrogant and cruel.
It has the strength of doing componendo-dividendo with pain and happiness,
And it also brings with it, complications or simplicity for life.
Time isnt always rude, it shows us the correct path of our destiny,
But we are, instead of understanding, we ignore.
None of the most precious things can buy time,
But time has its choice of picking up anything.
Dont challange time which has the prowess of changing the dark night into a beautiful sunrise,
Also the change of seasons from summer to winter and vice-versa which it does with life too.
Afterall time has its own mysteries,
Its sometimes short with long talks,
and sometimes long with short walks..
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
I always liked rain since childhood. But since my adolescence I have come to love it. I have always made an attempt to analyse the bond between rain and earth. One evening in monsoon, rain slashed the ground large and heavily. It seemed like earth and rain were trying to converse and I silently tried to listen to their chat.

Rain was questioning the earth, "Whenever I aarive, all life on u gets cheered with bliss. Seeing this, I generously give u more and more water, but then, u get upset. I try to give u as much love as I can but u dont react rightfully. I need to know the reason for that. Will u explain me.?"

Earth gazed at the rain for a moment smiling at the rain's interrogation. She politely said, "You are always magnanimous to me. Due to u life on me survives. YOUR LOVE DEFINES MY LIFE. The water bodies, green life and all the mortals are pleased at ur presence. But u speak about giving more and more, and for that, I only have one thing to say, More water destroys life on me causing floods and if u shower less then it causes draughts. But an ample amount gives 'Life'. Love, either more or less, causes irritation or Pain. But tenderness in love helps one live with contented heart. Rain Vowed to earth that it will always remember what she said and started its showers slowly. Earth Smiled. The sun sparkled, its rays gently touching the earth's surface. Light dispersing to reveal the monsoons most beautiful scenerio, the Rainbow. Dew drops glittered on the leaves.

But that piece of glass pumping in my chest disbelieved the oath of Rain. It knew that, Knowingly or Unknowingly, Promises are always made to be Broken. :-)
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Sometimes life seems so still,
Like the water in a well.
While sometimes it seems so hurried,
Like the splashing waterfall,
Sometimes it seems so vast,
Like the spread of an ocean,
While sometimes its like the water used at temples,
A life full of devotion,
Importance of life is understood when it seems too short,
Like when there is a draught, we struggle for a glass of water like we did never,
Live life full of love and peace,
Cause it is nothing but Like A Flowing River.
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