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2.4k · Jun 2013
- sad pretty girls
magpie Jun 2013
Sad pretty girls,
Doing ecstasy
Just to escape from reality.

Seven blunts,
Seven inch pumps.
Poppin' pills
High heels.

Hip hop
Getting high
Euphoric music.

"eat me out
'til I'm no longer
Stressed out"

Smoking marihuana,
It'll cure the bulimia.

Three C's,
Show up to the party
In high fashion.

Sad pretty girls
Go to the bathroom together to
Snort lines
Smoke marihuana
In the handicap stalls.

There's an empty hole inside
Sad pretty girls' soul
That they fulfill with drugs
To become
Happy pretty girls.
And maybe not forever,
Just for a little while.
Forever doesn't exist.
So doesn't happiness.
997 · Jun 2013
- poems
magpie Jun 2013
Just like a
Young male teenager experiencing
The state of euphoria,
Just like a
Hopless romantic that finally
Found her love.

The meanings,
Bitter sweet
So nice and
Pleasant to read.

The sky is falling down
So hard,
Circles made of
Pure heaven,
Just like a
Gold girl.

But also,

From the eigth circle of hell
From the most darkest spots of the nest
The birds strangled,
Wanting to be free
But sadly,
Freedom doesn't exist.

But that's just how I
Interpret things that are called
818 · Jun 2013
- what good souls deserve
magpie Jun 2013
Complain about
Being used,
Being lied to,
Being left alone.

Are you ******* dumb?
Doesn't exist.
Isn't even like
It doesn't exist,
The expirience and the feeling of it does.

You say that
You know he is "the one"
Let me tell you that
He is not the one
Every partner you have
"is the one"
Until otherwise proven.

Let me also tell you that
"I love you"
Is a sin,
It's a lie,
"I love you"
Means nothing without
The miles it takes on
To get you

Let me tell you something for the last time that,
Your naked body
Is only deserved
For those who
Love your naked soul.
771 · Jun 2013
magpie Jun 2013
The pterodactyls are screeching,
Flying circles at tree line level
The devil took yet another apprentice
To his obsidian lair, the core of
The earth has gained a new

The sky is falling down,
There are shards of the glass
Ceiling embedded in the roof
Of my mouth, and I am screaming
A guttural sound
But only tattered feathers
Come flying out.

Meanwhile, the cars are screeching
Gridlocked, teeth bared for
Hundreds upon hundreds of miles
A variety of cigarettes are
Puffing out clouds,
A sea of brake lights are
Swimming around, shining brighter
Than the almighty sun
Glaring through the half
Cracked windows, blasting
Through the tinted lens covering
Half of every blank face
In town.

We are gridlocked, of course,
In more than just interstate traffic
The state of our economy is
Nothing short of tragic
Right and left look
More wrong
And wrong
Everyday, cannot
Keep up with the flip flopped
Politicians, a planet
Built on indecision
And blame, blame, blame

Still nothing has changed
The devil took yet another devoted
Student today.
544 · Jun 2013
- life is a lie
magpie Jun 2013
What if nightmares and dreams  were life,
and life was nothing
But a
Foul lie.
493 · Jun 2013
magpie Jun 2013
The dream's crystal broke.
A new world was introduced.
Now, that she was gone.

— The End —