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Riptide May 2014
We’re only young
The way it should be
Fun and Lovely
Never should it be about me
But about you
From both sides of the scale
Always looking to bring about a smile
Or a breath-absorbing laugh
Always looking to face the sun
You way
Brightening you day
In any way possible
Always should

To stand in you way
Just so that harm wouldn’t have its way
Always being the Thor
At the Fort Knox Vault of your heart
‘Coz keeping you safe and ‘sane’;
Is always keeping me safe and ‘sane’
Like an empathy link

The way it should be
Fun and lovely
Never shall it be about me
But about you.
From both arms of the scale
Always about us.
Riptide May 2014
My pen became my trachea
and through it;
**I live.
Riptide Mar 2014
Here’s a breathing rose
Partnered with a prose
Not to entertain
Or grow old
In thy memory box.
But rather;
Here’s a breathing rose
Partnered with a prose
And a master piece
To entertain
Thy scarlet heart
That maybe it will replace
Thy blood cells
And grow old
Breathing significance into
Thy memory box
Here’s a breathing rose
A breath that shall soon be no longer
But here is a master piece
That shall forever breathe with the rhythm of thy heart
Assigned to remind you
Of this night
In hope that it will be
The pioneer of the warm tears
That shall run down thy cheeks
And it be known as:
Riptide Mar 2014
Look at me
I'm beautiful
I am an object
Of poise beauty
You could juxtapose me
On the libra scale with the stars
Or even better
To the stars
That discos the night
Perfect to look at, light-years away
Look at me
I am gorgeous
It's the face isn't it?
Or maybe my torso
Perhaps my thighs
And legs
Or could it be my eyes?
Look at me
The ruler of beauty
Like the models
That you drool over
Look at me
But be careful
Because I am the object you see
That you might see
In your pupil
Look at me
I am the mirror
You see.
Riptide Feb 2014
Perfectly fine
I was perfectly fine
Without U.

The story made perfect sense
But U came along
With your different motives
And altered it's meaning.
"Undefined, Undermined, Unimportant
Unashamed, Unable, Unacceptable."
It's all because of U

But You see:
I've been messing with U!
Riptide Feb 2014
In the interim…
In the deep, fresh anxiety
That has grappled my heart with so much superiority.
I process all the names that are mentioned.
And as I stand up for the prayer,
I know...
I know because the name I so deeply, desperately wanted to hear;
Isn’t resonating between the walls of my heart .

Dare not let this façade fool you;
I’ve been deeply wounded.
I’ve fallen.

As my heart gushes from this myriad of emotions;
I try to keep my shoulders square,
There where they belong.
For something I’ll always long.

As my head dangles
And my back lies beyond my reach
From this skirmish.
My hope rests in YHWH,
My heart's perfect Lover.
And now I’ll take a ride on this wave;
this unpleasant vessel.

Let my wound be cauterised by the emanating  disappointment that gazes at me.
And let the potent black and white motto soothe my oozing wounds:
Forti Nihil Difficilius
I know.
Riptide Jan 2014
Here I am.
Between two earphones that hold a path to the core of my mind,
Covered by thoughts,
Thoughts that possess the power to control me,
That possess the gates to my soul.
I am struck by fear,
possessed by fear that isn’t,
though, of what can be.
With every thought here I am drowning in a fear of thoughts -
Of thoughts my mind invents,
Thoughts native to my past.
A past that contains a fear so powerful,
it is the widest door for demons into my life;
Theoretically a past nurtured by the past.
I’m penetrated by this fear,
thoughts of an ominous fear.
My mind possesses the thoughts that are further than the deepest understanding of my control,
Imprisoned by my own mind;
held hostage.
My only choices for protection:
my Creator
And my Mother ;
shields against my fear.
Here I am fighting these fatal thoughts that may instigate my skip of a beat,
A control far beyond the stars most distant from Earth,
More powerful than anything I’ve witnessed,
too far from my understanding.
For all and all;
I stand strong ;
and not give up..!
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