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Oct 2013 · 835
Magical Index Oct 2013
Watch out for the smiles
Because they don't always tell the truth
Crooked smiles...
Sep 2013 · 713
Lets make friends!
Magical Index Sep 2013
Quiver! Shiver!
Everythings gonna be fine now!
Lets put everything aside for now
While youre acting shy!

Lets make friends and play together! Yeah!

Is it True that you dont need to have friends to be happy?
My delusions went to a far away
Best friends are a big no no!

Would anything change if I made friends?
A bad road is close but the good one is so far.
Best friends are a big no no

If a group of superficial people met?
No! I cant picture it!
Lets find some!

Fidget! Fidget!
I really want to take a peek!
No i dont want to regreat this 100 times over!
So lets put everything aside!
Save it all for later.

I totally want to take a peek!
Lets make friends and play together! Yeah!

Well, well... Now what do you think of that?
Sep 2013 · 650
1 through 10
Magical Index Sep 2013
2. Heartbroken
3. Bullied
4. Cutting
5. Blood
6. Institution
7. 45 days
8. Suicide Attempt
9. Lies about scars
10. Cutting

And it starts all over again...
Sep 2013 · 1.8k
Ring My Bell
Magical Index Sep 2013
I can hear my heart bell
What should I do mean please help
My heart bell continues to ring

The first time that my heart bell had started to ring
Was the first say you appears in front of me
And on that day I am sure it was decided we should meet
And yes I am sure that it has to be from the wings of destiny

All of my dreams and my wishes and my fantasies
Open a door that lead me strait to
That really special place
You have the strength to fly with your wings

I can hear my heart bell
It won't stop can't you tell?
My heart bell ringing must be the sign
Of an angel singing
"I love you."

Can you hear my heart bell?
My heart bell continues to ring
Its such a wonderful feeling
But you still have no clue
About my heart bell ringing
It is singing just for you!
My english version of the Heavens Lost theme by Blue Drops...

— The End —