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Jan 2014 · 551
The Last Piece
Maggie Jan 2014
Home is where the broken heart is.
One hundred pieces, one by one;
I picked them up and threw them
back to watch them break again.

Two hundred pieces, it has shattered
into an irreparable state and I no
longer have the effort. But yet again
I pick them up, to throw them down.

Three hundred pieces, by now I should
know that there is no going back.
I stand there, looking down at them.
I have to leave this place called home.

Four hundred pieces, it's broken more.
I realize now that I've done it to myself.
I trusted and swore, and now it is gone.
The last of the pieces is mine to keep.

One single piece, four hundred reasons.
The last piece forms this new life giver.  
This new heart I've gotten will remain
untouched, unwilling, unloved.

At home lays the broken heart.
I left myself there too.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Maggie Jan 2014
The beauty in this world is flawed.
No true beauty is flawed;
Only imperfect.
So the beauty in this world is then false.
For the imperfections true beauty has;
Makes it as perfect as can be.
But the beauty in his world,
it is without truth.
It is a lie.
The only genuine beauty we have left,
is that found in love and
the ignorant.
We live in a world consumed by a society that is harsh and judgmental; but more importantly that has a convoluted sense of beauty because of what our people thinks its should be.
Jan 2014 · 397
The Dream
Maggie Jan 2014
I was a dreamer once.
I dreamt what I desired,
And achieved none of it.

I was a thinker once.
I thought I would dream again.
I was wrong.

I was a wanderer once.
I went astray.
Until the day I found you.

So safe were your arms.
Such delight in your eyes.
How loving you were.

I dreamt again.
I achieved what I desired.
I was wrong.

I was your lover once.
I went astray.
Now, you are gone.

— The End —