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Maggie Nov 2012
she hoped that by
plucking the petals
off of the daisies,
he'd leave her alone
and leave her mind

but Lucifer, as she
had once learned,
was not a forgiving
character and
there was no
escaping him;

he took her vulnerable
ways and turned
them against her,
watching as she
scrambled for her
life, in her own mind.
inspired by a Supernatural-based roleplay
Maggie Nov 2012
peter pan did return
from neverland and
straight into our land:

there were no more
lost boys to play
with, seeing as they
were all here;

there was no more
hook or any other
pirates to defeat,
as they were already dead;

wendy, john, or michael
only tink
and the mermaids
(who can forget them?)

he decided to grow up
and become a man,
going to school and then
into an office;

when he was in his
death bed, he
weakly smiled and said,

"to die would be an awfully big adventure"

and with that,
his face,
that was shining light,
went out
like a candle.
Maggie Nov 2012
these roses in my garden,
they blossomed as white
as some fresh snow;

our love was just as
innocent and pure.

but it soon began
to fade away and jealousy
painted those roses red,

just like the blood in your

jealousy poisoned our
relationship and the rose,
making them both

Maggie Oct 2012
dip your quill
into a bottle
of ink of any color;
dip it once
or maybe twice,
or perhaps as
many times as
you wish.

start writing
on parchment
or on a napkin
that was laying
around at a cafe
where you were
having a time alone,
away from others.

why don't you crinkle
and wrinkle it,
only to throw it
onto the floor?

why not spray it
with some perfume
or cologne,
add some scent to it?

maybe dip it in
or set it above a
candle and watch it burn?

maybe allow yourself
to carefully open it up
and let others see what
it is you carry around with you?

others will try ripping it up
for you;
but you will rise above them
and piece the bits back
together again,
even when they say it's
Maggie Oct 2012
i licked, smacking my lips,
the frosting off of a
cinnamon bun
for the first time since
june of 2011;

it tasted bittersweet,
just like i remembered it last.

the only sweetness was
remembering that the night
we split one for the two of us,
was also the night when two
souls became one.

it took courage and true love
to eat something i didn't like to begin with.

the bitterness was
a combination of thoughts
and feelings of
betrayal and replacement,
just like the dough.

*it took everything to eat all of it,
it took everything to forget you.
a poem about my ex
Maggie Oct 2012
the moon keeps
all my darkest
secrets in its

yet the stars
tend to gossip
among each

each trying
to discover

about me.

the black
holes keep
trying to
**** me in;

the unknown
and the curious
lay beyond
that opening,

calling my name.

the milky way
holds all my
wildest dreams;

and the planets
help to protect
my sanity,

each keeping
my spirits high
and lifted up

from the ground.
Maggie Oct 2012
broken glass on the floor
spread out, oh so evenly.

you know,
i broke that mirror.

it was me, who realized
that beauty shatters
us all.

those vile words,
so twisted and cruel;
they, too, cut us until
we bleed.

we bleed
until we are pretty,
pretty enough
for ourselves

and no one else.
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