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Sep 2011 · 902
Magaly Smith Sep 2011
You hurt me
Not just outside but inside as well
Every since you did that to me
I'm terrified
Now everytime I change or
take a shower
I feel violated
That will happen again
Its like being ***** covered
with dirt
Even when I scrub myself hard
I just cant take off
How could you do that
Don't you have a heart?
I was so young
Now when you go to jail
I want you to look at my eyes
And say your truly sorry
You didn't just took away my innacense
but you also took away the little
girl inside of me
I try to speak,but felt like
no one couldn't hear me
Inside I feel like
Ive been hidng in a cave
It's time I come out
Once justice is served as deserved
I will finally live in peace
And move on.
This poem is dedicated to a friend of mine
if you got nothing nice to dont say at all
Sep 2011 · 977
Magaly Smith Sep 2011
Why is revenge so sweet to people?
Revenge of family,friend
does not bring them back to life
Think about it
Hating on killers does not bring to life
Killing of revenge does not either
Satisfaction on the killers dosnt either
Justice of their crimes,just dosent let
them die in vain.
If I had that pain
sometime's the best thing to do
is to do nothing
People let their emotions overrun themselves
Instead of thinking rationally
There's one difference of pain
what's the award for revenge?
killing them is not going leave
your heart in peace
If you don't have piece in your heart
your never going to be happy
Sep 2011 · 795
Magaly Smith Sep 2011
Finding yourself,
Growing up sure of what you want to be
So focused of your future
Suddenly you take on a different road
then what you wanted
You have no choice,
but to go on this road
You start sensing of what
life is really like
Without realizing
You start changing
And the person that you
thought you are is gone
And you've turned into to someone
who is more pure
You start thinking and not wanting
to back to the person
who you were before
You have found who you
truly are
I was hearing brad paisley 'find yourself'
Sep 2011 · 1.1k
Tree of Growth
Magaly Smith Sep 2011
A seed has been planted over the years
It's growing into a marvalous tree
The growth will not stop
until its death
Maybe even beyond then
The tree has a hard time
spreading its roots
It's getting harder for the core
to expand
Whose job is it to lend a hand?
The Man?
No,its the thing that makes up the tree
The tree is expanding,but violently
Its here to protect,of against any foe
And to ensure us we will be in one piece
I just thought of trees and america and tried to
make it as one
Sep 2011 · 855
Be You.
Magaly Smith Sep 2011
Theres no shame
In fact be proud of who you are
Not to be corrupted
love yourself
Love Yourself
Love Your Life
Love Your Family
Be your own voice
Do not be someone you are not
Because no one is more you then being YOU
Any doubts and insecurties
Block it out
Part of growing up is just being you
Everyone is growing up and chrildren
To God,we are his chrildren and will always be
I believe everyone has a child within themselves
They do not let it out
They are blind because of their jobs,families and
that you have to mature and be boring
I say the only thing you need to be is you.
Nothing else
I got an inspired by my mommy
This is in my own words.
no poet talking or anything
Its just raw,just the way I like it
Sep 2011 · 970
Magaly Smith Sep 2011
Everyday I face a war within myself
I look in the mirror and think
and how my family would be better without me
The troubles theyve gone through because of you
I look at my wrists,I clenched my fists and walk away
If only it was that simple
Knowing I need to get throught this
Thinking this way,is just not me
I'am not myself,to harm myself
I'am tired its just so much
What now?,Not sure
Everyday is gonna be a daily struggle
I know that for sure
I feel like cold,hard stone
I dont when,I dont how
I will climb out of this hole
and will see the light
And seek for help
If I could cry,I would
You would think I am happy,I'am not
I'm not miserable
Im just not me right now
I will comfront my demon within me
Because I do not know this girl Ive become
Outside,I'm the same silly girl
Inside,Im dry like the desert
I will find myself once and for all
This poem is based on how I felt like when I was depressed
Please if your a teenager and having these problems get help
I did,my mom I will always love her for that.
You are not worthless,love yourself for who are
Anyone,and everyone is unique including you
Sep 2011 · 969
Heart's Love
Magaly Smith Sep 2011
"I am sorry,we cant be as one,
My people wont except you" said Alexander the third
"You'll be in my heart,always and forever more" said Juliana
Both were crippled of their heart broken
Two people desired to be together
But cannot because of their rival kingdoms
The heart chooses what it wants,not the people
When they went public of their love
Both kings decided to have their heads
But the people can understand their love,
it seemed like from the heavens,the kings saw that
the people decided to have the kings heads instead
The people decided to crown
Alexander the third and Juliana
For showing compassion and,and having
A true heart
Like a real king and queen should have
I was watching Merlin,it got me the idea of a medieval poem
and a song from tarzan the cartoon
Aug 2011 · 1.4k
Not Knowing
Magaly Smith Aug 2011
Not Knowing you will live today,
but maybe not tomarrow
not knowing who you will be
but hoping you will find out tomarrow
Thats what keeps humans moving
It is not knowing
Because it may be joy,sadness,anger,confusion
Humans are significant
because we do not know what lies ahead
of each of our individual roads
There are some of us who think
they do not hope at all
They do,they hope of not hoping
Destroying hope each day that comes
Will be like destroying half of our human ways
We evolve around,even not knowing that we do
It is in our nature
We need hope.
Aug 2011 · 602
Magaly Smith Aug 2011
Today is Today
Yesterday was history,Tomarrow is mystery
But today it is gift
not because we will get presents tomarrow
but because
we are still breathing
Some people are corrupted by the wrong road
that lies ahead of them of drugs,alcohol,commmiting
When in the future they may not know
because of their death
One false move it may be your last
You last kiss,Your last spoken word
Yor last chance to see your family
So many deaths were made
past,present,and future
You have to...
You have to live like your dying
I just wrote this poem.Just because
Aug 2011 · 485
Magaly Smith Aug 2011
I cant sleep
I dont know whats going on my mind
Maybe its not whats in my mind
Maybe its whats outside
It could be family problems
It could be here Illinoise
Or it could just me
I dont have to blame myself
Its is completly normal to be nervous
Being in a place unknown
Where no one knows you,you dont know them
But I hope that in the future
People will accept me for being me,if not
that will be ok bcause Im different
I named this poem,Restless cause i couldnt sleep.
Aug 2011 · 1.5k
Strong Like A Rock
Magaly Smith Aug 2011
Shes tries to hard from absorbing
the truth is harder then absorb light,
not knowing these
future memories
will determine who she is
Although of her past
she can see theres a light of hope
Her strength and hopes returns
it shines as bright as the stars
Even when her past
is not perfect like rainbows and butterflies
She knows she'll be stronger then ever
This poem Is how I feel with my father.
Its not easy to accept the truth
expecially when your an teenager
Aug 2011 · 687
Searching for Answers
Magaly Smith Aug 2011
Does not matter anyone else thinks
It just matters how you speak
Your past makes of who you are
You can drive miles trying searching
who you are
You find who you are within yourself
You try to make a difference in any way
People try to solve how the Universe
is created
When they can just enjoy it as long as it lasts
Aug 2011 · 510
Magaly Smith Aug 2011
Why am I so troubled?
Is it because Im away from most of my family drama
Or is it because I just like to be isolated
I write,but no words
I feel somewhat a relief of the weight that has
been takin off
but dont know why
Maybe its because I wasnt truly happy at HOME
Of what was going on at my home
For the first time in a long time I feel
I wrote this because I just need it out of my head
Feb 2011 · 517
Like A Song
Magaly Smith Feb 2011
Were different people
maybe like a song
Its been a dream with you
A coin toss is thrown
like my heart
I cant help it but im curious
I hope you remember me too
Are we friends or more?
Can we climb from this hole?
But when were together
Its like theres a barely
lttle song being played back
For years ive been wishing
to bring us close every time
Were starting all over again
inspiration from camp rock,singer(demi lovato).song different summers
Jan 2011 · 497
Why Are Not There?
Magaly Smith Jan 2011
You are never around
you are but not fully there
Sometimes i wonder if
you ever think how i would feel
It never felt more real
Now,I think i dont know
what to do
Who could take your place?
Im only left with my brothers
,my sisters,my mom,and my stand.
How would you give a hand?
When are you gonna finally be
its just not fair.
Family needs family,how
are you gonna be that?
Easy,I guess I just have to ****
it up
Like Im forced to do.
written by Magaly Smith
Dec 2010 · 595
Will Be Missed
Magaly Smith Dec 2010
You were known as Michael Jackson
But also known as 'The King Of Pop"
You danced for our amazment and entertainment
But also cause you love dancing
You danced like no other man
That was why we crowned you The King Of Pop
You sang your heart out
You sangyour emotions for we could feel them to
You loved your family more then anything
Youve made alot of mistakes and we forgave you
cause we made alot of mistakes too.
Now that you gone youve taught us that
You can rise by yourself and if you want something go for it.
You will be missed derley
No matter what you wil always be "Our King Of Pop"
In Comtribute To Michael Jackson
Magaly Smith Dec 2010
I stare at the window
looking at the rain drops falling
down to the ground
When I see or think of rain I
think of you
I dont know why
I think of that lie
The clouds are the deepest but lightest grey
ever imagined
I think of whats happening between us
I get up without thinking
I start running in the rain
before I knew it I was in front of
your house
I paused then I knocked on your door
you answered it and gave me a big,
warm hug
I started crying because
I know its the right thing to do.
Dec 2010 · 510
Lonely Then Happy Again
Magaly Smith Dec 2010
i woke up today
wondering where have youve been all day
cause im too scared to face the truth
that your gone
something just went wrong
i started crying
cause im all alone
"maybe no one will notice me"
people started going towards me then hugged me
because they know what happened
as do i
ive lost my armor
im weak without you around
i got a valentines letter that i found
i cried until i could no longer cry any more
i fell down on my knees
my palms on the floor
wishing i didnt meet you at all
Then i heard footsteps coming my way
I saw a hand i looked up and
I couldnt believe it at all
he wiped tears off my face
gently as grace
from then on i knew he would
the one
Jun 2010 · 414
Together is Timeless
Magaly Smith Jun 2010
i love u
until the end of time
Separate it will last forever
Together time is endless with each other
Today, Tomorrow,Yesterday
we dont know when we'll meet
but we do know is that
We'll hold each other for
it could last forever
True love is never breaking each
others hearts
And the love has to be off the charts
Also when u die your beside
each other u look to up above
Knowing that is beyond love
im a fan of Taylor Swift so i use her songs for my inspiration into my poems i assure you none of here lyrics from her songs are in my poems  and FYI this poems thanks 4 reading my poems
Jun 2010 · 565
not happening
Magaly Smith Jun 2010
i dont know what to think
its beem 3 in a row
strike im out of the game
being with him is so lame
but i dont know maybe im going crazy
part of me is that i think your amazing
other part of me is that i think your fading
maybe if i close my eyes it'll go away
it wont g0 by day through
i know the problem will go if i just forget him and think hes gone forever
we both know that i cant do that, NEVER
So for now we are remaining as friends
As long as were together i know itll be fine as long as it lasts forever..♥
i was thinking of baseball  and i had a Taylor Swift song in my head when this poem happened
Jun 2010 · 691
I'll Love You Forever
Magaly Smith Jun 2010
Your shining bright as a star
Its like you came from mars
Your voice is chiming through the wind
I love it when you kiss me
As I do it to you
We have no reason of why we've fallen for each other
But were as light as a feather
Alone, we both know that were meant to be together
Nothing can separate us because were deeply in love
Into each other
The Universe has spoken and said "you two have to go in separate ways"
For both of us we know we'll meet again and still be in love
Till our next meeting we'll meet on top of the bridge under the moonlight
I'll be there my beautiful love
As to you "be there my handsome prince"
We'll meet with each others eyes once more
I'll hold your hand until my last breath
Together and Forever
Inspired by the Twilight saga and Taylor Swift

— The End —