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736 · Dec 2016
MAF Dec 2016
Do you want me to spell it out?
Or scream it to your face??
The chemistry between us,
Could destroy this place!
579 · Apr 2013
MAF Apr 2013
4 simple words that creates heedless meanings

I saw a beauty in the eyes of my other half.
a beauty that none of us could see with our naked eyes.
in that sudden moment,
fate being that cruel **** they always have
decided to take the only thing that I called mine.

How can I let you go when my heart still bleeds with anger and
my eyes cries chaperon with pure blood?

How can you!
How could you?
so selfishly decided to follow
what fate had decided for you?

This used to be our world.
our plan, our life!


how can I live, when my hands' missing yours.
when my heart stopped beating after you left.
my whole biological clock brume with stillness.

tell me, how can I?
572 · May 2012
Hey, Listen!
MAF May 2012
Do you want me to spell it out?

Or scream it to your face?

The chemistry between us could destroy this place!
565 · May 2012
To perceive with the eyes.
MAF May 2012
I can see the masterpiece in you.
In such a monotonous view,
I got deceived in the strokes of blue.
484 · May 2012
Losing game.
MAF May 2012
When all is nowhere near,
When life is no longer needed,
I came to see it clear,
How love need to be heeded.
403 · May 2012
Just that.
MAF May 2012
It's been four years.
Four ******* years.
Your name still on my list.
Funny thing is that it is on top of it.

I still remember the look on your face when you told me you love me.
These excruciating years that I've been through knowing that you're doing well out there,
And I'm here, trying to be something you miss.

I miss you.
And that's that.
381 · Dec 2016
Tell me
MAF Dec 2016
Tell me something I can hold on to and never let go?

The fact that a soul falling head over heels for you, who wants nothing more than to be with you right now

I've heard that before.
369 · May 2012
MAF May 2012
Sing me a song that will end in June,
for I shall be heard in the distance like the moon.
No amount of hatred can ruin your tune
I guess I just want to see you soon.

As life is a play that will break the heart
I know deep inside you will see the start.
This glare that I have won’t stop the heat.
I’m just hoping that you will play your part.

The love we share indeed is deep.
All your words are what I will only heed.
Sink me deep into the depths of your sleep.
Open my heart, please let it breathe.
329 · Dec 2016
MAF Dec 2016
I want to fall in love with a writer.
A legit, somber and nonchalant writer.

Because then, I can expect her to write sonnets about my look.
Haiku's about the way I kiss her in the most disturbing places.
I can expect her to write endless pages about how I've hurt her last night when I told her I needed space.

Because I bet she'll spend sleepless nights trying to figure out the perfect synonyms to define me. She'll perfectly describe how my lips taste, and how my eyes demand things.

I would wake up with poems. Just because.

Because then I know I could be immortal - in her papers.

I want to be someone's artwork. The idea of it at least.
297 · May 2012
MAF May 2012
Why you?
Why me?
Why us?
Why this?
Why now?
Why love?
Why heart?
268 · Dec 2016
MAF Dec 2016
What if I leave?
What if you stay?

What if you leave... when I stay?

— The End —