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1.1k · Dec 2012
The Lady Fox
Mae Queen Dec 2012
The lady fox
Runs swiftly
From others pain
And her own fear
Of slowly growing old
So she runs away
She does not dream
Dreams of sitting on porch steps
Growing old together
Dreams of children
And children's children
She has no time for dreams
She's the lady fox
She must run
She must overtake her enemy's
Her vibrant red coat
Must make haste
Into the forest green
She is the Lady Fox
She'll outrun it all.
1.1k · Dec 2012
Permission to Love.
Mae Queen Dec 2012
In this twisted world
That rose from the ashes
Of our crazy old one
We don't feel
We don't act on impulses
Heaven forbid
I beg permission
From a higher-up
Official men
In official suits
Submerged in official lives
I plea to you
God in black and white
Give me your stamp of approval
I need your permission
To love love love
I've got a man in mind
Acceptable income
A promising arrangement
He snowboards
Plays the banjo
He's a sweetie
Permission granted?
1.1k · Feb 2013
Mae Queen Feb 2013
My daddy told me
As I reached for another
Cinnamon heart
A moment on the lips
A lifetime on the hips
I still don't know what to think...
I might laugh it off
Or maybe get upset
Most likely I'll nod
And think about a time
When you would love me
994 · Dec 2012
Sea me
Mae Queen Dec 2012
A lion tamer
Couldn't keep me down
A doctors drugs
Couldn't drag me under
Nothing provided
By my society
Could tame the wild emptiness
Some do call the sea
But it's inside me
Inside my soul
the waves do roll
and I become the sea
Calm, vast, empty
to those who do not see
but for those who notice me
They spot my rocky coves
my floating islands
of discarded goods
They spy the world in me
Wild and outrageous
924 · Apr 2013
Strawberry Lips
Mae Queen Apr 2013
Oh that I live
I live and I live and I live
But what is this living?
When you are at home
And no ones life is on the line
Least of all your own
I want to feel alive
Not just be living
I want to break bones
Before they grow brittle
I dont want to limp along
I never want to grow old
I want to run forever
To be remembered
To hurt the cruel
And dance with the dejected
Make every day feel my breath
Everyone hear my heartbeat
As it slams through my chest
Oh that I am alive
But so rarely living
840 · Mar 2013
I'm a girl
Mae Queen Mar 2013
You make me so mad
And I just want to shout
Make you respect me
I want to feel dangerous
Let my heart grow hard
So I threaten to fight you
Stand up real tall
I could cause some damage
I'm ruthless in truth
Oh but you won't will you
You just start to laugh
And you call me  short
A pitiable 5"3
You're a big strong man
You couldn't hit me
I'm just a girl
Just a girl
773 · Feb 2013
The black hole girl
Mae Queen Feb 2013
In that moment
When he looked at her
She seemed small
Like a child
Sweet and innocent
Well loved

But then

She turns her head
Away from him
And the shining metel
Embedded in her face
Catches the light
The dark under her eyes
Pulls him in
Like a black hole
The sweet child in her
Is replaced
By her cold hard shield.
Okay I lied. I wrote it myself Tay
690 · Dec 2012
Mae Queen Dec 2012
You crumble me
Between your palms
I'm rubbed ragged
When you pull your hands apart
I slip to the mossy floor
Nothing but dust
You do this to me
And I trust
Trust that you mean the best
Trust that you'll retrieve me
From this forest underfoot
Pick me up
Make me whole
But I've crumbled
There's no going back
641 · Dec 2012
Mae Queen Dec 2012
We can hardly walk
Not now-ever?
Our guts are splitting
Our smiles taking over
Like little green army men
Bent on victory
Was there ever a time?
A splatter of moments
A twinkling age
when we weren't laughing
When the slightest provoke
Had us gasping for air
Everything in this simple world
Has my head spinning
So much delight
Secreted in hat boxes
Fading on shelves
At our grandparents homes
There's nothing alike
The nothingness in my skull
The loose grasp on decorum
You silly boy.
641 · Apr 2013
Heart Beat
Mae Queen Apr 2013
Ba ***
I feel the beat
Ba ***
Its everywhere
From my shaking mind
To my broken heart
And my bleeding fingers
It is constant
Reminding me of what I've done
Keeping me present
When I want to break
To shatter
Curl in a ball
On the floor of the train
Going nowhere
Going home.
Ba ***
627 · Dec 2012
Uncharted land mass.
Mae Queen Dec 2012
This body of land
Completely undiscovered
Much like your own
Not wanting to disrupt
Break the harmony
Tear apart the stillness
You walk on tiptoe
Your dancing shoes
Support your weight
You walk gingerly
This land is not yet yours
613 · Feb 2013
Words words words
Mae Queen Feb 2013
Words words words
Will they never suffice
William Shakespeare
Could create me a world
With nothing at all
But his malleable words
And next to him
I am but a bumbling fool
Destined to suffer
While you smile
And toss your charm about
Like yesterdays trash
If I had command
Of my twisting tongue
And bruised red lips
I would make you fall in love
With nothing but my pretty
Words words words.
608 · Feb 2013
Athiest Dreams
Mae Queen Feb 2013
Sometimes I think
I was the one made
After a long day
Once God had long been finished
His sixth gin and tonic
Then I think - Wait
I'm an athiest
560 · Feb 2013
Mae Queen Feb 2013
Good god my man
Do you want me to love you?
Throw myself at the ivory base
Of your precious little pedestal?
Well good luck with that one
You sweet confused child
Who hardens the wretched knot
Forever squeezing my chest
Strangling my heart and lungs
Don't play with me any longer
I'm trying my ******* hardest
To grow my young bones up
To wake up alone and proud
To be able to turn around
467 · Jan 2013
Take me Away
Mae Queen Jan 2013
One day
You tell me
We'll run away
That's what you say
I don't trust you
Your promise
Already broken
Already gone
If we were to run
Where could we go
No car no train
No **** money
Weighing down our pockets
Empty we would roam
And alone I'd go
Alone to go home.
408 · Dec 2012
Father like Son
Mae Queen Dec 2012
My child
Will never know
That you didn't love me
Whether I lie
Or just avoid the topic
I'll never tell him
How he came to be
I won't say you led me on
No commitment necessary
He'll never hear
About the months I cried
The food I didn't eat
The lies I told my loved ones
He's never know
That you walked out
That you said he didn't matter
That you didn't want him
I love him enough
That he'll never need to know
You'll never matter
Not to us.

— The End —