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Sep 2013 · 573
Mae Alyson Sep 2013
There are so many types of beautiful.
There's the one you see in the magazines.
The one that is as artificial as it is mesmerising.
There's the one that hits you like a jolt.
A sudden flash of something, maybe sunlight.
A ray of bright that blinds and inspires.

But you are my favorite type of beautiful.

Sep 2013 · 459
"Who you are"
Mae Alyson Sep 2013
Lately it seems,
you're into so many
different things.
While I've been sitting
on the sidelines of your
own self distruction.

I'm worried you'll
lose yourself.
I'm worried we'll
grow apart.
Because this person you're
looking for may not be
what you want.

and while you struggle
to find yourself,
I already know
who you are.

Sep 2013 · 502
Mae Alyson Sep 2013
I am not afraid to
fall in love.
I am afraid to
fall out of love.
I am afraid to forget what I
once felt for someone,
because I know what it's like
to be forgotten.

Aug 2013 · 690
Mae Alyson Aug 2013
A kiss on my wrist
won't fix the scars
on my heart.

Aug 2013 · 374
Mae Alyson Aug 2013
I understood.
Or maybe, I just said I did.
For the sake of dropping the subject
that made me feel so bitter.

I'm so happy for you.
Or maybe, I just said I was.
Because that is the right thing to do,
for someone you love.

I know it will hurt less when it's over.
Or maybe, I just said I knew.
Since lately the only things that make it numb,
are lies.

Mae Alyson Aug 2013
Don't talk about
like it's something
you know.
It isn't a game
that is easily beaten.
It is a battle you
It comes in flashes
more of
than of
It isn't beautiful.
The scars aren't
or a sign of worth.
They are a sign of
in the most
brutal way.
You took that razor,
you sliced your skin.
It wasn't to
show your pain
to the world.
It was to punish
for being the inevitable...
And if you find that
beautifully tragic,
look a little closer,
listen a little harder.
You have
no idea
what you're seeing.

Aug 2013 · 2.1k
"Old sneakers"
Mae Alyson Aug 2013
There's something about a pair of
old sneakers, that is just so hard to let go.
They were a part of you, for so many days.
They hold every
puddle you stepped in,
every blade of grass.
The gravel, the mud, the sand, the pavement;
it's all there.
So maybe it's not about
maybe its just about the travels, and the memories, the ones you don't want to let go.

Aug 2013 · 347
"Days and seconds"
Mae Alyson Aug 2013
Go ahead.
Judge me on
my mistakes.
But the days
are seconds,
and the
years are
and I can
afford to
**** up once
in a while...

Jul 2013 · 399
"3:16 am"
Mae Alyson Jul 2013
3:16 am

I am missing you.

I am missing the
still beat
of your

I am missing the
way your body
fits beside
mine and
warms me.

I am missing
your sleepy
green eyes
and the way they
becon me
back to my

3:17 am

I am missing you.

Jul 2013 · 503
"Tidal wave"
Mae Alyson Jul 2013
Its a tidal wave of sadness. I feel it creep up. I feel it swallow me completely, blurring my vision, what I once saw as important, now a figment.
This hurt is too much to bear and with every pounding heartbreak, I can tell. I can see that the end is near. But I refuse to plummet off the edge.
I'll be stronger than I am today, tomorrow. But tomorrow the me that I was today, will be washed away, the tidal wave collecting a new captive.

Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Mae Alyson Jul 2013
It seemed so stupid
the way the numbness
I perfected
only when
we're around.

And I still find it
that you manage
to pull me apart
by shattered

And maybe it was
your voice,
or the way you
sighed my

but whatever it
was, it
made me so,

so nervous..

Mae Alyson Jun 2013
He never looked more lovely
then in this state.

And his bruised lips
and blue eyelids were the only proof
she needed.

She admired his missing heartbeat
and fragile bones.

Because his pink lips never
spoke her name
And only this way

She could imagine that
they once did.

Jun 2013 · 303
"Call. Ask. Say."
Mae Alyson Jun 2013
If you miss me;

If you need me;

If you love me;

Just don't stay quiet.

Jun 2013 · 489
Mae Alyson Jun 2013
I am waiting for the impossible to happen.
And I am searching for something invisible.
But that does not mean my dreams are unreachable,
or unattainable.
It only means that I am dreaming big.
And in this world, that is all we can do...

Jun 2013 · 417
Mae Alyson Jun 2013
You say I'm unreliable;
But I'm the steadiest thing
You've got.

Yet, tomorrow you'll forget me,
Without a single thought.

Jun 2013 · 337
Mae Alyson Jun 2013
How can you deny
what you once felt,
if what you felt,
you felt so strongly.

How can people change
so dramatically,
and so quickly,
without a single notice.

How can you pretend
you don't know me,
when  yesterday,
I was your sky.

Jun 2013 · 2.6k
"Muddy boots"
Mae Alyson Jun 2013
They say there's always sunlight
after the rain.
But what about the mud;
the mud that sticks to your boots.

The mud you trail everywhere
even after the rain ends.

Jun 2013 · 388
Mae Alyson Jun 2013
There are many bad things in the world,
but some good things include:

-warm blankets
-hot coffee
-rainy days

Jun 2013 · 800
Mae Alyson Jun 2013
I'm tired of expecting from those
who won't give.
I'm living a life that isn't
worth it to live.

Jun 2013 · 705
Mae Alyson Jun 2013
As far as I knew;
Loving you was a reflex.
But now it's too much.

Jun 2013 · 666
Mae Alyson Jun 2013
I felt your tender touches;
So close, so near.
But I couldn't perceive them,
Clothed by fear.

You said it was for the best,
But by god it hurt.
You tried to wash me off your hands
Like I was dirt.

I guessed you had your reasons,
But you didn't have to lie.
Because I knew when you didn't kiss back,
That was our last goodbye.

Jun 2013 · 418
"Float away"
Mae Alyson Jun 2013
When and if you fell for me,
I wanted it to hurt.
I wanted you to bruise your knees,
just like I had done for you.
But you didn't fall; not even close.
All you did was float away.
And that hurt more than any bruise.

Jun 2013 · 351
"Sweet light"
Mae Alyson Jun 2013
Maybe I was lost;
And maybe you were right.

But in what seemed like tragedy,
I found the sweetest light.

It tasted like wet pavement,
Just after it pours.

And hit me like sunlight;
After a rough storm.

Jun 2013 · 327
"Bitter-sweet hope"
Mae Alyson Jun 2013
Your faith was shattered;
And so was mine.

So we found our refuge;
in the unkind.

We kissed our own scars,
And broke our own hearts.

With nothing but the bitter-sweet idea...
Of hope.


— The End —