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Madison Jackson Mar 2013
I am the melody that sends shivers through your skin.

I am the song stuck in your head
Though my song isn’t the prettiest

You are the harmony that fills the void in my tune
As I wander up and down the scale
Jumping octaves
Skipping notes

You are the consistent beat of the drums
Holding my song together
Keeping me in the right measure
I could not play this song without you

I am the black keys
You are the white
Though we could play a chord without the other
That’s not the song I’d write

Let’s write a song that’s never been heard
We’ll hammer keys with fingers held firm

Intent on composing life’s perfect score
We’ll keep playing when our fingers grow sore

Hold down the pedal to sustain our sound
Crescendo to Fortissimo
And never slow down

My Melody
Your Harmony
Until the curtain call.
Madison Jackson Mar 2013
I like to come in
and lie on my bed
With the window open
and blinds all the way up
To let the sun warm me up
and the breeze make me curl
Into a lopsided ball
with a blanket on my feet.

I like to stay there for a few hazy minutes
To think about all the things
I don’t want to do
And to summon the energy required to perform tasks
That require so little physical force
It’s embarrassing.

I like to think that I deserve a break
Because I woke up so early and had to face the cold
Of this winter that produced so little snow
So I roll over and grab a connecting device.
I like to lie on my stomach or side
While looking through pictures of beautiful places
And beautiful people
And beautiful ideas
To tell myself that’s where and who I want to be.

I like to believe that staying here
Mostly doing unenjoyable tasks
That make my body and mind feel bad
Is going to pay off in a few years.
I like to imagine that I am brave
Enough to admit to myself
That this is not really for me
Because I am not happy.

I like to put the thoughts
Of the unfortunate facts
Concerning my approaching death
Out of my head.
I like to understand that I am being too dramatic
On the subject of my life and my feelings
Because in the big picture
what I want
is not important
So I should come back
and lie on my bed.
Madison Jackson Mar 2013
Terrible with names
Instantly recognize faces
Afraid of being alone
Find comfort in open spaces
I have the need for love
Not the ability to show
Living in an empty world
Longing for someone to know
As time passes, ever so slow
The feeling of regret turns hollow
The seasons may change outside my window
My cold world seems not to grow
Longing for someone to know
I watch the individual snowflakes flutter, just so
I hope to have one touch me
To show I'm not alone
But they always blend into my world below
Longing for someone to know
Madison Jackson Mar 2013
your words fall soft
as i breathe you in
i love the way you watch me
the way you feel my skin
i love the way you look in the dark
i hear your heart beat fast
with my head close to your chest
you kiss by the book
making me weaker every time
every love song starts to make sense
with every minute i begin to understand
every note
every line
i swear was written for you
Madison Jackson Mar 2013
and I sit here
and wait for something
to change
expecting change to magically
happen inside of me
waiting instead of doing
putting off instead of doing
putting off instead of doing
why do when I can just put off?
I will eventually do it,
or forget to do it.
Then I will have an excuse, I forgot.
a valid excuse.
I keep telling myself
that I need to change my ways,
be more on top of things,
get things done.
but I don’t act.
I say, tomorrow will be the day
i change.
it all starts tomorrow.
then tomorrow is today
and nothing happens.
so I say, tomorrow will be the day!
then today is yesterday
and tomorrow is today
and nothing has happened.
I feel no different,
no different than yesterday. responsibility can wait,
I am too tired
and it is too heavy
so tired
all I can say is
tomorrow will be the day.
Madison Jackson Mar 2013
the lights stack up
to heaven and tonight
i think i’m closer to
god than i’ll ever be.
as i reach out my
arm and point my
finger to the sky
another star appears and
i think to myself “am
i creating that?”
i’d tear down the sky
if you asked me to,
i’d burn down the
earth if evil prevailed.
are we nothing more
than stardust floating
through yet another
afterlife? are we drawn
together by our similarities,
or just put together by
chance? i’d answer every
question if i was your
creator, but i’m not and
i wish i could be because
however you got here, you
got here pretty **** perfect.
Madison Jackson Mar 2013
I think I would be cooler if
I were in Savage Garden…
or maybe if I were Ms.Pac-Man.

I could munch those
brightly glowing
crystalline spheres
straight into your heart,
only to be consumed
by the array of multicolored ghosts
that dwell inside.

But, resting among the bones,
I would rise again to join my new
poly-chromatic, phantom friends,
and wail ****** college love songs
for hope that maybe
you would hear.
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