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Madison Jackson Mar 2013
I am a leviathan
I love like a shipwreck.
I am warm darkness
in the belly of the beast.
I'll swallow you whole.

I am envy,
I love like a sea monster.
I am calm and terror,
the rusted anchor
at the pit of a drowning
man's stomach. I am
salt water, flooding your lungs.

I am years of tempest
and unending rain,
I am an oil spill on black ocean.
I am windstorm; I smother, I take,
I love like a death sentence.
Madison Jackson Mar 2013
ignorance follows me around every corner
and i’m tired of running away to avoid it
i live in a world where post-**** abortions must be proven to be legit
where ****** is advertised to come with a free **** kit
this world is a place where musicians make more than the president
and foreign residents with phd’s are struggling to make ends meet
a continent is left to die to the beat of the greed and street crime
the faces of the dying people don’t look like mine, so i guess it’s fine
i can carry a television with me in my pocket and make phone calls on it
there’s a hit reality show about a five year old girl dressed up like a corner ***
child molesters are taking fashion notes for their dungeon homes
fairy tales are profitable and everyone is worried about a zombie apocalypse
the living dead exist miserably in mass housing and arthritis has destroyed their threat of violence
we are now split in a rational debate over fulfillment of two thousand year old myths or if aliens will come back for us
and a man gets top billing in a national political conference to talk to a chair about war and the capital deficit
actresses are paid thousands of dollars to put make up on and get punched in the face
gladiatorial arts to amuse the masses resurrected for the television age
bread and circuses but there’s no bread left so let’s give them a show
i’m rambling like a crazy man but i don’t see the cameras rolling so it’s all for naught
Madison Jackson Mar 2013
I still laugh at your stories,
Not caring that it's the fifth time
Only to see your body
With that fever
of a laugh.
Your body is a bell,
I would pull that rope
For that blessing of a smile
And not care for the damage
To myself.

— The End —