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Jan 2014 · 467
The Price of Happiness
Madison Evans Jan 2014
I used to be eloquent,
Back when I was depressed.
I always knew what to say,
How to string words together until
Everything sounded intelligent, till it all sounded right.
Now my thoughts get jumbled
Between my head and my mouth.
What I want to say
Just no longer comes out.
My tongue feels heavy, I can't use it to speak,
I now stutter sometimes,
God. That makes me feel weak.
And my fingers are lead
On this keyboard
So I'm sorry if these words don't drop like pearls from your lips.
They just don't flow like they used to.
Maybe they never will again.
Jan 2014 · 2.3k
He Loves.
Madison Evans Jan 2014
He loves many things,
Robbaz and skyrim,  
KSP and Dark Souls,
Special K Red Berry with strawberry milk.
Double cheeseburgers with bacon,
Burning things to watch the fire,
Doing well and getting A's,
Movies that are vaguely 80's ish.
South Park, snuggles, and ***.

And maybe. Just maybe, hopefully, possibly, me.

— The End —